Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

IPP Kohorten

  • Absalon, Beate
    Ästhetiken von Einvernehmlichkeitspraktiken in zeitgenössischen partizipativen Performances und queer-feministisch-sexpositiven Bildungsräumen
  • El Maarouf, Farouk
    The Aesthetics of the Margin: Vernacular Art Communities, Curious Dealers, Unorthodox Art Consumers, and Alternative Perceptions in Contemporary Morocco
  • Kalte, Isabella
    (Dis-)Respecting Respectability: Narrative Negotiations of Caribbean Femininities and Resistance in Post-millenial Anglo-Caribbean Fiction Genre Fiction
  • Louw, Louise
    From Shikata Ga Nai to Never Again. Diachronic Shifts in Japanese American and Canadian Internment Narratives from 1949 to the Present
  • Probst, Robin
    Mensch - Maschine - Masken. Hybride Konfigurationen seit 1800
  • Quast, Fiona
    Acá Estamos - Digital Media Self-Representations of the African Diaspora(s) of Spanish-Speaking Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020 – 2023
  • Sadowska, Aleksandra
    Negotiating ‘Pained’ Selves in Contemporary Irish Women’s Memoirs
  • Saupe, Juliane
    Semiotiken des Begehrens. Dimensionen der (Nicht-)Darstellung von Sexualität im Sammlungsdisplay des Museum of Modern Art, New York im Jahr 2022
  • Meike Wiegand
    Narratives in the Life Sciences. Hermeneutic and narratological approaches to Experimental Systems and their societal implications in the postgenomic age