Publikationen 2008
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Adenokarzinom des Pankreas bei einem Warmblutwallach.
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Bauer N, Balzer J, Thüre SD, Moritz A (2008)
Prevalence of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas of convenience samples of cats in Germany.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. 10: 252-258
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Evaluation of three methods for measurement of hemoglobin and calculated hemoglobin parameters with the ADVIA 120® / 2120® in dogs, cats and horses.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 37: 173-179
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Evaluation of three methods for measurement of hemoglobin and calculated hemoglobin variables with the ADVIA 120® and 2120® systems in goats.
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Koagulopathien bei Hund und Katze.
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Evaluation the Clinitek status™ automated dipstick analysis device for semiquantitative testing of canine urine.
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Liver disease in dogs with tracheal collapse.
Kleintierpraxis 53: 533-538
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Automated flow cytometric cell count and differentiation of canine cerebrospinal fluid using the ADVIA2120.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 37: 344-352
Becker M, Moritz A, Giger U (2008)
Comparative clinical study of canine and feline total blood cell count results with seven in-clinic and two commercial laboratory hematology analyzers.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 37: 373-384
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PMN-mediated immune reactions against Eimeria bovis.
Vet. Parasitol. 151: 97-109
Behrendt JH, Taubert A, Zahner H, Hermosilla C (2008)
Studies on synchronous egress of coccidian parasites (Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, Eimeria bovis) from bovine endothelial cells mediated by calcium ionophore A23187.
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Bridger N, Glanemann B, Neiger R (2008)
Comparison of postprandial and ceruletide serum bile acid stimulation in dogs.
J. Vet. Int. Med. 22: 873-878
Cavalcanti MCO, Rizgalla M, Geyer J, Failing K, Litzke LF, Bergmann M (2008)
Expression of histone 1 (H1) and testis-specific histone 1 (H1) genes during stallion spermatogenesis
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Celimli N, Seyrek-Intas D, Yilmazbas G, Seyrek-Intas K, Keskin A, Kumru H, Kramer M (2008)
Radiologische Pelvemetrie und Auswertung von radiologischen Befunden am Becken bei Katzen mit Dystokie.
Tierärztl. Praxis 36: 277-284
Coutellier L, Friedrich AC, Failing K, Marashi V, Würbel H (2008)
Effects of rat odour and shelter on maternal behaviour in C57BL/6 dams and on fear and stress responses in their adult offspring.
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Variation of postnatal maternal environment in mice: effects on maternal behaviour and behavioural and endocrine responses in the adult offspring.
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Echinococcus multilocularis infections in domestic dogs and cats from Germany and other European countries.
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Engert M, Thiel C, Peppler T, Bokemeyer J, Kramer M (2008)
Chirurgie des äußeren Gehörganges und des Mittelohres bei Hund und Katze.
Prakt. Tierarzt 89: 902-908
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Kleintierpraxis 53: 620-628
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Spezifisches Verteilungsmuster der Knorpelelastizität und –dicke am Talus des Pferdes
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Ezer J, Litzke LF, Stumpf G, Schmiedeknecht G (2008)
Zäkumleukose als Kolikursache beim Pferd – ein Fallbericht
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In vivo application of histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin-a impairs murine male meiosis.
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Lactaturia and loss of sodium-dependent lactate uptake in the colon of SLC5A8-deficient mice.
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Expression of activity-dependent neuroprotective protein in the brain of adult rats.
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Geyer J, Fernandes CF, Döring B, Burger S, Godoy JR, Rafalzik S, Hübschle T, Gerstberger R, Petzinger E (2008)
Cloning and molecular characterization of the orphan carrier protein Slc 10a4: expression in cholinergic neurons of the rat central nervous system
Neuroscience 152: 990-1005
Geyer J, Gavrilova O, Petzinger E (2008)
Brain penetration of ivermectin and selamectin in mdr1a,b P-glycoprotein and bcrp deficient knockout mice.
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Grass Sickness – Fallbericht einer 11 Monate alten Warmblutstute.
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Effects of anaesthesia on thyroxin and thyroxin-stimulating hormone levels in dogs. Tierärztl. Praxis 36(K): 427-431
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Recurrent single oesophageal stricture treated with a self-expanding stent in a cat.
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Glanemann B, Schonenbrucher H, Bridger N, Abdulmawjood A, Neiger R, Bülte M (2008)
Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies Paratuberculosis-specific DNA by PCR in intestinal biopsies of dogs.
J. Vet. Int. Med. 22: 1090-1094
Goericke-Pesch S, Hoffmann B (2008)
Benigne Prostatahyperplasie-Ätiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie bei Rüden; eine Übersicht.
Kleintierpraxis 53: 178-188
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Zyklus, Rolligkeitsunterdrückung und Trächtigkeitsabbruch bei der Katze.
Kleintierpraxis 53: 553-564
Groeger S, Wehrend A (2008)
Angeborene Lymphangiektasie in der rechten kranioventralen Halsregion eines Kalbes.
Tierärztl. Prax. 36: 185-188
Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Arnhold S, Skouras E, Kuerten S, Streppel M, Angelova SK, Wewetzer K, Radtke C, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN (2008)
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation does not improve quality of muscle reinnervation or recovery of motor function after facial nerve transection in rats.
Biol Chem. 389:873-888
Grünbaum EG, Moritz A (2008)
Notfalltherapie bei Vergiftungen des Hundes.
Tierärztl. Praxis 36 (K): 215-224
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Effect of pimobendan or benazepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve fisease: The QUEST study.
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Hamir AN, Kunkle RA, Nicholson EM, Miller JM, Hall SM, Schönenbrücher H, Richt JA (2008)
Preliminary observations on the first passage of fallow deer with the agent of chronic wasting disease (CWD) from elk and white-tailed deer.
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Molecular identification of Arcanobacterium bialowiezense and Arcanobacterium bonasi based on 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region sequences.
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Henke J, Erhardt W, Tacke S (2008)
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The effect of trilostane treatment on circulating thyroid hormone concentrations in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism.
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