Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Wittkop, Benjamin

Senior scientist (Akademischer Rat)

Research overview
Benjamin Wittkop

On the one hand, my research comprises various aspects of seed quality breeding in oilseed rape (Brassica napus), focusing particularly on the improvement of seed protein quality as a novel source for human nutrition.

On the other hand, my research covers classical and hybrid breeding strategies in major cereal crops, such as wheat, barley and sorghum. This includes the evaluation of the given breeding progress in European winter wheat, the improvement of hybrid barley breeding programs and the adaption and breeding of sorghum as a novel bioenergy and fodder crop.


Research Keywords

  • Seed quality analysis and quality breeding
  • Hybrid breeding in cereals (barley and sorghum)
  • Breeding progress in winter wheat
  • Environmental dependent pollen development and fertility
  • Population genetics
  • Classical and molecular-based breeding
  • Phenotyping and field trials


2017-2020 SoNaBi: Biodiversifizierungsprojekte durch Bioenergiefruchtfolgen: Sorghum bicolor als Nahrungsquelle für Bienen; Erfassung der genetischen Variation und Determination von Pollenfertilität und Kornansatz bei Sorghum bicolor unter Kühlestress (FNR; FKZ: 22008716)


2017-2020 SpeedBarley: Erweiterung der genetischen Basis und Entwicklung neuer (Selektions-) Strategien für die Hybridgerstenzüchtung (BLE; FKZ: 2818202215)


2016-2019 RaPEQ: Rapssaat als einheimische Quelle von hochwertigem Protein für die menschliche Ernährung (BMBF: FKZ: 031B0198B)


2014-2019 BRIWECS: Pflanzenzüchterische Innovation bei Weizen für resiliente Anbausysteme (BMBF; FKZ: 031A354E)


Selected Publications

Bernhard T, Friedt W, Voss-Fels KP, Frisch M, Snowdon RJ, Wittkop B (2017) Heterosis for biomass and grain yield facilitates breeding of productive dual-purpose winter barley hybrids. Crop Sci, doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0872

Bernhard T, Friedt W, Snowdon RJ, Wittkop B (2016) New insights into genotypic thermo-dependency of cytoplasmic male sterility for hybrid barley breeding. Plant Breeding, doi:10.1111/pbr.12435

Windpassinger S, Friedt W, Frauen M, Snowdon R, Wittkop B (2015) Designing adapted sorghum silage types with an enhanced energy density for biogas generation in temperate Europe. Biomass & Bioenergy 81: 496-504, doi: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.08.005

Gajardo HA, Wittkop B, Soto-Cerda B, Snowdon RJ, Federico ML, Iniguez-Luy FL (2015) Association mapping of seed quality traits in Brassica napus L. using GWAS and candidate QTL approaches. Mol Breeding 35:143. doi:10.1007/s11032-015-0340-3




Contact information

Dr. Benjamin Wittkop

Plant Breeding Department

IFZ Research Centre for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition

Justus Liebig University

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32

35392 Giessen, Germany

Tel: +49 641 99 37443
