Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

IPP Kohorten

  • Alinezhadi, Ehsan
    Cultural Context Shaping Adaptations; A Transmedial Comparison between Adapted Persian and Anglo-American Movies and Plays
  • Antweiler, Katrin
    Memorialising the Holocaust in Human Rights Museums: A comparative analysis of memory politics in the light of Global Citizenship Education
  • Bauer, Liza
    Livestock in the Laboratory of Literature: The Cultural and Ethical Work of Farm Animal Representations in Anglophone Thought Experiments
  • Boucher, Marie-Christine
    Kulturelle Übersetzungsprozesse in transnationaler deutschsprachiger Literatur: Theoretisches Modell und Beispielsanalyse aus zeitgenössischen Romane
  • Casazza, Silvia
    W.G. Sebalds selbstreflexive Reisefiktion. Poetik und ethisches Potential des kulturellen Erinnerns
  • Flaß, Alexander
    The Body and/as Art in Contemporary American Literature
  • Kaufmann (geb. Heidrich), Anna
    Zur Narratologie des Schweigens. Erzählte Erinnerungslücken und Identitätsbrüche in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur
  • Kappe, Jennifer
    Depression Memoirs between Vulnerability and Resilience. A Genre in German and Anglophone Literature of the 21st Century from a Cultural Narratological Perspective
  • Karpa, Romana
    Concepts and Methods of Literary Analysis in French Thematic Criticism
  • Klaubert, Hannah
    Narrating the Imperceptible – Eco-Consciousness and Posthuman Becoming in German Culture after Chernobyl
  • Marcotte, Tanja
    Theatralität bei Kafka - Techniken des Theaters als erzählerische Mittel
  • Rapisardi, Eleonora
    Challenging Colonial Epistemology, Negotiating Diasporic Cultural Imaginaries. Polyphonic Narration in Hispaniola and Cuba’s American Contemporary Fiction
  • Spirkovska, Marija
    Disturbia: Poetics of Urban Psychopathology in the Anglophone City Novel (1980-2020)