Publikationen 2011
Ackermann Y, Curtui V, Dietrich R, Gross M, Latif H, Märtlbauer E, Usleber E (2011)
Widespread occurrence of low levels of alternariol in apple and tomato products, as determined by comparative immunochemical assessment using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 6360-6368
Akineden Ö, Fernández-Silva JA, Weirich S, Abdulmawjood A, Bülte M (2011)
Comparion of two decontamination procedures, three culture media, and real time-PCR assay for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) from artificially contaminated raw sausages.
J. Food Saf. Food Qual. 62: 145-188
Akineden O, Hassan AA, Schneider E, Usleber E (2011)
A coagulase-negative variant of Staphylococcus aureus from bovine mastitis in milk.
J. Dairy Res. 78: 38-42
Aldaek TAA, Failing K, Wehrend A, Klymiuk MC (2011)
Beeinflussung der Blutkonzentration von Glukose und organischem Phosphat durch Infusion 5 und 20%iger Glukoselösung bei Milchkühen.
Tierärztl. Prax. 39 (G): 143-147
Al-Khleif A, Roth M, Menge C, Heuser J, Baljer G, Herbst W (2011)
Tenacity of mammalian viruses in the gut of leeches fed with porcine blood.
J. Med. Microbiol. 60: 787-792
Alkis I, Cetin Y, Sendag S, Wehrend (2011)
Long term suppression of oestrus and prevention of pregnancy by deslorelin implants in rats.
Bull. Vet. Inst. Pulawy 55: 237-240
Bartels A, Bülte M (2011)
Enterobacteriaceae und coliforme Keime in Gewürzen und Instantprodukten: Erfahrungen aus der Routinediagnostik.
RFL 63: 385-387
Barth S, Schwanitz A, Bauerfeind R (2011)
Polymerase chain reaction-based method for the typing of F18 fimbriae and distribution of F18 fimbrial subtypes among porcine Shiga toxin-encoding Escherichia coli in Germany.
J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 23: 454-464
Bauer C (2011)
Baylisascariose (Baylisascaris procyonis) - eine seltene parasitäre Zoonose in Europa.
Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 124: 465-472
Bauer C, Brahm R, Daugschies A, Kietzmann M, Kohn B, Moritz A, Schnieder T, Wendland B (2011)
Recommendation for the combatting of diseases transmitted through vectors in cats and dogs.
Kleintierpraxis 56: 373-385
Bauer C, Brahm R, Daugschies A, Kietzmann M, Kohn B, Moritz A, Schnieder T, Wendland B (2011)
Empfehlung zur Bekämpfung von durch Vektoren übertragenen Krankheiten bei Hunden und Katzen: Auszüge der deutschen ESCCAP-Empfehlung Nr. 5: Von Zecken übertragene Erkrankungen.
Prakt. Tierarzt 92: 662-673
Bauer NB, Er E, Moritz A (2011)
Influence of blood collection technique on platelet function and coagulation variables in dogs.
Am. J. Vet. Res. 72: 64-72
Beckmann S, Hahnel S, Dissous C, Cailliau K, Browaeys E, Grevelding CG (2011)
Characterization of the Src/Abl hybrid-kinase SmTK6 of Schistosoma mansoni.
J. Biol. Chem. 286: 42325-42336
Biel M, Klumpp S, Peppler C, Kramer M, Thiel C (2011)
Therapie von Pankreastumoren durch partielle Pankreatektomie mittels linearem Stapler bei drei Hunden.
Tierärztl. Praxis 39 (K): 441 - 447
Bijsmans ITGW, Bouwmeester RAM, Geyer J, Faber KN, van de Graaf SFJ (2011)
Homo- and heterodimeric architecture of the human liver Na+-dependent taurocholate cotransporting protein NTCP.
Biochem. J. 441: 1007-1015
Bokemeyer J, Fischer A, Sadan M, Kramer M, Gerwing M (2011)
Pankarpale Arthrodese unter Verwendung einer “CastLess Plate” bei Hunden und Katzen.
Tierärztl. Praxis 39 (K): 7 - 16
Bokemeyer J, Peppler C, Kramer M (2011)
Osteotomie in der Veterinärmedizin bei Hund und Katze.
OP-Journal 27: 1-5
Bokemeyer J, Peppler C, Thiel C, Failing K, Kramer M, Gerwing M (2011)
Prostatic cavitary lesions containing urine in dogs.
J. Small Anim. Pract. 52, 132 – 138
Boll H, Bag S, Nölte IS, Wilhelm T, Kramer M, Groden C, Böcker U, Brockmann MA (2011)
Double-contrast micro-CT colonoscopy in live mice.
Int. J. Colorectal Dis. 26: 721 - 727
Boll H, Nittka S, Doyon F, Neumaier M, Marx A, Kramer M, Groden C, Brockmann MA (2011)
Micro-CT based experimental liver imaging using a nanoparticulate contrast agent: a longitudinal study in mice.
Plos One 6: e25692
Borschensky CM, Kipar A, Woolley JS, Herden C (2011)
Neurogenesis in a young dog with epileptic seizures.
Vet. Pathol. DOI: 10.1177/0300985811429308
Boryczko Z, Bostedt H (2011)
Choroby metaboliczne wczesnego okresu poporodowego krów.
Bydlo 63: 61-63
Bridger PS, Bauerfeind R, Wenzel L, Bauer N, Menge C, Thiel HJ, Reinacher M, Doll K (2011)
Detection of colostrum-derived alloantibodies in calves with bovine neonatal pancytopenia.
Vet. Immun. Immunopathol. 141: 1-10
Brockmeier K, Schultheiss G (2011)
Regulation of anion transport across the uterine epithelium of Gallus domesticus.
Poultry Sci. 90: 618–623
Broke A, Matika O, Wilson A, Anderson J, Morin AC, Finlayson H, Reiner G, Willems H, Bishop SC, Archibald AL, Ait-Ali T (2011)
An intronic polymorphism in the porcine IRF-7 gene is associated with better health and immunity of the host during Sarcocystis infection and affects interferon signalling.
Anim. Gen. 42: 386-394.
Burger S, Döring B, Hardt M, Beuerlein K, Gerstberger R, Geyer J (2011)
Co-expression studies of the orphan carrier protein SLC10A4 and the vesicular carriers VAChT and VMAT2 in the rat central and peripheral nervous system.
Neuroscience 193: 109-121
Burgos RA, Conejeros I, Hidalgo MA, Werling D, Hermosilla C (2011)
Calcium influx, a new potential therapeutic target in the control of neutrophilic inflammatory diseases in bovines.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 143: 1-10
Busch Bc, Ulrich R, Kuiper H, Reinacher M, Peters M, Heimberg KP, Holsteg M, Puff C, Haas L, Ganter M, Distl O (2011)
Bovine neonatale Panzytopenie (BNP) bei Deutschen Holstein Kälbern.
Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 124: 329-336
Cavalcanti MC, Steilmann C, Failing K, Bergmann M, Kliesch S, Weidner W, Steger K (2011)
Apoptotic gene expression in potentially fertile and subfertile men.
Mol. Hum. Reprod. 17:415-420
Cavalcanti MCO, Failling K, Schuppe HC, Bergmann M, Stalf T, Weidner W, Steger K (2011)
Short communication: Validation of reference genes in human testis and ejaculate. Andrologia 43: 361-367
Conejeros I, Patterson RA, Burgos R, Hermosilla C, Werling D (2011)
Induction of reactive oxygen species in bovine neutrophils is CD11b but not dectin-1dependent.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 139: 308-312
Damm J, Luheshi GN, Gerstberger R, Roth J, Rummel C (2011)
Spatiotemporal nuclear factor interleukin 6 expression in the rat brain during LPS-induced fever is linked to sustained hypothalamic inflammatory target gene induction.
J. Comp. Neurol. 519: 480-505
De Ambrogi M, Aghazadeh M, Hermosilla C, Huber D, Majnaric D, Reljic S, Elson-Riggins J (2011)
Occurence of Baylisascaris transfuga in wild populations of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) as identified by a new PCR method.
Vet. Parasitol. 179: 272-276
Dennis R, Schubert U, Bauer C (2011)
Angiogenesis and parasitic helminth-associated neovascularisation.
Parasitology 138: 426-439
Deutskens F, Lamp B, Riedel CM, Wentz E, Lochnit G, Doll K, Thiel HJ, Rümenapf T (2011)
Vaccine-induced antibodies linked to bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) recognize cattle major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I).
Vet. Res. 42:97
Dissous C, Grevelding CG (2011)
Piggy-Backing cancer drugs for schistosomiasis treatment, a tangible perspective?
Trends Parasitol. 27: 59-66
Dissous C, Grevelding CG, Long T (2011)
Schistosoma mansoni Polo-like kinases and their function in control of mitosis and parasite reproduction.
Anais Acad. Brasil. Ciencias 83: 627-635
Doll K, Bridger PS, Schillinger S, Beyer M, Wenzel L, Francke J, Thiel HJ, Reinacher M, Bauer N, Bauerfeind R (2011)
Investigations on the etiopathogenesis of Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP).
Veterinarska Stanica 42, Suppl 1: 8-9
Eiselt N, Wagner H, Wehrend A (2011)
Hämatologische Parameter bei Ziegen.
Tierärztl. Prax. 39 (G): 49-55
Ennen S, Kloss S, Scheiner-Bobis G, Failing K, Wehrend A (2011)
Histological, hormonal and biomolecular analysis of the pathogenesis of ovine prolapsus vaginae ante partum.
Theriogenology 75: 212-219
Ennen S, Muennich JC, Wehrend A (2011)
Sonographische Untersuchungen an der Milchdrüse des Pferdes.
Pferdeheilkunde 27: 237 – 245
Eralp O, Yilmaz Z, Failing K, Moritz A (2011)
Effect of experimental endotoxemia on thrombelastography parameters, secondary and tertiary hemostasis in dogs.
J. Vet. Intern. Med. 25: 524-
Eschbaumer M, Schulz C, Wäckerlin R, Gauly M, Beer M, Hoffmann H (2011)
Limitations of sandwich ELISAs for bluetongue virus antibody detection.
Vet. Record 168: 643
Essbauer S, Krautkrämer E, Herzog S, Pfeffer M (2011)
A new permanent cell line derived from the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) as cell culture model for zoonotic viruses.
Virol. J. 8: 339
Essid E, Petzinger E (2011)
Silibinin pretreatment protects against ochratoxin A mediated apoptosis in primary rat hepatocytes.
Mycotox. Res. 27: 167-176
Fehrlage M, Michalik J, Kramer M (2011)
Die sonographische Differenzierung entzündlicher und neoplastischer Veränderungen am Darm bei Hund und Katze.
Prakt. Tierarzt 92: 1062-1069
Fernandez Loras A, Hidalgo-Vila J, Hermosilla C, García G, López J, Duffus ALJ, Cunningham AA, Roca V (2011)
Preliminary health screening and possible pathogen determination in a Bufo bufo population.
J. Nat. Hist. 45: 1-14
Fernández-Silva JA, Abdulmawjood A, Akineden O, Bülte M (2011)
Serological and molecular detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in cattle of dairy herds in Colombia.
Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 43: 1501-1507
Fernández-Silva JA, Abdulmawjood A, Bülte M (2011)
Diagnosis and Molecular Characterization of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from Dairy Cows in Colombia.
Vet. Med. Int. 352561. Epub 2011 Jun 15
Fietz D, Geyer J, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Bergmann M (2011)
Androgen receptor CAG repeat in human testis – a marker for male infertility? Histochem. Cell. Biol. 136: 689-697
Figueiredo G, Brockmann C, Boll H, Heilmann M, Schambach SJ, Fiebig T, Kramer M, Groden, Brockmann M (2011)
Comparison of digital subtraction angiography, micro-computed tomography aangiography and magnetic resonance angiography in the assessment of the cerebrovascular system in live mice.
Clin. Neuroradiol. Published online
Fischer A, Verschoof J, Kramer M (2011)
Multiple epiphysäre Dysplasie bei einem Jack Russel Terrier.
Tierärztl. Praxis 39 (K): 105 - 109
Geyer J, Janko C (2011)
Treatment of MDR1 mutant dogs with macrocyclic lactones.
Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. in press
Gilmartin AA, Lamp B, Rümenapf T, Persson MA, Rey FA, Krey T (2011)
High-level secretion of recombinant monomeric murine and human single-chain Fv antibodies from Drosophila S2 cells.
Protein Eng. Des. Sel.: Epub 2011
Goericke-Pesch S, Georgiev P, Antonov A, Albouy M, Wehrend A (2011)
Clinical efficacy of a GnRH-agonist implant containing 4.7 mg deslorelin, Suprelorin®, regarding suppression of reproductive function in tomcats.
Theriogenology 75: 803-810
Goericke-Pesch S, Ludwig C, Hoffmann B (2011)
Development of semen quality following reversible downregulation of testicular function in male dogs with a GnRH agonist implant.
Reprod. Domest. Anim. 2011 Nov 4. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2011.01933.x
Goericke-Pesch S, Schützenhofer G, Failing K, Wehrend A (2011)
Die Quetschung des Samenstranges eignet sich beim Kaninchen nicht zur Ausschaltung der Hodenfunktion.
Tierärztl. Prax., 39 (K): 49-55
Goericke-Pesch S, Weiss R, Wehrend A (2011)
Bacteriological findings in different fractions of canine ejaculates showing normospermia, teratozoospermia or azoospermia.
Austr. Vet. J. 89: 318-322
Golla T, Schmidt M, Kramer M, Schachenmayr W (2011)
Mitochondriale Myopathie bei einem vier Monate alten Schnauzer-Mix.
Kleintierpraxis 56: 528 - 533
Gramer I, Leidolf R, Döring B, Klintzsch S, Krämer E-M, Yalcin E, Petzinger E, Geyer J (2011)
Breed distribution of the nt230(del4) MDR1 mutation in dogs.
Vet. J. 189: 67-71
Gross M, Curtui V, Ackermann Y, Latif H, Usleber E (2011)
Enzyme immunoassay for tenuazonic acid in apple and tomato products.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 12317-12322
Harden LM, du Plessis I, Roth J, Loram LC, Poole S, Laburn HP (2011)
Differences in the relative involvement of peripherally released interleukin (IL)-6, brain IL-1b and prostanoids in mediating lipopolysaccharide-induced fever and sickness behavior.
Psychoneuroendocrinology 36: 608-622
Heffels-Redmann U, Enderlein D, Herzog S, Herden C, Piepenbring A, Neumann D, Müller H, Capelli S, Müller H, Oberhäuser K, Gerlach H, Kaleta EF, Lierz M (2011)
Occurrence of avian bornavirus infection in captive psittacines in various European countries and its association to proventricular dilation disease.
Avian. Pathol. 40: 419-426
Henrich E, Hildebrandt N, Schneider C, Hassdenteufel E, Schneider M (2011)
Transvenous coil embolization of patent ductus arteriosus in small (≤ 3.0 kg) dogs.
J. Vet. Int. Med. 25: 65-70
Hentrich A, Wolter M, Szardening-Kirchner C, Lüers GH, Bergmann M, Kliesch S, Konrad L (2011)
Reduced numbers of Sertoli, germ, and spermatogonial stem cells in impaired spermatogenesis.
Mod. Pathol. 24:1380-1389
Hermosilla C, Coumbe KM, Habershon-Butcher J, Schöniger S (2011)
Fatal equine meningoencephalitis in the United Kingdom caused by the panagrolaimid nematode Halicephalobus gingivalis: Case report and review of the literature.
Equine Vet. J. 43: 759-763
Herr M, Bostedt H, Failing K (2011)
IgG and IgM levels in dairy cows during the periparturient period.
Theriogenology 75: 377-385
Herrmann A, Hecht W, Herden C (2011)
Lissencephaly and microencephaly combined with hypoplasia of corpus callosum and cerebellum in a domestic cat.
Tierärztl. Praxis 39 (K): 116–120
Hijazin M, Ülbegi-Mohyla H, Alber J, Lämmler C, Hassan A A, Abdulmawjood A, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Weiß R, Zschöck M (2011)
Molecular identification and further characterization of Arcanobacterium pyogenes isolated from bovine mastitis and from various other origins.
J. Dairy Sci. 94: 1813-1819
Hildebrandt N, Schneider C, Henrich E, Stosic A, Schneider M (2011)
Der AV-Block bei Hund und Katze.
Kleintierpraxis 56: 82-94
Hoffmann B, Goericke-Pesch S, Schuler G (2011)
Antiprogestins; high potential compounds for use in veterinary research and therapy: a review.
Eurasian J. Vet. Sci. 27: 77-86
Karpenstein H, Klumpp S, Seyrek-Intas D, Kramer M (2011)
Sonographie bei Erkrankungen des Harntraktes von Hund und Katze.
Tierärztl. Prax. 39 (K): 281-288
Karpenstein H, Kramer M (2011)
Die Katze ist kein kleiner Hund – auch nicht in der sonographischen Untersuchung des Abdomens.
Prakt. Tierarzt 92: 566 - 575
Kathri P, Frenette G, Sullivan R. Hoffmann B, Schuler G (2011)
Expression of SULT1E1 protein in bovine placentomes: Evidence for localization in uninucleated trophoblast cells.
Placenta 32: 431-440
Kauffold J, Kessler M, Richter A, Beynon N, Wehrend A (2011)
B-mode ultrasound and grey-scale analysis of the epididymis in boars, and the relationship to semen parameters
Reprod. Domest. Anim. 46: 108-13
Kessel-Franke U, Ennen S, Wehrend A (2011)
Die Torsio uteri bei der Stute – eine Literaturübersicht.
Tierärztl. Prax. 39 (G): 403-410
Knauf S, Batamuzi EK, Mlengeya T, Kilewo M, Lejora IAV, Nordhoff M, Ehlers B, Harper KN, Fyumagwa R, Hoare R, Wehrend A, Kaup FJ, Leendertz FH, Maetz-Rensing K (2011)
Genitotropic treponemal infection in wild nonhuman primates.
Ve.t Pathol. 2011 Mar 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Kohr D, Singh P, Tschernatsch M, Kaps M, Pouokam E, Diener M, Kummer W, Birklein F, Vincent A, Goebel A, Wallukat G, Blaes F (2011)
Autoimmunity against the beta2 adrenergic receptor and muscarinic 2 receptor in complex regional pain syndrome.
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Konrad L, Dietze R, Kirch U, Kirch H, Eva A, Scheiner-Bobis G (2011)
Cardiotonic steroids trigger non-classical testosterone signaling in Sertoli cells via the alpha4 isoform of the sodium pump.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Mol. Cell Res.) 1813: 2118-2124
Kowaleswki MP, Meyer A, Hoffmann B, Aslan S, Boos A (2011)
Expression and functional implications of Peroxisome Proliferator – Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARy) in canine reproductive tissues during pregnancy and parturition and antiprogestin induced abortion.
Theriogenology 75: 877-886
Kowalewski MP, Michel E, Gram A, Boos A, Guscetti F, Hoffmann B, Aslan S, Reichler I (2011)
Luteal and placental function in the bitch: spatio-temporal changes in prolactin receptor (PRLr) expression at dioestrus, pregnancy and normal and induced parturition.
Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 9: 109
Kramer M, Golla, T, Schmidt MJ (2011)
Einsatz der Sonographie zur Untersuchung des Bandscheibenvorfalls beim Hund – eine intraoperative Studie.
Tierärztliche Praxis 39 (K): 397 – 403
Kranz J, Petzinger E, Geyer J (2011)
Brain penetration of the OAB drug trospium chloride is not increased in aged mice.
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Determination of penicillin and benzylpenicilloic acid in goat milk by enzyme immunoassays.
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Kuhne F, Adler S, Sauerbrey AFC (2011)
Redirected behavior in learning tasks: the commercial laying hen (Gallus gallus domesticus) as model.
Poultry Scie. 90: 1859-1866
Kumru IH, Seyrek-Intas K, Seyrek-Intas D, Tek HB, Wehrend A (2011)
Clinical case: unilateral en bloc ovario-cornuectomy as a treatment for uterine torsion in a bitch.
Revue Med. Vet. 162: 76-78
Lamp B, Riedel C, Roman-Sosa G, Heimann M, Jacobi S, Becher P, Thiel HJ, Rümenapf T (2011)
Biosynthesis of classical swine fever virus nonstructural proteins.
J. Virol. 85: 3607-3620
Leutner S, Beckmann S, Grevelding CG (2011)
Characterization of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase SmcGK1 of Schistosoma mansoni.
Anais Acad. Brasil. Ciencias 83: 637-648
Lierz M, Piepenbring A, Herden C, Oberhäuser K, Heffels-Redmann U, Enderlein D (2011)
Vertical transmission of avian bornavirus in psittacines.
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Matos L, Hermosilla C, Taubert A, Muñoz MC, Andrada M, Rodriguez F, Perez D, Lopez A, Guedes A, Ruiz A (2011)
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Mildner-Müller K, Förnges T, Amort K, Klumpp S, Henrich M, Kramer M (2011)
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Mechanims of actions of hydrogen sulfide at rat distal colonic epithelium.
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Pouokam E, Steidle M, Diener M (2011)
Regulation of colonic ion transport by gasotransmitters.
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Priestnall SL, Schöniger S, Ivens PAS, Eickmann M, Brachthäuser L, Kehr K, Tupper C, Piercy CJ, Menzies-Gow Nj, Herden C (2011)
Borna disease virus infection of a horse in Great Britain.
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Malignant mesenchymoma in the nasal cavity of a bull.
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Bilateral histological evaluation of exocrine testicular function in men with obstructive azoospermia: condition of spermatogenesis and andrological implications?
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Presence of intestinal Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) DNA is not associated with altered MMP expression in ulcerative colitis.
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Rau FC, Wigger A, Tellhelm B, Zwick M, Klumpp S, Neumann A, Oltersdorf B, Amort K, Failing K, Kramer M (2011)
Observer variability and sensitivity of radiographic diagnosis of canine medial coronoid disease.
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A new generation of crystallographic validation tools for the protein data bank.
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Reiner G, Bronnert B, Hohloch C, Reinacher M, Willems H (2011)
Distribution of ORF2 and ORF3 genotypes of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in wild boars and domestic pigs in Germany.
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