Publikationen 2003
Abd-Elnaeim M, Leiser R, Allen WR (2003)
Structural and haematological aspects of the equine placenta in mid-pregnancy.
Havemeyer Found. Monogr. Ser. 10: 39-42
Abd-Elnaeim M, Saber A, Hassan A, Abou-Elmagd A, Klisch K, Jones C, Leiser R (2003)
Development of the areola in the early placenta of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius): a light, scanning and transmission electron microscopical study.
Anat. Histol. Embryol. 32: 326-334
Abdulmawjood A, Bülte M, Cook N, Roth S, Schoenenbrücher H, Hoorfar J (2003)
Towards an international standard for PCR-based detection of E. coli O157, Part 1: Assay development and multi-center validation.
J. Microbiol. Meth. 55: 775-86
Abdulmawjood A, Schönenbrücher H, Bülte M (2003)
Development of a polymerase chain reaction system for the detection of dog and cat meat in meat mixtures and animal feed
J. Food Sci. 68: 1757-1761
Albrecht A, Redmann t, Nüchter H, Bönner BM, Kaleta EF, Kämpfer P (2003)
Untersuchung luftgetragener Mikroorganismen in einem Aufzuchtstall für Legehennen während einer Impfaktion.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 110: 487-493
Allen WR, Carter AM, Chavatte-Palmer P, Dantzer V, Enders AC, Freyer C, Leiser R, Miglino MA (2003)
Comparative placentation – A workshop report.
Placenta 24 Suppl. A Trophoblast Res. 17: S100-S103
Arias P, Orlich M, Prieto M, Cedillo Rosales S, Thiel Hj, Alvarez M, Becher P (2003)
Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea viruses from Spain.
Vet. Microbiol. 96: 327-336
Ayalew W, King JM, Bruns E, Rischkowsky B (2003)
Economic evaluation of smallholder subsistence livestock production: lessons from an Ethiopian goat development program.
Ecological Economics, Valuing Animal Genetic Resources 45: 473-485
Ayalew W, Rischkowsky B, King JM, Bruns E (2003)
Crossbreds did not generate greater net benefits than indigenous goats under improved management in Ethiopian smallholding.
Agricult. Syst. 76: 1137-1156
Banfi B, Clark RA, Steger K, Krause KH (2003)
Two novel proteins activate superoxide generation by the NADPH oxidase NOX1.
J. Biol. Chem. 278: 3510-3513
Barrs VR, Beatty JA, Kipar A (2003)
Pemphigus foliaceus in a cat.
J. Small Anim. Pract. 44: 251,286-287
Bauer C, Böhm R, Böse R, Bülte M, Daugschies A, Eisgruber H, Hafez M, Hahn G, Herbst W, Kaden V, Kaleta E, Knauer-Kraetzl B, Reuter G, Steinmann J, Zaadhof KJ (2003)
12. Desinfektionsmittelliste der Deutschen veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft (DVG) für die Tierhaltung.
Dt. Tierärztebl. 48: 930-942
Bauer N, Moritz A, Weiss R (2003)
Comparison of bacterial growth in the upper and lower respiratory tract of healthy dogs.
Tierärztl. Prax. 31 (K): 92-98
Becher P, Avalos Ramirez R, Orlich M, Cedillo Rosales S, König M, Schweizer M, Stalder H, Schirrmeier H, Thiel HJ (2003)
Genetic and antigenic characterization of novel pestivirus genotypes: implications for classification.
Virology 311: 96-104
Bechter K, Schreiner V, Herzog S, Breitinger N, Wollinsky KH, Brinkmeier H, Aulkemeyer P, Weber F, Schüttler R (2003)
Liquorfiltration als experimentelle Therapie bei therapieresistenten Psychosen Borna-Disease-Virus-seropositiver Patienten.
Psychiatr. Prax. 30: S216-S220
Beck I, Gerlach H, Burkhardt E, Kaleta EF (2003)
Investigation of several selected adjuvants regarding their efficacy and side effects for the production of a vaccine for parakeets to prevent a diseases caused by a paramyxo-virus type 3.
Vaccine 21: 1006-1022
Beeckmann P, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 8.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 66-73
Beeckmann P, Schröffel Jr J, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 1.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 1-10
Beeckmann P, Schröffel Jr J, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 3.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 20-27
Beja-Pereira A, Luikart G, England PR, Bradley DG, Jann OC, Bertorelle G, Chamberlain AT, Nunes TP, Metodiev S, Ferrand N, Erhardt G (2003)
Milk Drinkers: Gene-culture coevolution between cattle milk protein genes and human lactase genes.
Nat. Genet, 35: 311–313
Bena-Boupda NF, Rezai SS, Klett R, Eigenbrodt E, Bauer R (2003)
Value of tumor M2-PK in thyroid carcinoma: A pilot study.
Anticancer Res. 23: 5237-5240
Bennewitz J, Reinsch N, Thomsen H, Grohs C, Leveziel H, Xu N, Looft C, Kühn C, Brockmann G, Schwerin M, Weimann C, Hiendleder S, Erhardt G, Medjugorac I, Russ I, Förster M, Brenig B, Reinhardt F, Reents R, Averdunk , Blümel J, Boichard D, Kalm E (2003)
Combined Analysis of Data from two Granddaughter Designs: A simple Strategy for QTL Confirmation and increasing experimental Power in Dairy Cattle.
Genet. Sel. Evol. 35: 319-338
Bleier T, Lewitschek HP, Reinacher M (2003)
Canine osteosarcoma of the penile bone.
J. Vet. Med. A 50: 397-398
Blöcher S, Behr R, Weinbauer GF, Bergmann M, Steger K (2003)
Different of CREM-isoforms gene expression between equine and human normal and impaired spermatogenesis.
Theriogenology 60: 1357-1369
Boldyrev A, Bulygina E, Carpenter D, Schoner W (2003)
Glutamate receptors communicate with Na+/K+-ATPase in rat cerebellum granule cells: Demonstration of differences in the action of several metabotrobic and ionotropic glutamate agonists on intracellular reactive oxygen species and the sodium pump.
J. Molec. Neurosci. 21: 213-222
Boldyrev A, Bulygina E, Yuneva M, Schoner W (2003)
Na/K-ATPase regulates intracellular ROS level in cerebellum neurons.
Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 986: 519-521
Bönner B, Jäger S, Reichel U, Lutz W, Wissing J, Knickmeier W, Gerlich WH, Wend UC, Bolte AL, Kaleta EF (2003)
Untersuchungen zum Gesundheitsstatus von Kanadagänsen (Branta canadensis Linnaeus, 1758) in Nordrhein-Westfalen an Hand der Analyse von Eiern.
Z. Jagdwiss. 49: 61-76
Bönner B, Köhler K, Reichel U, Beck I, Jäger S, Barbeito J, Redmann T, Kaleta EF (2003)
Undesirable reactions of domestic pigeons to vaccination against paramyxovirus type 1.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 110: 403-406
Bonner BM, Koehler K, Reichel U, Beck I, Jaeger S, Barbeito J, Redmann T, Kaleta EF (2003)
Undesirable reactions of domestic pigeons to vaccination against paramyxovirus type 1.
Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. 110: 403-406.
Braun NJ, Sévigny SK, Mishra SC, Robson, Barth SW, Gerstberger R, Hammer K, Zimmermann H (2003)
Expression of the Ecto-ATPase NTPDase2 in the germinal zones of the developing and adult rat brain.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 17: 1355-1364
Bürk C, Dietrich R, Acar G, Moravek M, Bülte M, Märtlbauer E (2003)
Identification and characterization of a new variant of Shiga toxin 1 in E. coli ONT:H19 of bovine origin.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 41: 2106-2112
Cauvin AL, Witt AL, Groves E, Neiger R, Martinez T, Church DB (2003)
The urinary corticoid : creatinine ratio (UCCR) in healthy cats undergoing hospitalisation.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. 5: 329-333
Cepica S, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome X.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 144-151
Cepica S, Schröffel Jr J, Stratil A, Hojný J, Pierzchala M, Kuryl J, Brunsch C, Sternstein I, Davoli R, Fontanesi L, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 9.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 74-81
Cepica S, Stratil A, Kopecny M, Blazkova P, Schröffel Jr J, Davoli R, Fontanesi L, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 4.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 28-37
Chapman PS, Mooney CI, Ede J, Evans H, O'Connor J, Pfeiffer DU, Neiger R (2003)
Evaluation of the basal and post-adrenocorticotrophic hormone serum concentrations of 17-hydroxyprogesterone for the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism in dogs.
Vet. Rec. 153: 771-775
Chessa S, Budelli E, Gutscher K, Caroli A, Erhardt G (2003)
Short Communication: Simultaneous Identification of Five k-casein (CSN3) Alleles in Domestic Goat by PCR-SSCP.
J. Dairy Sci. 86: 3726-3729
Connolly DJ, Cannata J, Boswood A, Archer J, Groves EA, Neiger R (2003)
Cardiac troponin I in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. 5: 209-216
Curtui V, Seidler C, Dietrich R, Märtlbauer E, Schneider E, Usleber E (2003)
Bestimmung von Deoxynivalenol in Brot und Bier.
Mycotoxin Res. 19: 144-148
Deng Y, Batten CA, Liu BL, Lambden PR, Elschner M, Günther H, Otto P, Schnürch P, Eichhorn W, Herbst W, Clarke IN (2003)
Studies of Epidemiology and Seroprevalence of Bovine Noroviruses in Germany.
J.Clin. Microbiol. 41: 2300-2305
Dietz P, Litzke LF (2003)
Sympathikuschirurgie-Sympathikusblockade beim Pferd.
Pferdeheilkunde 19: 85-9
Dragos-Wendrich M, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 10.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 82-88
Dragos-Wendrich M, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 11.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 89-94
Dragos-Wendrich M, Sternstein I, Brunsch C, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 14.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 111-118
Dragos-Wendrich M, Stratil A, Hojny J, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 18.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet.120 S1: 138-143
Eigenbrodt E (2003)
The tumor metabolome.
Anticancer Res. 23: 1149-1154
Exner C, Wehrend A, Hospes R, Einspanier A, Hoffmann B Heldmaier G (2003)
Hormonal and behavioral changes during the mating season and pregnancy in Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota).
Reproduction 126: 775-872
Failing K, Massing S, Bülte M (2003)
Bedeutung und Interpretation der Wechselwirkung in der logistischen Regression am Beispiel des Nachweises von E. coli O157.H7-Stämmen aus künstlich kontaminiertem Rinderhackfleisch
Deutsch. Tierärztl. Wschft. 111: 185-188
Fink C, Tatar M, Hospes R, Kressin M, Klisch K (2003)
Serotonin-containing cells in the gastrointestinal tract of newborn foals and adult horses.
Acta Vet. Brno. Suppl. 7: 20
Flöck A, Kramer M, Tellhelm B, Schimke E (2003)
Die sonographische Untersuchung des Hüftgelenkes beim Deutschen Schäferhund-Welpen
Tierärztl. Prax. 31 (K): 82-91
Fremy JM, Usleber E (2003)
Policy on characterization of antibodies used in immunochemical methods of analysis for mycotoxins and phycotoxins.
J. AOAC Int. 86: 868-871
Funk J, Bach U, Failing K, Burkhardt E (2003)
Influence of different tumour types on natural cytotoxity (NK cell activity) and mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation in isolated blood lymphocytes from 110 dogs with tumours.
Res. Vet. Sci. 74 : 129-135
Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Cruz C, Munoz P, Mazurek S, Eigenbrodt E, Ventura F, Bartrons R, Rosa JL (2003)
Interaction between HERC1 and M2-type pyruvate kinase.
FEBS Lett. 539: 78-84
Gathumbi JK, Usleber E, Ngatia TA, Kangethe EK, Märtlbauer E (2003)
Application of immunoaffinity chromatography and enzyme immunoassay in rapid detection of aflatoxin B1 in chicken liver tissues.
Poultry Sci. 82: 585-590
Gauly M, Pouillion C, Erhardt G (2003)
Saug- und Säugeverhalten von Lamas (Lama glama).
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 110: 401-403
Geldermann H, Müller E, Moser G, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Cepica S, Stratil A, Kuryl J, Moran C, Davoli R, Brunsch C (2003)
Genome-wide linkage and QTL mapping in porcine F2 families generated from Pietrain, Meishan and Wild Boar crosses.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120: 363-393
Georgiev P, Wehrend A, Dimitrov M, Bostedt H (2003)
Untersuchungen zur Pseudogravidität der Katze – Einfluss der Haltungsbedingungen auf die klinische Ausprägung.
Kleintierpraxis 48: 193-196
Geyer J, Petzinger e (2003)
Transport of endogenous ouabain into rat adrenal gland.
Nova Acta Leopoldina 329: 145-150
Goll M, Kratzheller B, Bülte m (2003)
Kontrolle von Rückständen auf Oberflächen – Evaluierung des HY-RISE™ Colour Hygiene Test Strips zur Überprüfung von Sauberkeit
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Görtz K, De Rooster H, Chiers K, Kramer M, Declerq J (2003)
Digitale fokale Hyperkeratose als Lahmheitsursache bei zwei Whippets und einem Greyhound.
Kleintierpraxis 48: 435-439
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Replication studies using genotype 1a subgenomic hepatitis C virus replicons.
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Haenisch-Woehl A, Kölle S, Neumüller C, Sinowatz F, Braun J (2003)
Morphology of canine cumulus-oocyte-complexes in prepubertal bitches.
Anat. Histol. Embryol. 32: 1-5
Hagl CI, Wink E, Kränzle K, Hänsgen A, Diener M, Gretz N, Schäfer KH (2003)
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Hamsic H, Redmann T, Annemüller C, Beck I, Bönner B, Bolte AL, Heffels-Redmann U, Jäger S, Reichel U, Schütz S, Voelckel K, Kaleta EF (2003)
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Harré EM, Roth J, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T (2003)
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Hartmann K, Binder C, Hirschberger J, Cole D, Reinacher M, Schroo S, Frost J, Egberink H, Lutz H, Hermanns W (2003)
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J. Vet. Intern. Med. 17: 781-790
Haschke G, Diener M (2003)
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Haschke G, Diener M (2003)
Concept and realisation of a multimedia program for veterinary physiology.
J. Vet. Med. A 50: 274-279
Hassan AA, Khan IU, Abdulmawjood A Lämmler C (2003)
Inter- and intraspecies variations of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region of various streptococcal species.
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Hassan AA, Khan IU, Abdulmawjood A, Lämmler C (2003)
Development of PCR assays for detection of Streptococcus canis.
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 219: 209-214
Hassan AA, Khan IU, Lämmler C (2003)
Identification of Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains of Lancefield´s group C, G and L by polymerase chain reaction.
J. Vet. Med. B 50: 1-5
Heffels-Redmann U, Redmann T, Weber G (2003)
Vitamin E supplementation influences immune reactions and performance.
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Herbst W, Hertrampf B, Schmitt T, Weiss R, Baljer G (2003)
Diagnostik von Lawsonia intracellularis mittels Polymerasekettenreaktion (PCR) bei Schweinen mit und ohne Diarrhoe und bei anderen Tierarten.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 110: 361-364
Herden C, Beineke A, Hetzel U, Lemmer W, Baumgärtner W (2003)
Unusual mainfestation of hepatic encephalopathy in two Irish wolfhound siblings.
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Hetzel U, Könid A, Yildirim AÖ, Lämmler Ch, KiparA (2003)
Septicaemia in emerald monitors (Varanus prasinus Schlegel 1839) caused by Streptococcus agalactiae aquired from mice.
Vet. Microbiol., 95: 283-93
Hiendleder S, Thomsen H, Reinsch N, Bennewitz J, Leyhe-Horn B, Looft C, Xu N, Medjugorac I, Russ I, Kühn C, Brockmann GA, Blümel J, Brenig B, Reinhardt F, Reents R, Averdunk G, Schwerin M, Förster M, Kalm E, Erhardt G (2003)
Mapping of QTL for body conformation and behavior in cattle.
J. Hered. 94: 496-506
Hiendleder S, Zakhartchenko V, Wenigerkind H, Reichenbach HD, Brüggerhoff K, Prelle K, Brem G, Stojkovic M, Wolf E (2003)
Heteroplasmy in bovine fetuses produced by intra- and inter-subspecific somatic cell nuclear transfer: neutral segregation of nuclear donor mitochondrial DNA in various tissues and evidence for recipient cow mitochondria in fetal blood.
Biol. Reprod. 68: 159-166
Hoorfar J, Cook N, Malorny B, Wagner M, Medici D, Abdulmawjood A, Fach P (2003)
Diagnostic PCR: Making Internal Amplification Control Mandatory for Diagnostic PCR.
J. Clin. Microbiol 41: 5835
Hopt A, Korte S, Fink H, Panne U, Niessner R, Jahn R, Kretzschmar H, Herms J (2003)
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J. Neurosci. Meth. 128: 159-172
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Auswirkungen der Puerperalerkrankungen bei Sauen auf die Fruchtbarkeitsleistung.
Arch. Tierzucht 46: 341-346
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Kipp-Fangfressstände mit gruppenweisem Verschluss – ein neues Haltungs- und Fütterungsverfahren für tragende Sauen.
Landtechnik 58: 42-43
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Quickfeeder. Eine neue Fütterungstechnik für die Gruppenhaltung von Sauen.
Landtechnik 58: 204-205
Kaleta EF, Redmann T, Bönner B, Beck I, Jäger S (2003)
Egg drop syndrome 1976: host range, prevalence and prevention.
Wiener Tierärztl. Monatsschr. 90: 182-191
Kaleta EF, Taday ema (2003)
Avian host range of Chlamydophila spp. based on isolation, antigen detection and serology.
Avian Pathol. 32: 435-462
Khan IU, Hassan AA, Abdulmawjood A, Lämmler C, Wolter W, Zschöck M (2003)
Identification and epidemiological characterization of Streptococcus uberis isolated from bovine mastitis using conventional and molecular methods
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Khan IU, Hassan AA, Abdulmawjood A, Lämmler C, Wolter W, Zschöck M (2003)
Identification and epidemiological characterization of Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus parauberis isolated from bovine mastitis using conventional and molecular methods.
J. Vet. Sci. 4: 213-223
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Immunopathological studies on feline mucocutaneous mycobacteriosis.
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Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping of Functional Traits in the German Holstein Cattle Population.
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Labmagenverlagerung beim erwachsenen Rind. Teil 3: Therapie (Fortsetzung), prae- und postoperative Behandlung, Prognose.
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Labmagenverlagerung beim erwachsenen Rind. Teil 1: Vorkommen, Erkennung und Unterscheidung.
Tierärztl. Prax. 31 (G): 117-121
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Labmagenverlagerung beim erwachsenen Rind. Teil 2: Therapie.
Tierärztl. Prax. 31 (G): 166-172
Kuryl J, Pierzchala M, Hojny J, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 15.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 119-125
Lautersack O, Flock A, Müller S, Schneider M, Schimke E (2003)
The modified prepubic catheter for temporary therapy of impaired micturition in cats with avulsion of the trail.
Kleintierpraxis 48: 73 +
Lee SS, Chen Y, Moran C, Cepica S, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 2.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 11-19
Lee SS, Chen Y, Moran C, Stratil A, Reiner G, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2003)
Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 5.
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 120 S1: 38-44
Lischka K, Starke D, Failing K, Herling A, Kramer W, Petzinger E (2003)
Hepatobiliary elimination of bile acid-modified oligodeoxynucleotides in Wistar- and TR rats: Evidence for mrp2 as carrier for oligonucleotides.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 66: 565-577
Lüftner D, Mazurek S, Henschke P, Mesterharm J, Schildhauer S, Geppert R, Wernecke KD, Possinger K (2003)
Plasma levels of HER-2/neu, tumor type M2 pyruvate kinase and its tyrosine-phosphorylated metabolite in advanced breast cancer.
Anticancer Res. 23: 991-997
Mantis P, Lamb CR, Witt AL, Neiger R (2003)
Changes in ultrasonographic appearance of adrenal glands in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism treated with trilostane.
Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound 44: 682-685
Marquardt C, Burkhardt E, Failing K, Wehrend A (2003)
Sonographische Untersuchung von Mammatumoren der Hündin. 1. Mitteilung: Sonographisch erfassbare Einzelkriterien und deren Zusammenhang zur Tumordignität.
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