Piera Mazzaglia
- Über mich
Piera Mazzaglia is the current coordinator for the Curriculum, Evaluation and Dokumentation of the Graduate Cente for the Study of Culture (GCSC), of the Justus Liebig University, Gießen.
At the same institution, being a double member at the IPP and GCSC, she is also a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature, working on her research project titled: " Unpublished 19th century Love Letters in Italy, Germany and England: Materiality and Performativity in Everyday Love Letter Writing".
- Kontakt
Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) /
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
Telefon: +49 (0) 641 / 99-30 041
E-Mail: gcsc
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 12, 35394 Gießen
- Vorträge
- 'Materiality and Performativity of Love´s Expressions in 19th Century Unpublished Love letters written by Everyday Lovers'. Sept/Oct 2024, Inscribing Love: the Materialisation of Affects in a Global Perspective, Cluster of Excellence/Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Hamburg.
- 'The Underestimated Power of Letter Writing: between Admiration and Social Protest'. June 2024, ´Amities epistolaires entre ecrivains et lectures/Epistolary friendships between writers and readers´,Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse, France) .
- 'The Materiality of Love in 19th Century Love Letters '. March 2024, NeMLA´s 55th Annual Convention, Boston, United States.
- ´New Ways of Representing Love on Social Media: is the Future of Love Letter Writing really at Stake?'. July 2023, Future Futures, XIII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture, Lisbon, Portugal.
- ´New Ways of representing Love on Social Media´, June 2023, Bouncing Forward: Future Narratives, Scenarios and Transformations in the Study of Culture, ESSCS and TransHumanities Joint Summer School, Gießen, Germany.
- 'Materiality and Performativity of Love´s Expressions in 19th Century Unpublished Love letters written by Everyday Lovers'. Sept/Oct 2024, Inscribing Love: the Materialisation of Affects in a Global Perspective, Cluster of Excellence/Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Hamburg.
- Publikationen
- Mazzaglia P., Presago M., Radny K., Song Z. 2023. “Report on ESSCS/TransHumanities Joint Summer School 2023 'Bouncing Forward: Future Narratives, Scenarios and Transformation in the Study of Culture.'” KULT_online, 68. https://doi.org/10.22029/ko.2023.1417
- Mazzaglia P., " ‘Alles Andere ist jetzt eben nichts mehr. Bist du ja jetzt meine ganze Welt.’ An unedited love correspondence from the nineteenth century: an Analysis"; Peer reviewed,2024-01-10, Komparatistik online, Ausgabe 2023:2023, https://www.komparatistik-online.de/
- Mazzaglia P., “Of Glass Fishes and Crystal Chandeliers: The (Important) Role of Material Culture Within Changing Times”. 2023. KULT_online, no. 67 (May). https://doi.org/10.22029/ko.2023.1381.
- Forschungsinteressen
- Comparative Literature
- 19th Century English, German and Italian Literature
- Love letters
- Material Culture Studies
- Performative Studies
- History from Below
- Projekte
- Lehre
-Winter term 2024/ Blockseminar: Literarisches Schreiben im Deutschunterricht
-Winter term 2024/ Daf Lehrerin Abendkurse JLU- Deutsch als Fremdsprache
-Winter term 2024/ Workshop: The Mysterious World of Archives: an Introduction and Tips on how to Conduct Effective Archival Research
-Winter term 2024: Lecturer for Italian/Language classes
-Summer term 2023/ Seminar: Liebesbriefe und Kulturelle Archive
-Summer term 2023/Daf Lehrerin Abendkurse JLU- Deutsch als Fremdsprache
-Summer-winter term 2023: Lecturer for Italian/ Language classes
-Winter-summer term 21-22: Italian Lectures for Italian language and culture at the Hugo Ball Gymnasium, Pirmasens, Germany.
-Summer 2022/ English, Italian and German Language teacher, SPRACHRAUM school, Pirmasens, Germany.
-Winter 2021/English and German teacher, Lern Academy, Pirmasens, Germany.
-Winter-summer 2019/2020: Italian teacher at the Gabrieli Gymnasium, Eichstätt, Germany.
- Mitgliedschaften
-DACH Victorianists
- Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
-Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
-Mentoring Hessen
-Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
- International PhD Programme in Literary Studies (IPP)
- Sonstiges
-Member og the GCSC Equal Opportunities Commettee (term 2024/24)-elected
-Member of the GCSC Selection Commettee (term 2023-24)-elected
-Speaker of AG Writing (winter term 2023)-elected