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Emilio Aguas Rodriguez |
The (de)colonisation of the archive for the Colombian pluriverse. counter‐narratives from the afro and the indigenous, speculative and science fiction narratology as a methodology for the development of a sentipensante audiovisual anarchive. GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Langenohl |
Encounter of Actors with Diverse Mental Abilities: A Case Study on Theater Thikwa GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst Stromajer |
Alexandros Balatsoukas |
From Empire to Nation‐State: The Emergence of Modern Turkey GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Immig |
How knowledge about open data is created: analysis of formal international rankings and community‐based practices GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Langenohl |
Hatunnur Ciftci
House of Terror: Domestic Spaces and Queer Counter‐Spaces in Contemporary British Fiction GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Greta Olson |
Changes of transcollective memory structures of the Ovaherero and Nama genocide in the course of recognition processes GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Langenohl |
Negotiating Identity in Diasporic Lebanese Anglophone Literature of the Post-Civil War Era GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Jan Rupp |
Millennium Pop – self‐spirituality, globalization, and ecology in mainstream music GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Claudia Bullerjahn |
In Pursuit of Happiness? Exploring Forms of the Good Life in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction. GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning |
Decommunization in the Urban Space of Ukraine: Discourses, Identities and Symbols GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Langenohl |
The Slapstick Gap ‐ komische Körper und gegenderte Gags im Stummfilm GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Gerald Siegmund |
Age, Gender, and Agency in Soviet and Post‐Soviet Children’s Literature GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann |
I am immortal: an investigation of parasitism and mutuality in expired food GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wahlen |
Dramatizing Mass Shootings on the Contemporary American Stage: Theater and the Public ‐Negotiation of a Nation in Crisis GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Greta Olson |
Universals and Specific Features of Cliched and Poetic Epitaphs in Slavic Languages GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender |
Visuelle Interpretationen und Erzeugung von Welt - Künstlerische Reflexionen zu Un‐/Sichtbarkeiten im Dispositiv der Überwachung GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Ruby |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lange |
Blank‐Sign Protests in Light of Past Cultural Interventions of Absence and Monochrome Spaces GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Claudia Hattendorff |
Dr. Pieter Verstraete
Storytelling Techniques in The 21st Century: An Intermedial Approach IPP XXII |
Schreibweisen der Depression in der ukrainischen und belarusischen Gegenwartsliteratur GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann |
The Invisible Camps: Improvised Refugee Camps: Driving Factors, Impacts, and Recommended Policies GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide |
Collective Memory in Colombia: A strategy to reconstruct historical recounts, resist, and re‐exist in ethnic territories GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters |
Janina Schlüsselburg
Affective Artifacts of Migration: How Images of Migration Influence Human Rights Discourse GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Greta Olson |
Women with Magical Powers in Fairy Tale Retellings from the 19th to the 21st Century: Ideological Implications from a Cognitive Perspective GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Jan Alber |
Zwischen kulturellen Identitäten und literarischen Traditionen. Interdependenzen von Geschlecht und Narration in Guzel’ Jachinas Roman „Ėšelon na Samarkand“ GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Graf |
Das postpolitische Subjekt. Der Funktionswandel der Öffentlichkeit aus kultursoziologischer Perspektive GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens |
Extreme Geschichtsbilder als Herausforderung für die Geschichtsdidaktik –Vergangenheitsdiskurse und strategische Kommunikation in unterschiedlichen Medien der Neuen Rechten GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Vadim Oswalt |
Sprechen über Heimat ‐ Erinnerungsbilder über Flucht, Vertreibung und Integration in narrativen Interviews mit Vertriebenen und deren Nachkommen in Hessen GCSC 18 |
Prof. Dr. Hannah Ahlheim |
Changing Perspectives on Migration and Homemaking in Irish Memoirs of the 19th and 20th Century GCSC 18, IPP XXII |
Prof. Dr. Jan Alber |
Gayaz Isxakiy: Der russländlisch-tatarische Autor und sein Schreiben zwischen Islam, Soziolismus und Nationalismus IPP XXII |