Here you can find the documentation available for ReadXplorer.
- The extensive user manual is available here.
- A getting startet guide for new users is available here.
- The source code is available on Github.
- The 2 ReadXplorer publications:
Hilker R, Bernd Stadermann KB, Schwengers O, Anisiforov E, Jaenicke S, Weisshaar B, Zimmermann T, Goesmann A
ReadXplorer 2 - detailed read mapping analysis and visualization from one single source (2016)
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
DOI | PubMed | EuropePMC
Hilker R, Stadermann KB, Doppmeier D, Kalinowski J, Stoye J, Straube J, Winnebald J, Goesmann A
ReadXplorer - Visualization and Analysis of Mapped Sequences (2014)
Bioinformatics, 30, 2247–2254.
DOI | PubMed | Europe PMC