2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | älter |
- The data acquisition system for the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector
O. Manzhura et al 2024 JINST 19 C03036 (2024). - Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements of Deeply Virtual π0 Production with CLAS12
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- Measurements of the Helicity Asymmetry E for the γp → p π0 Reaction in the Resonance Region
Kim, C.W., Zachariou, N., Bashkanov, M. et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 217 (2023). - First Measurement of Hard Exclusive π− Δ++ Electroproduction Beam-Spin Asymmetries off the Proton
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I. Korover et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 107, L061301 (2023). - Alignment of the CLAS12 Central Hybrid Tracker with a Kalman Filter
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G. Christiaens et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. (2023). [arXiv] - First Measurement of Λ Electroproduction off Nuclei in the Current and Target Fragmentation Regions
T. Chetry et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. (2023).[arXiv] - A Multidimensional Study of the Structure Function Ratio σLT′/σ0 from Hard Exclusive π+ Electroproduction off Protons in the GPD Regime
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- Observation of Azimuth-Dependent Suppression of Hadron Pairs in Electron Scattering off Nuclei
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V. Dormenev, K.-Th. Brinkmann, D. Kazlou, M. Moritz, R. W. Novotny, M. Peter, H.-G. Zaunick. Submitted to the publication in a special issue of IEEE Transaction of Nuclear Science, October 2022. - Multidimensional, High Precision Measurements of Beam Single Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive π+ Electroproduction off Protons in the Valence Region
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S. Diehl for the CLAS Collaboration, SciPost Phys.Proc. 8, 066 (2022, DIS2021) - Measurement of Charged Pion Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering off Nuclei with the CLAS Detector
S. Moran et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 105, 015201 (2022).
- Improved Λp Elastic Scattering Cross Sections Between 0.9 and 2.0 GeV/c and Connections to the Neutron Star Equation of State
J. Rowley et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 272303 (2021). - First-time Measurement of Timelike Compton Scattering
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M. Khachatryan et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Nature 599, 565 (2021). - Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off Helium-4 with CLAS at Jefferson Lab
R. Dupre et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 104, 025203 (2021). - 12C(e,e'pN) Measurements of Short Range Correlations in the Tensor-to-Scalar Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction Transition Region
I. Korover et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B 820, 136523 (2021). - Double Polarization Observable G for Single Pion Photoproduction from the Proton
N. Zachariou et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B 817, 136304 (2021). - Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure at Long Distances
X. Zheng et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Nature Physics 17, 6 (2021). - Observation of Beam Spin Asymmetries in the Process ep→e'π+π-X with CLAS12
T.B. Hayward et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 152501 (2021). - Photoproduction of the f2(1270) Meson Using the CLAS Detector
M. Carver et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 082002 (2021). - Differential Cross Sections for Λ(1520) Using Photoproduction at CLAS
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M. Prestona, S. Bukreevab, S. Diehl et al. for the PANDA Collaboration. - Radiation tolerant YAG: Ce scintillation crystals grown under reducing Ar+CO atmosphere
V. Dormenev, K.-T. Brinkmann, A. Borisevich, D. Kazlou, M. Korzhik, M. Moritz, R.W. Novotny, P. Orsich, Ia. Gerasymov, S. Tkachenko, P. Arhipov, O. Sidletskiy, H.-G. Zaunick. In Nucl. Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Volume 1015, p. 165764, 2021. - Multipurpose Ce-doped Ba-Gd silica glass scintillator for radiation measurements
Dormenev, A. Amelina, E. Auffray, K.-T. Brinkmann, G. Dosovitskiy, F. Cova, A. Fedorov, S. Gundacker, D. Kazlou, M. Korjik, N. Kratochwil, V. Ladygin, V. Mechinsky, M. Moritz, S. Nargelas, R.W. Novotny, P. Orsich, M. Salomoni, Y. Talochka, G. Tamulaitis, A. Vaitkevicius, A. Vedda, H.-G. Zaunick. In Nucl. Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Volume 1015, p. 165762, 2021. - Mode Transition in Capillary Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Thruster
A. Quraishi, I. Kronhaus, A. Reeh and U. Probst. In IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 635-647, Feb. 2021. - PANDA Phase One
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- Photoproduction of η Mesons off the Proton for 1.2 < Eγ < 4.7 GeV Using CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory
T. Hu et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 102, 065203 (2020). - Extraction of Beam-Spin Asymmetries from the Hard Exclusive π+ Channel off Protons in a Wide Range of Kinematics
S. Diehl et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 182001 (2020). - First Measurement of Direct Photoproduction of the a2(1320)0 Meson on the Proton
A. Celentano et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 102, 032201(R) (2020). - Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry E in K+Σ+ Photoproduction on the Neutron
N. Zachariou et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B 808, 135662 (2020). - Probing the Core of the Strong Nuclear Interaction
A. Schmidt et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Nature 578, 540 (2020). - Exclusive π0p Electroproduction off Protons in the Resonance Region at Photon Virtualities 0.4 < Q2 < 1 GeV²
N. Markov et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 101, 015208 (2020). - Stimulated Recovery of the Radiation Damage in Lead Tungstate Crystals
P. Orsich, V. Dormenev, K.-T. Brinkmann, M. Korjik, M. Moritz, R.-W. Novotny, H.-G. Zaunick. In IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. - The PANDA Barrel Time-of-Flight Detector
S. Zimmermann, K. Suzuki, D. Steinschaden, N.Kratochwil, W. Nalti, H. Orth, C. Schwarz, A. Lehmann, M. Böhm, K.-T. Brinkmann. In Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 952 (2020) 161635 - The BGOOD Experimental Setup at ELSA
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- Measurement of Nuclear Transparency Ratios for Protons and Neutrons
M. Duer et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B, 797, 134792 (2019). - Exploring the Structure of the Bound Proton with Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
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M. Duer et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 172502 (2019). - First Measurements of the Double-Polarization Observables F, P, and H in ω Photoproduction off Transversely-Polarized Protons in the N* Resonance Region
P. Roy et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 162301 (2019). - Modified Structure of Protons and Neutrons in Correlated Pairs
B. Schmookler et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Nature 566, 354 (2019). - Measurement of the Beam Spin Asymmetry of ep → e'p'η in the Deep-Inelastic Regime with CLAS
B. Zhao et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett B. 789, 426 (2019). - First Results on Nucleon Resonance Photocouplings from γ p → π+π+p Cross Sections
E. Golovatch et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B 788, 371 (2019). - Extraction of ALUsin(φ) moments from the hard exclusive pi+ channel in a wide range of kinematics with CLAS
S. Diehl for the CLAS Collaboration, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1643, 012187 (2020, INPC 2019) - SIDIS Pion Beam Spin Asymmetries with CLAS 12 at 10.6 GeV
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Horst, F., Adi, W., Arico`, G., Brinkmann, K.-T., Durante, M., Reidel, C.-A., Rovi- tuso, M., Weber, U., Zaunick, H.-G., Zink, K. & Schuy, C. Physics in Medicine and Biology 64, 205012 (2019). - Measurement of 4He charge- and mass-changing cross sections on H, C, O, and Si targets in the energy range 70-220 MeV/u for radiation transport calculations in ion-beam therapy.
Horst, F., Arico`, G., Brinkmann, K.-T., Brons, S., Ferrari, A., Haberer, T., Mairani, A., Parodi, K., Reidel, C.-A., Weber, U., Zink, K. & Schuy, C. Physical Review C 99, 014603 (2019). - Nanoengineered Gd3Al2Ga3O12 Scintillation Materials with Disordered Garnet Structure for Novel Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
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Moritz, M., Brinkmann, K. T., Dormenev, V., Novotny, R. W., Ryazantsev, A., Zaunick, H. G., & PANDA collaboration. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series(Vol. 1162, No. 1, p. 012025). IOP Publishing. - Compact and Effective Detector of the Fast Neutrons on a Base of Ce-doped Gd3Al2Ga3O12 Scintillation Crystal
M. Korjik, K.-T. Brinkmann, G. Dosovitskiy, V. Dormenev, A. Fedorov, D. Kozlov, V. Mechinsky, H.-G. Zaunick. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 66, Issue 1, pp. 536-540, January 2019. - Performance of DSB - a new glass and glass ceramic as scintillation material for future calorimetry
R. W. Novotny, V. Dormenev, T. Brinkmann, P. Drexler, M. Korjik, D. Kozlov, H. - G. Zaunick. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, V. 1162, Number 1, 012021, 2019 - Multifunctional scintillation materials of the garnet structure for non-homogeneous detecting cells of electromagnetic calorimeters to operate in a harsh irradiation environment
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- Study of Ξ* Photoproduction from Threshold to W=3.3 GeV
J. Goetz et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. 98, 062201(R) (2018). - Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry E in K0Λ and K0Σ0 Photoproduction on the Neutron
D.H. Ho et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 98, 045205 (2018). - Measurement of Unpolarized and Polarized Cross Sections for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Proton at Jefferson Laboratory with CLAS
N. Saylor et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 98, 045203 (2018). - Photoproduction of K+K-Meson Pairs on the Proton
S. Lombardo et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. D 98, 052009 (2018). - The Center of Mass Motion of Short-Range Correlated Nucleon Pairs Studies via the A(e,e'pp) Reaction
E. Cohen et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 095201 (2018). - Measurements of γvp → p' π+π- Cross Section with the CLAS Detector for 0.4 GeV2 < Q² < 1.0 GeV² and 1.3 GeV < W < 1.825 GeV
G. Fedotov et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 98, 025203 (2018). - First Measurement of Ξ- Polarization in Photoproduction
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M. Kunkel et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Rev. C 98, 015207 (2018). - Semi-Inclusive π0 Target and Beam-Target Asymmetries from 6 GeV Electron Scattering with CLAS
S. Jawalkar et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Phys. Lett. B 782, 662 (2018). - Differential Cross Section for γd → ωd Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab
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M. Duer et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Nature 560, 617 (2018). - Measurement of the Beam Asymmetry Σ and the Target Asymmetry T in the Photoproduction of ω Mesons off the Proton using CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory
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S. Diehl et al., IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci. 63 (2016) no.2, 564-568.
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Proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2014 IEEE - Radiation damage and recovery of medium heavy and light inorganic crystalline, glass and glass ceramic materials after irradiation with 150 MeV protons and 1.2 MeV gamma-rays
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Proceedings of PANIC2014
- Beam test results of pixel triggerless prototypes for the PANDA MVD
D. Calvo et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A732 (2013) 66-69. - Tests of optical glues for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter
A. Dbeyssi et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A722 (2013) 82-86. - The silicon Micro Vertex Detector of the PANDA experiment
D. Calvo [PANDA Collaboration], Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A718 (2013) 39-42. - Radiation damage of heavy crystalline detector materials by 24-GeV protons
A. Barysevich et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A701 (2013) 231-234. - Stimulation of Radiation Damage Recovery of Lead Tungstate Scintillation Crystals Operating in a High Dose-Rate Radiation Environment
A. Borisevitch et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 60, Iss. 2, part 2 (2013) 1368-1372. - Quasi-free photoproduction of η-mesons off 3He nuclei
L. Witthauer et al. [A2 Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 154 [arXiv]. - An upper limit on hypertriton production in collisions of Ar(1.76 A GeV) + KCl
G. Agakishiev et al. [HADES Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 146 [arXiv]. - In-medium modifications of the ω meson near the production threshold
M. Thiel et al. [ ], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 132. - Measurements of 12C(γ,pp) photon asymmetries for Eγ = 200-450 MeV
J. Robinson et al. [ ], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 65. - On the ΣN cusp in the pp → pK+Λ reaction
S. Abd El-Samad et al. [COSY TOF Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 41 [arXiv]. - Coherent photoproduction of π0- and η-mesons off 7Li
Y. Maghrbi et al. [Crystal Ball Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 38 [arXiv]. - Deep sub-threshold K*(892)0 production in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76-A-GeV
G. Agakishiev et al. [HADES Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 34. - Technical design report for the PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube Tracker
W. Erni et al. [PANDA Collaboration], Eur.Phys.J. A49 (2013) 25 [arXiv]. - Determination of the η'-nucleus optical potential
M. Nanova et al. [CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration], Phys.Lett. B727 (2013) 417-423 [arXiv]. - Investigating in-medium properties of the ω meson via the ω→π0γ decay
J. Weil, U. Mosel, V. Metag, Phys.Lett. B723 (2013) 120-125 [arXiv]. - First measurement of the helicity dependence of 3He photoreactions in the Δ(1232) resonance region
P. Aguar Bartolome et al. [Crystal Ball Collaboration], Phys.Lett. B723 (2013) 71-77. - Double pion photoproduction off nuclei – Are there effects beyond final-state interaction?
Y. Maghrbi et al. [Crystal Ball Collaboration], Phys.Lett. B722 (2013) 69-75 [arXiv]. - Measurement of the beam-helicity asymmetry I° in the photoproduction of π0-pairs off the proton and off the neutron
M. Oberle et al. [ ], Phys.Lett. B721 (2013) 237-243 [arXiv]. - Narrow Structure in the Excitation Function of η Photoproduction off the Neutron
D. Werthmüller et al. [A2 Collaboration], Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) no.23, 232001 [arXiv]. - Accurate Test of Chiral Dynamics in the γp→π0p Reaction
D. Hornidge et al. [A2 and CB-TAPS Collaborations], Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) no.6, 062004 [arXiv]. - Measurement of the γp → K0 Σ+ reaction with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detectors at the Mainz Microtron
P. Aguar-Bartolome et al. [A2 Collaboration], Phys.Rev. C88 (2013) no.4, 044601 [arXiv]. - Inclusive pion and η production in p+Nb collisions at 3.5 GeV beam energy
G. Agakishiev et al. [HADES Collaboration], Phys.Rev. C88 (2013) no.2, 024904 [arXiv]. - Baryonic resonances close to the K N threshold: the case of Λ(1405) in pp collisions
G. Agakishiev et al. [HADES Collaboration], Phys.Rev. C87 (2013) 025201 [arXiv]. - pK+Λ final state: Towards the extraction of the ppK- contribution
L. Fabbietti et al. [HADES Collaboration], Nucl.Phys. A914 (2013) 60-68 [arXiv]. - The PANDA MVD silicon strip detector
R. Schnell, K.T. Brinkmann, H. Sohlbach, H.G. Zaunick, JINST 8 (2013) C02005. - The Micro-Vertex-Detector for the PANDA experiment
L. Zotti [PANDA MVD Group], J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 426 (2013) 012029. - Proton induced dielectron radiation off Nb: Pt and Y distributions
M. Lorenz et al. [HADES Collaboration], J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 426 (2013) 012034. - Recent results of the BGO-OD experiment at ELSA facility
V. De Leo et al. [BGO-OD Collaboration], J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 424 (2013) 012008. - Hades experiments: investigation of hadron in-medium properties
P. Salabura et al. [HADES Collaboration], J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 420 (2013) 012013. - Spectroscopy of η' mesic nuclei using (p,d) reaction
K. Suzuki et al., PoS Hadron2013 (2013) 166. - Di-pion and di-electron production in NN reactions with HADES at 1.25GeV incident beam energy.
H. Kuc et al. [HADES Collaboration], PoS Bormio2013 (2013) 060. - New experimental approaches to study the in-medium properties of the η' meson
M. Nanova, PoS Bormio2013 (2013) 054. - Spectroscopy of η' mesic nuclei with $(p,d)$ reaction
Y. K. Tanaka et al., Few Body Syst. 54 (2013) 1263-1266 [arXiv]. - An introduction to lattice hadron spectroscopy for students without quantum field theoretical background
M. Wagner, S. Diehl, T. Kuske, J. Weber, arXiv:1310.1760 [hep-lat]. - MesonNet 2013 International Workshop. Mini-proceedings
K. Kampf et al., arXiv:1308.2575 [hep-ph]. - DarkLight: A Search for Dark Forces at the Jefferson Laboratory Free-Electron Laser Facility
J. Balewski et al., arXiv:1307.4432 [physics.ins-det].