Research Grants and Cooperations
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG
Projekt "Characterization of transport processes in solid ion conductors and mixed conductors on the nanoscale using quantitative electrochemical strain microsopy" (2019-2022)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/14
Grant holder: Prof. Dr. A. Schirmeisen (joint proposal with Prof. Roling from the Phillips University Marburg)
Projekt "Molecular mechanisms of C-C coupling: A microscopic view into the on-surface Chemical bonding processes" (2019-2022)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/13
Grant holder: Prof. Dr. A. Schirmeisen (joint proposal with Prof. Wegner and Prof. Mollenhauer, JLU Giessen)
Heisenberg-Stipendium "Grenzflächenadaption in der Nanotribologie: Grundlagen und Anwendung auf reale Systeme" (2018-2021)
Grant holder: Dr. Dirk Dietzel
Projekt: "Atomare Mechanismen der Kontaktalterung" (2018-2021)
DFG grant number: DI 917/6
Grant holder: Dr. Dirk Dietzel
Project "Multifrequenzmodi für stimmgabelbasierte Rasterkraftmikroskopie: Ortsauflösung und
gezielte Beeinflussung der Abbildungseigenschaften" (2017-2019)
DFG grant number: EBE 535/1-1
Grant holder: Dr. Daniel Ebeling
GRK "Substitutionsmaterialien für nachhaltige Energietechnologien" (2016-2019)
PI: Prof. Dr. A. Schirmeisen in Project D2: Graphene based nanostructures
Project: Atomic Wear - Atomarer Abrieb (2017-2019)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/10-1
Grant holder: Prof. Dr. A. Schirmeisen
Project: Reibung mesoskopischer Kontaktflächen – Untersuchung durch Manipulation von Nanopartikeln mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie (2014-2016)
DFG grant number: DI 917/5-1
Grant holder: Dr. Dirk Dietzel
Transregio TRR 61 (Münster-Beijing), Project B7: Characterization of epitaxially assembled multi-layers of functional organic molecules by atomic force microscopy(2008-2012) as part of the TRR 61 “Multilevel Molecular Assemblies: Structure, Dynamics and Function”, University of Münster and Tsinghua University Beijing
Grant holders: PD Dr. A. Schirmeisen and Prof. Dr. H. Fuchs
Project: Temperature dependence of point contact friction (2007-2009)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/6-1
Grant holders: PD Dr. A. Schirmeisen
SFB 458 (Münster), Project B17: Examination of the ion transport in nanostructured materials and thin films by time dependent electrostatic scanning force spectroscopy (2006-2009)
as part of the SFB 458 „Ion transport in materials with disordered structures – from the elementary steps to the macrocscopic transport”, University of Münster
Grant holders: Dr. A. Schirmeisen, Prof. B. Roling und Prof. H. Bracht
Project: Time dependent electrostatic force spectroscopy of the ion conductivity in solid electrolytes (2005)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/4-1
Grant holders: Dr. A. Schirmeisen, Prof. B. Roling und Prof. H. Bracht
Project: Dynamic force spectroscopy (2001-2003)
DFG grant number: SCHI 619/1-2
Grant holders: Dr. A. Schirmeisen and Prof. H. Fuchs
Project "Friction over Phase Transitions" (2017-2019)
Awarded to: Dr. Wen Wang
LOEWE (Land Hessen)
Project: STORE-E (2012-2014)
Team member in sub-project C1: Ion-Transport & Double-Layer Formation at Interfaces between Porous Electrodes and Ionic Liquids
European Science Foundation - ESF
Head of project consortium ‘Nanoparma’ consisting of 9 international project partners
Nanoparticle Manipulation with Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques (2008-2012)
FANAS program of the European Science Foundation (ESF)
Member of project consortium ‘AFRI’ consisting of 8 international project partners
Atomic Friction – Molecules in Motion (2008-2012)
FANAS program of the European Science Foundation (ESF)
eCOST (European cooperation in science and technology)
Steering committee member of the COST ACTION MP1303 “Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction” (2013-2015), responsible for WG4: Controlled nano movements