Publikationen 2013
1. Peer-reviewed Publications:
Bagheri, M., Miraie-Ashtiani, R., Moradi-Sharbabak, M., Nejati-Javaremi, A., Pakdel, A., von Borstel, U.U., Pimentel, E.C.G., König, S. (2013):
Selective genotyping and logistic regression analyses to identify favorable SNP-genotypes for clinical mastitis and production traits in Holstein dairy cattle
Livest. Sci. 151:140-151
Brügemann, K., Gernand, E., von Borstel, U.U., König, S. (2013):
Application of random regression models to infer the genetic background and phenotypic trajectory of binary conception rate by alterations of temperature × humidity indices
Livestock Sci. 157: 389–396
Gauly, M., Bollwein, H., Breves, G., Brügemann, K., Dänicke, S., Das, G., Demeler, J., Hansen, H., Isselstein, J., König, S., Lohölter, M., Martinsohn, M., Meyer, U., Potthoff, M., Sanker, C., Schröder, B., Wrage, N., Meibaum, B., von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G., Stinshoff, H., Wrenzycki, C. (2013):
Future consequences and challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate change in Central Europe - A review
Animal, 7(5):843-59
Gernand, E., Döhne, D.A., König, S. (2013):
Genetic background of claw disorders in the course of lactation and their relationships with type traits
J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 130(6):435-440
König, S., Brügemann, K., Pimentel, E.C.G. (2013):
Züchterische Strategien für Tier- und Klimaschutz: Was ist möglich und was brauchen wir?
Züchtungskunde 85 (1):22–33
Pilla, R., Malvisi, M., Snel, G.G.M., Schwarz, D., König, S., Czerny, C.-P., Piccini, R. (2013):
Differential cell count as a new method to diagnose dairy cow mastitis
J. Dairy Sci. 96: 1653-1660
Pimentel, E.C.G, Wensch-Dorendorf, M., König, S., Swalve, H.H. (2013):
Enlarging a training set for genomic selection by imputation of un-genotyped animals in populations of varying genetic architecture
Genetics Selection Evolution 45:12
Rehbein, P., Brügemann, K., Yin, T., König v. Borstel, U., Wu, X.-L., König, S. (2013):
Inferring rela-tionships between clinical mastitis, productivity and fertility: A recursive model application including genetics, farm associated herd management, and cow specific antibiotic treatments
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 112: 58-67
2. Scientific presentations: International conferences
König, S. (2013):
Evaluating the need for specialized organic dairy cattle breeding programs and assessing possible implementation strategies
64th Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Nantes, Frankreich, 26.-30. August 2013
3. Nationale Tagungen:
Yin, T., Pimentel, E., König, S. (2013):
Strategy for simulating and analyzing longitudinal data with genomic models
Vortragstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde e.V. und der Gesellschaft für Tierzuchtwissenschaften e.V., Göttingen, 4.-5. September 2013