Registration Register here to join this year's career day. Vorwort Standard Data Processing By completing and submitting this form, I agree that my personal data will be electronically stored and processed by the GGL for the purpose management of my attendance only. I agree that data can be transferred to service providers during the GGL Career Day. I can revoke this release at any time by writing a message to PERSONAL INFORMATION Form of adress Mr. Ms. Mx. Academic Title None Dr. Prof. Other Given Name Family Name E-Mail Adress Your Status Student Doctoral Candidate Postdoc Other In what year of your doctoral studies are you? Please enter "0" if you're not currently working on a doctoral degree. AFFILIATION Are you a member of one of the following institutions? Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (JLU) Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) The Philipp-University of Marburg Other If other, please specify I.e. your institute, faculty or company. Are you a GGL member? Yes I am I am a GGL alumni No I am not CAREER DAY SPECIFICS Would you like to have your CV checked? yes, in English yes, in German no, thank you Update 13 March 2024: All slots for CV-Checks are now filled How did you hear about the GGL Career Day? GGL Website GGL E-Mail Announcement JLU Newsletter JLU Calendar Poster Other SUBMIT clear all entries