Resources, their Dynamics, and Sustainability Capacity Development in Comparative and Integrated Approaches
Im Rahmen des Postdoctoral-Fellowship-Programms für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen an afrikanischen Universitäten "Resources, their Dynamics, and Sustainability Capacity Development in Comparative and Integrated Approaches" erhielt Dr. Luc Hippolyte Dossa von der University of Abomey-Calavi ein Fellowship, in dessen Rahmen er mit der Professur für Tierzüchtung zusammenarbeitet.
Gefördert durch: VolkswagenStiftung
Förderkennzeichen: 89 367
Title: Cross-border and regional livestock mobility along the transect from the Sahel to Southern Benin: risks and opportunities for animal genetic resources and livestock production
While cross-border and regional livestock mobility is increasingly recognized as an effective strategy for enhancing livestock productivity in West Africa, much of the research on livestock mobility and pastoralism in the region has given little attention to animal breeds and genetic diversity. Knowing how and to what extent cross-border and regional mobility affect the genetic structure of local cattle populations in the country of destination of transhumant herds is important for their sustainable use. The main objective of the project is therefore to quantify the effects of herd mobility on the genetic structure and diversity of local cattle populations and derive recommendations for its conservation. Specific objectives are to: i) study cattle herds’ structure, breed composition, and productivity along the mobility routes; ii) study the networks of animal exchanges between mobile and sedentary herds; iii) determine price variations and preferences for cattle breeds at different regional markets along the mobility routes; and iv) assess the combined effects of herders’ networks of animal exchanges and market breed preferences on the genetic structure and diversity of local cattle populations along the mobility routes.