Publikationen 2019
1. Peer-reviewed publications:
Gernand, E., König, S., Kipp, C. (2019):
Influence of on-farm measurements for heat stress indicators on dairy cow productivity, female fertility, and health.
Journal of Dairy Science 102, 6660-6671,
Jaeger, M., Brügemann, K., Brandt, H., König, S. (2019):
Associations between precision sensor data with productivity, health and welfare indicator traits in native black and white dual-purpose cattle under grazing conditions.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science,
Klein, S.L., Scheper, C., Brügemann, K., Swalve, H.H., König, S. (2019):
Phenotypic relationships, genetic parameters, genome-wide associations and identification of potential candidate genes for ketosis and fat-to-protein ratio in German Holstein cows.
Journal of Dairy Science 102, 6276-6287,
May, K., Brügemann, K., König, S., Strube, C. (2019):
Patent infections with Fasciola hepatica and paramphistomes (Calicophoron daubneyi) in dairy cows and their association with individual milk production and fertility parameters.
Veterinary Parasitology 267, 32-41,
May, K., Scheper, C., Brügemann, K., Yin, T., Strube, C., Korkuć, P., Brockmann, G.A., König, S. (2019):
Genome-wide associations and functional gene analyses for endoparasite resistance in an endangered population of native German Black Pied cattle.
BMC Genomics 20,
May, K., Weimann, C., Scheper, C., Strube, C., König, S. (2019):
Allele substitution and dominance effects of CD166/ALCAM gene polymorphisms for endoparasite resistance and test-day traits in a small cattle population using logistic regression analyses.
Mammalian Genome 30, 301-317,
Shabalina, T., Yin, T., König, S. (2019):
Influence of common health disorders on productive life and stayability in German Holstein cows.
Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1), 583-596,
Yin, T., Jaeger, M., Scheper, C., Grodkowski, G., Sakowski, T., Klopčič, M., Bapst, B., König, S. (2019):
Multi-breed genome-wide association studies across countries for electronically recorded behavior traits in local dual-purpose cows.
Plos One,
2. Scientific presentations: National conferences:
Bohlouli, M., König, S. (2019):
Assessing effects of genome-wide marker by environment interaction on genomic prediction for production traits in German Holstein cattle.
Network Meeting, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Leipzig.
Herold, J., Brügemann, K., König, S. (2019):
Betriebscharakterisierung zur Optimierung der Zuchtwertschätzung insbesondere in kleinen Populationen.
15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 05.-08. März 2019 in Kassel
May, K., Brügemann, K., Strube, C., König, S. (2019):
Strategien der Parasitenbekämpfung beim Milchvieh in Weideproduktionssystemen: Was kann die Zucht leisten?
15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 05.-08. März 2019, Kassel
Shabalina, T., Yin, T., May, K., König, S. (2019):
Genomische Charakteristika für Produktionsmerkmale und Langlebigkeit von Holstein Friesian Kühen unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer und konventioneller Haltungsumwelten.
Jahrestagung/Vortragstagung der DGfZ und GfT, 11. - 12. September 2019, Gießen
3. Scientific Presentations: International conferences:
Bapst, B., Bohlouli, M., König, S., Brügemann, K. (2019):
How does Holstein cattle in Switzerland react to heat stress?
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26. - 30. August 2019, Ghent, Belgien
Halli, K., Brügemann, K., Bohlouli, M., König, S. (2019):
Impact of heat stress on weights, weight gain and fertility in the local breed ‘Rotes Hoehenvieh’.
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26. - 30. August 2019, Ghent, Belgien
Reintke, J., Brügemann, K., Yin, T., Engel, P., Wagner, H., Wehrend, A., König, S.(2019):
Assessment of methane traits in ewes: Genetic parameters and impact on lamb weaning performance.
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26. - 30. August 2019, Ghent, Belgien