3rd TRR81 Symposium on "Chromatin Changes in Differentiation and Malignancy"
Philipps-University Marburg, Germany | Registration and abstract submission |
14 - 16 September 2015 |
deadline: 15 July 2015 |
Poster download | Program download |
Cellular transcription programmes undergo profound changes both during differentiation of healthy cells and during the malignant transformation of diseased cells. This modulation of transcriptional outputs is orchestrated by changes in chromatin structure that operate at different yet interconnected levels: they affect the arrangement of the genome in the nuclear space, the activity and accessibility of enhancers and other regulatory elements and the function of transcription factors, chromatin-associated proteins, enzymes acting on chromatin and RNA. Recent advances have expanded our understanding of the underlying molecular processes but also have raised many new questions.
The 3rd TRR81 symposium on “Chromatin Changes in Differentiation and Malignancy” will provide a comprehensive view of the state-of-the-art and offer the opportunity for discussion with international leaders in the field.
- Mark T. Bedford, Houston
- Tilman Borggrefe, Gießen
- Thomas Braun, Bad-Nauheim
- Alexander Brehm, Marburg
- Xin Chen, Baltimore
- Jérôme Déjardin, Montpellier
- Jesse Dixon, San Diego
- Anna Drinnenberg, Seattle
- Denis Duboule, Geneva
- Eric L. Greer, Boston
- Frank Grosveld, Rotterdam
- Frank Holstege, Utrecht
- Adriaan Houtsmuller, Rotterdam
- Rob Klose, Oxford
- Michael Kracht, Gießen
- Tom Misteli, Bethesda
- Adone Mohd-Sarip, Rotterdam
- Jürg Müller, Munich
- Gioacchino Natoli, Milan
- Ana Pombo, Berlin
- Frank Pugh, Philadelphia
- Christina Rathke, Marburg
- Raffaella Santoro, Zurich
- Francis Stewart, Dresden
- Henk Stunnenberg, Nijmegen
- Dimitris Thanos, Athens
- Vijay Tiwari, Mainz
- Michiel Vermeulen, Utrecht
- Robert White, Cambridge
- Jerry Workman, Kansas City
- Bin Zhu, Beijing
Organizing Committee:
- Philipps-University Marburg: Alexander Brehm, Christina Rathke
- Justus-Liebig-University Giessen: Tilman Borggrefe, Michael Kracht, Rainer Renkawitz
- Erasmus M.C. Rotterdam: Frank Grosveld, Sjaak Philipsen, Kerstin Wendt