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I wish to have vegetary food during the school.
We can offer bus transfer from Gießen train station to the castle and back...
Example of structured abstract: Abstract Title First Name(s) Surnamea, First Name(s) Surnamea, First Name(s) Surnameb, First Name(s) Surnamec, First Name(s) Surnamea a Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country b Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country c Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country Within the main text please without subheadings please cover the following points: Background/Aims: What is the major problem that prompted the study? Methods: How was the study performed? Results: What are the most important findings? Conclusion: What is (are) the most important conclusion(s)? Space limit: 3000 characters including spaces (maximum: 250 words excluding title and affiliations).