Keynotes, Kurzbeiträge
- Stoffwechsel reloaded: Säure-Basen-Haushalt in der Nutztierpraxis, Cattle Camp 2022, Triesdorf, Germany, June 9. – 11. 2022, Triesdorf, Germany
- Hypokalzämie des Rindes, mehr als nur Ursache für Festliegen. Tagung Netzwerk Nutztiere – Erfolgreich durch die Startphase. Mai 28. 2022, Zollikhofen, Switzerland
- Rehydration in diarrheic calves: Strategies and pitfalls European Veterinary Congress 2022, April 21. 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Drenching cows: A powerful tool that has its limitations. European Veterinary Congress 2022, April 21. 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Managing electrolyte imbalances to reduce post-partum diseases. International Web-Congress of SIVAR 2020, October 7-9. and 15.-16. 2020
- Reproductive tract disorders and post-partum electrolyte imbalances. International Web-Congress of SIVAR 2020, October 7-9. and 15.-16. 2020
- Welche Anforderungen muss eine labordiagnostische Untersuchung erfüllen um zu einer richtigen Diagnose zu kommen? 10. Leipziger Tierärztekongress, January 16. – 18. 2019, Leipzig, Germany
- Innere Medizin des Rindes: Noch zeitgemäß oder Relikt vergangener Tage? 10. Leipziger Tierärztekongress, January 16. – 18. 2019, Leipzig, Germany
- Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der peripartalen Kalziumhomöostase. Was sich bewährt hat und was nicht. Bpt Kongress 2019, October 17.-19. 2019, Munich, Germany
- Disturbances of the potassium and phosphorus metabolism in periparturient dairy cows. VEERkracht Dairy Congress 2019, January 30.-31. 2019, Kamerik, The Netherlands
- Hypocalcemia in cattle: A new perception of an old problem (webinar). 5. International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners, January 24.-24. 2019, Theran, Iran
- Future perspectives for farm animal internal medicine. Towards a new balance between disciplines within veterinary medicine. 30th World Buiatrics Congress. August 28. – September 1. 2018, Sapporo, Japan
- Hypocalcemia in cattle: A new perception to an old problem. 14. International Conference of the National Research Institute in Pulawy. And the Polish Buiatrics Association “Selected non-infectious diseases in the pathology of ruminants“, April 13.-14. 2018, Pulawy, Poland
- Metabolismo e implicaciones tecnicas del fosforo en el periparto. 22. Congreso internacional de medicina bovina. June 28.-30. 2017, Pamplona, Spain
- Diagnostico a pie de vaca e implicaciones clinicas del potasio. 22. Congreso internacional de medicina bovina. June 28.-30. 2017, Pamplona, Spain
- Cohrs I, Wilkens M.R, Wächter S, Golbeck L, Scheu T, Grünberg W. (2021): Estimation of dietary phosphorus requirements of dairy cows during the dry period by means of a biomarker for bone resorption. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie (GfE) 2021; 16.-19. März 2021, digital
- Grünberg W, Cohrs I, Golbeck L, Brouwers J, Schmicke M. (2019): Liver function and composition in states of phosphorus deficiency in transition dairy cows. European Bovine Congress 2019; ‘sHertogenbosch, Niederlande
- Grünberg W, Muscher-Banse A.S, Köhler O, Rajaeerad A, Schnepel N, Hansen K, Wilkens MR. (2019): Dietary phosphorus restriction induces bone mobilization, downregulates Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in bone and interferes with vitamin D metabolism. International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP), 3.-6.September 2019; Leipzig
- Grünberg W, Muscher-Banse A.S, Köhler O, Rajaeerad A, Schnepel N, Hansen K, Wilkens MR. (2019): Dietary phosphorus restriction induces bone mobilization, affects acid-base balance and downregulates synthesis of Fibroblast Growth Factor23 in bone. 17th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD), 27.- 29. Juni 2019; Bern, Schweiz
- Eisenberg SWF, Ravesloot L, Koets AP, Grünberg W. (2018): Effect of dietary phosphorus deprivation on leukocyte function in transition cows. 50. National Congress der Italian Association for Buiatrics, 11.-13. Oktober 2018; Bologna, Italien
- Grünberg W, Scherpenisse P, Cohrs I, Golbeck L, Dobbelaar P, van den Brink L, Wijnberg ID. (2018): Phosphorus balance in muscle tissue and muscle function in dairy cows undergoing dietary phosphorus deprivation during the transition period. 30. World Buiatrics Congress, 28. August 28.-1. September 2018; Sapporo, Japan
- Golbeck L, Cohrs I, Leonhard-Marek S, Grünberg W. (2018): Effectofdehydrationandacidemia on thepotassiumcontentofmuscletissueanderythrocytes in calveswithneonataldiarrhea. 30. World Buiatrics Congress, 28. August -1. September 2018; Sapporo, Japan
- Cohrs I, Wilkens MR, Grünberg W. (2018): Effect of dietary phosphorus deprivation antepartum on the calcium homeostasis of periparturient dairy cows. 30th World Buiatrics Congress, 28. August -1. September 2018; Sapporo, Japan