Publikationen 2021
1. Peer-reviewed publications:
Aikins-Wilson, S., Bohlouli, M., König, S. (2021):
Maternal and direct genetic parameters for tail length, tail lesions and growth traits in pigs.
Journal of Animal Science,
Bohlouli, M., Yin, T., Hammami, H., Gengler, N., König, S. (2021):
Climate sensitivity of milk production traits and milk fatty acids in genotyped Holstein dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science 2021 Jun;104(6):6847-6860. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-19411
Giambra, I.J., Jahan, Y., Yin, T., Engel, P., Weimann, C., Brügemann, K., König, S. (2021):
Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows using Microbial and Molecular Methods.
Animals 2021, 11, 2890,
Halli, K., Brügemann, K., Bohlouli, M., Yin, T., König, S. (2021):
Heat stress during late pregnancy and postpartum influences genetic parameter estimates for birth weight and weight gain in dual-purpose cattle offspring generations.
Journal of Animal Science, skab106,
Halli, K., Vanvanhossou, S.F., Bohlouli, M., König, S., Yin, T. (2021):
Identification of candidate genes on the basis of SNP by time-lagged heat stress interactions for milk production traits in German Holstein cattle.
PLoS One,
Herold, J., Brügemann, K., König, S. (2021):
Herd clustering strategies and corresponding genetic evaluations based on social-ecological characteristics for a local endangered cattle breed.
Archives Animal Breeding 64, 187-198,
Hohmann, L.G., Yin, T., Schweizer, H. Giambra, I.J., König, S., Scholz, A.M. (2021):
Comparative effects of milk containing A1 versus A2 -casein on health, growth and -casomorphin-7 Level in plasma of neonatal dairy calves.
Animals 2021, 11, 55,
Hohmann, L., Weimann, C., Scheper, C., Erhardt, G., König, S. (2021):
Genetic diversity and population structure in divergent German cattle selection lines on the basis of milk protein polymorphisms.
Archives Animal Breeding 64, 91-102,
Kipp, C., Al-Kanaan, K., Brügemann, K., König, S. (2021):
Genetische Analysen von physiologischen Merkmalen in Bezug zu klimatischen Belastungen beim Deutschen Schwarzbunten Niederungsrind.
Züchtungskunde 93 (2)
Kipp, C., Brügemann, K., Zieger, P., Mütze, K., Möcklinghoff-Wicke, S., König, S., Halli, K. (2021):
Across-generation effects of maternal heat stress during late gestation on production, female fertility and longevity traits in dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Research,
Kipp, C., Brügemann, K., Yin, T., Halli, K., König, S. (2021):
Genotype by heat stress interactions for production and functional traits in dairy cows from an across-generation perspective.
Journal of Dairy Science 104(9), 10029-10039,
Klein, S., Yin, T., Swalve, H. H., König, S. (2021):
Single-step genetic parameter estimations and genome-wide associations for milk fatty acid profiles, interval from calving to first insemination and ketosis in Holstein dairy cattle.
Journal of Dairy Science 104(10), 10921-10933,
Klopčič, M., Erjavec. K., Waldrop, M., Roosen, J., Engel, P., Galama, P., Kuipers, A. (2021):
Consumers’ and Farmers’ Perceptions in Europe Regarding the Use of Composted Bedding Material from Cattle.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 5128.
Korkuc, P., Arends, D., May, K., König, S., Brockmann, G.A. (2021):
Genomic loci affecting milk production in German Black Pied cattle (DSN).
Frontiers in Genetics,
May, K., König, S. (2021):
Genomische, molekulargenetische und phänotypische Analysen zu Robustheit und Resistenz am Beispiel endoparasitärer Infektionen bei Milchkühen.
Züchtungskunde 2(93)
May, K., Sames, L., Scheper, C., König, S. (2021):
Genomic loci and genetic parameters for uterine diseases in first-parity Holstein cows and associations with production and fertility.
Journal of Dairy Science,
Mullakkalparambil-Velayudhan, S., König, S., Sejian, V., Malik, P. K., Nair, M. R. R., De França Carvalho Fonsêca, V., Campos Maia, A. S., Bhatta, R. (2021):
Climate resilient dairy cattle production: Applications of genomic tools and statistical models.
Frontiers Veterinary Science,
Neumann, G.B., Korkuć, P., Arends, D., Wolf, M.J., May, K., Reißmann, M., Elzaki, S., König, S., Brockmann, G. (2021):
Design and performance of a bovine 200 k SNP chip developed for endangered German Black Pied cattle (DSN).
BMC Genomics 22, 905 (2021),
Pinto, A., May, K., Yin, T., Reichenbach, M., Malik, P.K., Roessler, R., Schlecht, E., König, S. (2021):
Gastrointestinal nematode and Eimeria spp. infections in dairy cattle along a rural-urban gradient.
Veterinary Parasitology,
Reichenbach, M., Pinto, A., Bhatta, R., König, S., Schlecht, E. (2021):
Dairy production in an urbanizing environment - Typology and linkages in the megacity of Bengaluru, India.
Plos One,
Reichenbach, M., Pinto, A., Malik, P.K., Bhatta, R., König, S., Schlecht, E. (2021):
Dairy feed efficiency and urbanization – A system approach in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India.
Livestock Science 253, 104718
Scheper, C., Emmerling, R., Götz, K.-U., König, S. (2021):
A variance component estimation approach to infer associations between Mendelian polledness and quantitative production and female fertility traits in German Simmental cattle.
Genetic Selection Evolution,
Schulz, S., Halli, K., König, S., Sundrum, A. (2021):
Potentials of quality beef production in association with the German endangered cattle breed population Rotes Höhenvieh (RHV).
Züchtungskunde 5, 362-373
Sejian, V., Mullakkalparambil-Velayudhan, S., Chauhan, S. S., Madiajagan, B., Devaraj, C., Krishnan, G., Nair M. R. R., Anisha, J. P., Manimaran, A., König, S., Bhatta, R., Dunshea, F. R. (2021):
Eco-Intensified Breeding Strategies for Improving Climate Resilience in Goats.
In: Ecological Intensification of Natural Resources for Sustainable Agriculture (pp.627-655),
Vanvanhossou, S.F.U., Dossa, L.H., König, S. (2021):
Sustainable Management of Animal Genetic Resources to Improve Low-Input Livestock Production: Insights into Local Beninese Cattle Populations.
Sustainability 2021, 13(19), 9874,
Vanvanhossou, S.F.U., Giambra, I.J., Yin, T., Brügemann, K., Dossa, L.H., König, S. (2021):
First DNA Sequencing in Beninese Indigenous Cattle Breeds Captures New Milk Protein Variants.
Genes 12, 1702,
Vanvanhossou, S.F.U., Yin, T., Scheper, C., Fries, R., Dossa, L.H., König, S. (2021):
Unravelling Admixture, Inbreeding and Recent Selection Signatures in West-African Indigenous Cattle Populations in Benin.
Frontiers in Genetics,
Veerasamy S., Mullakkalparambil Velayudhan, S., Mini, R. R. N., Devaraj, C., Krishnan, G., Bagath, M., Chauhan, S. S., Suganthi, R. U., Fonseca, V. F. C., König, S., Gaughan, J., Dunshea, F. R. Bhatta, R. (2021):
Heat Stress and Goat Welfare: Adaptation and Production Considerations.
Wagner, P., Yin, T., Brügemann, K., Engel, P., Weimann, C., Schlez, K., König, S. (2021):
Genome-Wide Associations for Microscopic Differential Somatic Cell Count and Specific Mastitis Pathogens in Holstein Cows in Compost-Bedded Pack and Cubicle Farming Systems.
Animals 2021,
Wolf, J. M., May, K. (2021):
EigenGWAS zur Bestimmung von Selektionssignaturen auf SNP-Datenbasis in einer Stichprobe von vier lokalen Rinderrassen aus dem Benin.
Züchtungskunde 4, 332
Wolf, J. M., Yin, T., Neumann, G. B., Korkuć, P., Brockmann, G. A., König, S., May, K. (2021):
Genome-Wide Association Study Using Whole-Genome Sequence Data for Fertility, Health Indicator, and Endoparasite Infection Traits in German Black Pied Cattle.