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Infoday International Master Sustainable Chemistry

Sustainable Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University - Presentation of the new International Masters Program


22.06.2024 von 14:00 bis 16:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Hörsaal C 112, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, 35392 Gießen / Live via YouTube

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Live-Stream via YouTube:


- Welcome and presentation of the new Masters program Sustainable Chemistry (Prof. Hermann A. Wegner)

- Talk „New ceramic materials for more sustainable energy conversion” (Prof. Maren Lepple)

- Talk "Sustainable Chemistry for our Future Energy Supply” (Prof. Jürgen Janek)

- Talk “The Concrete Problem: How Can Sustainable Chemistry Help to Solve a Global Mega Challenge” (Prof. Bernd Smarsly)