¶ A Proper
newe Booke of Cokerye,
declarynge what maner of
meates be beste in season,
for al times in the yere,
and how they ought
to be dressed, and
serued at the table,
bothe for
fleshe dayes,
and fyshe
With a newe addition, verye
necessarye for all them that
delyghteth in
BRAWNE is beste from a fortenyghte
before Mychalemas tyll
lente. Beife and Bacon is good
all tymes in the yere. Mutton
is good at all tymes, but from Easter
to myd Sommer it is worste. A fatte
pygge is euer in season. A goose is worste
in midsomer mone and beste in stubble
tyme, but when they be yong grene geese,
then they be beste. Veale is beste in
Januarye, and February, and all other times
good. Lambe and yonge kydde is beste
between Christmas and lente, and good
from Easter to Witsontyde. Kyd is euer
good. Hennes be good at all tymes but
beste from Nouember to lente. Fat Capons
be ever in season. Pecockes be euer good,
but when they be yong and of a good
stature, they be as good as fesantes, and
so be yonge grouces. Sinettes be beste
between All Hallowen daye and Lente. A
Mallarde is good after a froste, tyll Candelmas,
so is a Teile and other wilde foule
that swymmeth. A Wodcocke is beste from
Octobre to Lente; and so be all other
byrdes as Ousels and Thryesselles, Robins
and suche other. Herons, Curlus, Crane,
Bitture, Bustarde, be at all times good; but
beste in wynter. Fesauntes, Patriche and
Rayle be euer good but beste when they be
taken with a hauke. Quayle and Larkes bee
euer in season. Connies be ever good and so
is a doo. A hare is euer good, but beste from
October to Lente. A gelded dere whether
he be falowe or readde, is euer in season.
A Pollarde is speciall good in maye, at
Midsommer he is a Bucke, and is verye
good tyll holye Rood daye before Mighelmas
so lykewyse is a stagge, but he is principal
in Maye. A barren doo is best in wynter.
A Pricked and a sorrell syster is euer in
season. Chekins be euer good, and so bee
Pigions yf they be younge.
¶. Here after foloweth the order of
meates how they must be served
at the Table with their
sauces for fleshe dayes at
¶. The fyrste course.
¶. Potage or stewed broath.
Bolde meate or stewed meate.
Chekins and Bacon.
Powdred beyfe.
Roosted beyfe.
Roosted veale.
¶. The seconde course.
Roosted Lambe.
Roosted Capons.
Roosted Connies.
Baken Veneson.
¶. The fyrste service at supper.
¶. Potage or sewe.
A salette.
A pygges petytoe.
Poudred beyfe slyced.
A shoulder of mutton or a Breste.
¶. The seconde coorse.
Capons roosted.
Connies roosted.
Chekins roosted.
Pigeons roosted.
Larckes roosted.
A pye of pygeons or Chekins.
Baken venison.
¶. The seruice at dyner.
Brawne and mustarde.
Capons stewed, or in whyte broath.
A pestle of veneson upon a browes.
A chyne of beyfe and a breste of mutton
Chuettes of pyes of fyne mutton.
Thre grene gese in a dyshe, sorel sauce; for
a stubble gose, mustarde and vineger. After
all halowen daye, a swan Sauce chadel.
A pygge.
A dubble rybbe of beyf roosted, sauce pepper
and vyneger.
A loyne of veale or a brest --- sauce
Halfe a lambe or a kyd --- orengers.
Two capons roosted --- sauce wyne
and salte, ale and salt, except it be uppon
Two pasties of falow dere in a dyshe.
A custarde.
A dyshe of Leches.
¶. The seconde course.
Peacooke --- Sauce wyne and salt.
Two connies or half a dosyn rabets;
Sauce mustarde and suger.
Half a dosyn chekyns upon sorell soppes.
Half a dosyn pigeons.
Teyle. --- (Sauce mustarde
Guiles. --- (and verges.
Storke. --- (
Heronshewe. --- (
Crane. --- (Sauce galentyne.
Curlew. --- (
Fesande --- Sauce water and salt with
onyons slyced.
Halfe a dosen woodcockes,
Sauce mustarde and suger.
Halfe a dosen partriches,
Half a dosen tayles,
Sauced as the fesantes.
A dosen of Quayles.
A dyshe of Larkes.
Two pasties of redde deare in a dyshe.
¶. Service for fyshe dayes.
A sallett with harde Egges.
Potage of Sande Eles and Lamperns.
Read hearynge, grene broyled strawed upon.
Whyte herynge. --- (
Lynge. --- (
Haburdyn --- (mustcarde.
Salte samon minced.
Sauce Mustard and Vergis and a lyttle suger.
Powdred Conger. --- (
Shadde. --- (Sauce vineger.
Makrell. --- (
Whytinge --- Sauce wyth the lyuer and
Plyace, Sauce sorel, or wyne and salte, or
mustard, or vergys.
Thorneback --- Sauce lyver and mustard,
peper and salte strawed upon, after it is
Fresh codde --- Sauce, grene sauce
Eles upon soppes.
Roche upon soppes.
Pyke in pyke sauce.
Troute vpon soppes.
Tenche in gelly or in gressell.
The seconde course.
¶. Flownders or floex in pyke sauce.
Freshe Salmon.
Freshe conger.
Brette. --- (
Turbutte. --- (Sauce Vineger
Holybutte. --- (
Breme upon soppes.
Carpe upon soppes.
Soles or any other fyshes fryed.
Roosted Eles --- Sauce the
Roosted Lamperns. --- dryppynge.
Roosted purpos --- Sauce, galentine.
Freshe Sturgeon.
Creues. --- (
Crabbe. --- (Sauce, Vineger
Shrimpes. --- (
Baken Lamprey.
Tarte. --- Chese.
Fygges. --- Raysyns.
Apples. --- Peares.
Almondes blanched.
¶. To dresse a Crabe.
Fyrste take awaye all the legges and the
heades, and then take all the fysh out of
the shelle, and make the shell as cleane as
ye canne, and putte the meate into a dysche,
and butter it uppon a chafyng dysche of coles
and putte therto synamon and suger and a
lytle vyneger, and when ye haue chafed it
and seasoned it, then putte the meate in the
shelle agayne and bruse the heades, and set
them upon the dysche syde and serue it.
¶. To make a stewed broath for
Capons, mutton, beyfe, or any other
hoate meate, and also a
broathe for all maner
of fresh fyshe.
Take halfe a handefull of rosemary and
as muche of tyme and bynde it on a bundel
wyth threde after it is washen, and put it
in the potte after that the potte is cleane
skummed, and lette it boyle a whyle, then
cutte soppes of white breade and put them in
a great charger and put it on the same
skaldynge broath and when it is soken
ynoughe, strayne it throughe a strayner with
a quantitye of wyne or good ale, so that it
be not tarte; and when it is strayned, poure
it in a pot and than putte in youre raysons
and prunes, and so lette them boyle tyll
the meate be ynoughe. Yf the broathe be
to swete, putte in the more wyne or else a
lyttle vyneger.
¶. To make Pyes
Pyes of mutton or beif must be fyne
mynced and ceasoned wyth pepper and salte,
and a lyttle saffron to coloure it, suet or
marrow a good quantite, a lyttle vyneger,
prumes, greate raysins and dates, take the
fattest of the broathe of powdred beyfe, and
yf you wyll have paest royall, take butter
and yolkes of egges and so tempre the flowre
to make the paeste.
¶. To bake Veneson.
Take nothynge but pepper and salte, but
lette it haue ynoughe, and yf the Veneson be
leane, larde it throughe wyth bacon.
¶. To Rooste Veneson.
Roosted Veneson must have vyneger,
Suger and Cinomome and butter boyled upon a
chafing dyshe with cooles, but the sauce maye
not bee to tarte, and then laye the Veneson
upon the sauce.
¶. Chekins upon Soppes.
Take sorel sauce a good quantite and put
in Cinomone and Suger, and let it boyle and
powre it upon the soppes, and then laye on
the chekins.
¶. A Pyke sauce for a Pyke, Breme,
Perche, Roche, Carpe, Eles, Floykes and al
maner of brouke fyshe.
¶. Take a posye of Rosemary and time
and bynde them together, and put in also
a quantitye of perselye not bounde, and
put into the caudron of water, salte and
yeste, and the herbes, and lette them boyle
a pretye whyle, then putte in the fysshe
and a good quantitye of butter, and let them
boyle a good season, and you shall have good
Pyke sauce.
For all those fysshes above wrytten
yf they muste bee broyled, take sauce for
them, butter, peepper and veneger and boyle
it upon a chafyngdyshe and then laye the
broyled fyshe uppon the dysche; but for
Eeles and freshe Salmon nothing but Pepper
and vyneger over boyled. And also yf you wyll
frye them, you muste take a good quantitie of
persely, after the fyshe is fryed, put in the
persely into the fryinge panne, and let it frye
in the butter and take it up and put it on the
fryed fyshe, and frye place, whyttinge and
suche other fyshe, excepte Eles, freshe Salmon,
Conger, which be never fryed but baken, boyled,
roosted or sodden.
¶. To make a Custarde.
A Custarde the coffyn must be fyrste
hardened in the oven, and then take a quart
of creame and fyve or syxe yolkes of egges,
and beate them well together, and put them
into the creame, and put in Suger and small
Raysyns and Dates sliced, and put into the
coffyn butter or els marrowe, but on the fyshe
dates put in butter.
¶. Hereafter followeth a newe
Booke of Cokerye.
¶. To make cleare Jellye.
¶. Take two Calves feete and a shoulder of
Veale, and sette it upon the fyre in a fayre
potte wyth a gallon of water and a gallon
of claret wyne, than lette it boyle till it be
Jellye, and than take it up and drayne it,
and putte thereto Synamon, Gynger and Suger
and a lyttle turnesole to coloure it after youre
To make a dyschefull of
Take a pottell of swete thycke creame
and the whytes of eyghte egges, and beate
them altogether wyth a spone, then putte
them in youre creame and a saucerfull of
Rosewater, and a dyshe full of Suger wyth all,
then take a stycke and make it cleane, and
than cutte it in the ende foure square, and
therwith beate all the aforesayde thynges
together, and ever as it ryseth take it
of and put it into a Collaunder, this done
take one apple and set it in the myddes of it,
and a thicke bushe of Rosemary, and set it
in the myddes of the platter, then cast your
Snowe uppon the Rosemarye and fyll your
platter therwith. And yf you have wafers
caste some in wyth all and thus serve them
To frye Beanes.
Take youre Beanes and boyle them
and putte them into a fryinge panne with
a dyssche of butter, and one or two onions,
and so lette them frye tyll they be browne
altogether, then caste a lyttle salte upon
them, and then serve them forthe.
To make Panne puffe.
Take the stuffe of Stock frytters and for
hys paest take a quantite of ale and a lytle
yest and Suger, Mace and Saffron, than heate
it on a chafyndysche and put it to youre floure
with the yolcke of a rawe egge, and so after
this maner make up your paest.
To make Blewe manger.
Take a capon and cut out the brawne
of hym a lyve and perboyle the brawne
till the flesshe come from the bone, and
then drye him as drye as you canne, in a
fayre clothe, then take a payre of cardes
and carde hym as small as is possyble, and
than take a pottell of mylke and a pottell
of creame, and halfe a pounde of Rye flower,
and your carded brawne of the capon
and putte all into a pan, and stere it al
together and set it upon the fyre, and whan it
begynneth to boyle put thereto halfe a pounde
of beaten Suger and a sauserfull of Rose water
and so let it boyle tyll it be very thicke,
then put it into a charger tyll it be colde,
and then ye maye slyce it as ye doe lieche
and so serve it in.
¶. To make pyes of grene apples.
Take your apples and pare them cleane
and core them as ye wyll a Quince, then
make youre coffyn after this maner, take a
lyttle fayre water and half a dyche of butter
and a little Saffron, and sette all this upon a
chafyngdyshe tyll it be hoate then temper
your flower with this sayd licuor, and the
whyte of two egges and also make your
coffyn and ceason your apples with Sinemone,
Gynger and Suger ynoughe. Then putte them
into your coffin and laye halfe a dyshe of
butter above them and so close your coffin,
and so bake them.
¶. To bake chekins in lyke paest.
Take youre chekins and ceason them with
a lytle Ginger and salte, and so putte
them into your coffin and so put in them
barberies, grapes or goose beryes, and half a
dyshe of butter, so cloose them up, and
sette them in the ouen and when they are
baken, take the yolkes of syxe egges and a
dyshfull of vergis and drawe them through a
streyner and sette it upon a chafingdyshe,
than drawe youre baken chekins and put ther
to this foresayde egges and vergys and thus
serve them hoate.
¶. To bake pygeons in short paest as you
make to your baken
¶. Season youre pigeons with peper
saffron cloues and mace, with vergis and
salte, then putte them into youre paeste,
and so cloose them up, and bake them,
they wyl bake in halfe an houre, then take
them forthe, and yf ye thinke theym drye,
take a lyttle vergis and butter and put to
theim and serve theym.
To make vautes.
¶. Take the kydney of veale and
perboyle it tyll it be tender, then take and
choppe it small wyth the yolkes of three
or foure egges, then ceason it with dates
small cutte, small Reysons, Gynger,
suger, synamon, saffron and a lyttle
salte, and for the paest to laye it in, take
a dosen of egges, bothe the whyte and the
yolkes, and beate theym well al together, then
take butter, and put it into a frying panne,
and frye them as thynne as a pancake, then
laye your stuffe therein, and so frye them
together in a panne, and caste suger and
gynger upon it, and so serue it forthe.
¶. To make pescoddes.
Take marybones and pull the mary hole
out of them, and cutte it in two partes, then
season it with suger, synamon, ginger and a
little salte, and make youre paeste as fyne
as ye canne, and as shorte and thyn as ye
canne, then frye theym in swete suette and
caste upon them a lyttle synamon and ginger
and so serve them at the table.
To make stock frytures.
Take the same stuffe that you take
to a vaute and that same paeste ye take
for pescoddes, and ye maye frye them or els
bake them.
To Stewe Trypes.
Take a pynte of Claret wyne and set
it upon the fyre, and cutte youre trypes in
small peces, and therto putte in a good
quantitye of svnamon and gynger, and also
a slyced onyo or twayne, and so let them
boyle halfe an houre, and then serue them
upon soppes.
To make a pye of alowes.
Take a legge of mutton and cutte it in
thyn slyces, and for stuffing of the same
take perselye, tyme, and sauerye and chop
them smal, then temper among them three
or iiij yolckes of harde egges chopt smal and
small reysons, dates cutte with mace, and a
lyttle salte, then laye all these in the stekes
and then role them togeather.
This done make your pye, and laye all
these therein, then ceason theym wyth a lyttle
suger and cynamon, safiron and salte, then
cast upon them the yolckes of three or foure
harde egges and cut dates, wyth small raysynges,
so close your pye, and bake hym. Then for a
syrope for it, take roosted breade, and a little
claret wyne and strayne them thyn togeather,
and put thereto a lyttle suger, synamon and
gynger and putte it into your pye and then
serve it forthe.
To make short paest for tarte.
¶. Take fyne floure and a cursey of
fayre water and a dysche of swete butter and
a lyttel saffron, and the yolckes of two egges
and make it thynne and as tender as ye
To make a tarte of beanes.
¶. Take beanes and boyle them tender
in fayre water, then take theym oute and
breake them in a morter and strayne them
with the yolckes of foure egges, curde made
of mylke, then ceason it up with suger and
halfe a dysche of butter and a lytle synamon
and bake it.
To make a tarte of goseberies.
¶. Take goseberies and parboyle them
in whyte wyne, claret or ale, and boyle with
all a lyttle whyte breade, then take them
up, and drawe them throughe a strayner as
thycke as you can with the yolckes of syxe
egges, then season it up with suger, halfe a
dische of butter, so bake it.
To make a tarte of medlers.
Take medlers when they be rotten, and
bray them with the yolkes of foure egges,
then ceason it up wyth suger and sinamon
and swete butter, and so bake it.
To make a tarte of damsons.
Take damsons and boyle theym in wyne,
eyther red or claret, and put there to a dosen
of peares, or els whyte bread, too make
theym styffe wyth all, then drawe theym up
wyth the yolkes of syxe egges and swete
butter and so bake it.
¶. To make a tarte of borage
Take borage floures and perboyle them
tender, then strayne them wyth the yolckes
of three or foure egges, and swete curdes, or
els take three or foure apples, and perboyle
wythal and strayne them with swete butter
and a lyttle mace and so bake it.
¶. To make a tarte of marigoldes
prymroses or couslips.
Take the same stuffe to euery of them
that you do to the tarte of borage and the
same ceasonynge.
To make a tarte of strawberyes.
Take and strayne theym wyth the yolkes
of foure egges, and a lyttle whyte breade
grated, then season it up wyth suger and
swete butter and so bake it.
To make a tarte of Cheryes.
Take all thynges that ye do (for) the Tarte
of damsons so that ye put no Perys therto.
¶. To make a tarte of spinage.
Take Spynage and perboyle it tender,
then take it up and wrynge oute the water
cleane, and chop it very small, and set it
uppon the fyre wyth swete butter in a frying
panne and season it, and set it in a platter
to coole then fyll your tart and so bake it.
¶. To make a tarte of Chese.
Take harde Chese and cutte it in slyces,
and pare it, than laye it in fayre water, or in
swete mylke, the space of three houres, then
take it up and breake it in a morter tyll it
be small, than drawe it up thorowe a strainer
with the yolkes of syxe egges, and season it
wyth suger and swete butter, and so bake it.
¶. To make a stewe after the guyse
of beyonde the sea.
Take a pottel of fayre water, and as
much wyne, and a breste of mutton chopt
in peces, than set it on the fyre and scome
it cleane, than put therto a dyschefull of
slyced onyons, and a quantite of synamon,
gynger, cloves and mace, wyth salte and
stewe them all together, and than serve them
with soppes.
¶. To make egges in moneshyne.
Take a dyche of rosewater and a dyshe
full of suger, and set them upon a
chaffyngdysh, and let them boyle, than take the
yolkes of viii or ix egges newe layde and putte
them therto everyone from other, and so lette
them harden a lyttle, and so after this maner
serve them forthe and cast a lyttle synamon
and sugar upon them.
¶. To make Applemoyse.
Take a dosen apples and ether rooste or
boyle them and drawe them thorowe a streyner,
and the yolkes of three or foure egges withal,
and, as ye strayne them, temper them wyth
three or foure sponefull of damaske water
yf ye wyll, than take and season it wyth
suger and halfe a dysche of swete butter,
and boyle them upon a chaffyngdysche in
a platter, and caste byskettes or synamon
and gynger upon them and so serve them
¶. To frye Trypes.
Take your Tripes and cutte them in
small peces and put them into a panne
and put therto an onyon or two and a
dysche of swete butter, and let them frye tyll
they be browne, and then take them oute and
set them upon a chaffindysh and put thereto
a lyttle verges and gynger and serue it.
To make a tarte of Prunes.
Take prunes and set them upon a chafer
wyth a little red wyne and putte therto a
manshet and let them boyle together, then
drawe them thorowe a streyner with the
yolkes of foure egges and season it up wyth
suger and so bake it.
¶. To make a couer tarte after the
frenche fashyan.
Take a pynte of creme and the yolkes
of tenne egges, and beate them all together,
and put therto half a dyche of swete butter,
and suger, and boyle them til they be thicke,
then take them up and coole them in a
platter, and make a couple of cakes of
fyne paeste, and laye youre stuffe in one of
them and couer it wyth the other, and cutte
the vente aboue, and so bake it.
¶. To stewe capons in whyte brothe.
Take foure or fyve biefe bones to make
your brothe, then take them oute when
they are sodden and streyne the brothe
into another potte, then putte in youre
capons hole wyth rosemarye and putte
them into the pot, and let them stewe, and
after they have boyled a whyle, putte in hole
Mace bounde in a whyte clothe, and a
handefull or twayne of hole perseley and
hole prunes, and lette them boyle well and
at the takyng up put to a lyttle vergis and
salte, and so strawe them upon soppes and
the marybones aboute and the marrowe layde
hole above them, and so serve them forth.
¶. For Gusset that may be another
Take the broathe of the Capons and
put in a fayre chafer, then take a
dosen or syxtene egges and stere them all
together whyte and all, then grate a
farthynge whyte loafe as smale as ye canne,
and mynce it wyth the egges all togeather,
and putte thereto salte and a good quantite
of safiron, and or ye putte in youre egges,
putte into youre brothe, tyme, sauerye, margeron
and parseley small choppd, and when
ye are redye to your dynner, sette the
chafer upon the fyre wyth the brothe, and
lette it boyle a lyttle and putte in your egges
and stere it up well for quaylinge the
less. The less boylynge it hathe the more
tender it wyll be, and then serve it forthe
two or three slyces upon a dysshe.
¶. To make a whyte broathe.
Take a necke of mutton and fayre water,
and sette it upon the fyre and scome
it cleane, and lette it boyle halfe awaye, then
take forthe of the broathe two ladlefull and
put them in a platter, then chop two handefuls
of parsely not to small, and let it boile
with the mutton, then take twelve egges,
and the sayde two ladlefuls of broathe and
vergis, so that it be tarte of the vergis, and
streyne them all together then season your
broathe with salte and a lyttle before you
goo to diner put al these to your mutton,
and stere it well for quailing, and serue it
forth with soppes.
¶. Another broathe with
Take mutton and fayre water, and let
them boyle upon the fyre and then take
lettuse or spynage, and put therto, and yf ye
lyst to boile therwith two or three chekins,
and put therto salt and vergis after your
discretion, and serve them forth, the flesh
under, the herbes aboue.
¶. To make a Frasye at nyght.
Take chekins heades, lyvers, gybernes,
wynges, fete, and chop them in peces of
halfe an ynche longe, and boyle them al
together, and when the broath is almoste
soden away, chop a lyttle parseley, and put
therto with vergis, and halfe a dysshe of
butter, and so lette them boyle, and let it
be tarte ynoughe, and so serve it in.
¶. To make Shoes.
Take a rumpe of beyfe and let it boyle
an houre or two, and put therto a greate
quantitye of cole wortes and lette them boyle
together thre houres, then putte to them a
couple of stockedoues, or teales, fesande
partriche, or such other wylde foules, and
let them boyle al together, then ceason them
wyth salte, and serve them forthe.
¶. To make Porraye.
Take a capon or a hen and eyther beyf or
mutton to make the broath swete withal and
boyle theym all together tyll they be very
tender, then take the capon or hen oute
of the pot, and take out al his bones and braye
hym in a morter with ii pounde of almondes
overblaunced, then wyth the broathe of your
Capon or Henne, strayne them metely thicke,
then putte it into a lyttle potte, and
ceason it wyth a lyttle suger, saunders,
cloues, mace and small reysons, so boyle hym,
and serve hym upon soppes.
¶. To stewe bones or gristels of biefe.
Take gristels of beyfe, and stewe them
as tender as ye canne, syxe houres so that
there be no broathe lefte that shall serue you
as that tyme, then putte a good boundell of
rosemarye in a fayre lynnen clothe, and a
good quantite of mace in another clothe, and
boyle them all together, then wrynge oute
the juyce of the rosemarye, and mace uppon
the fleshe, and ceason it with salte, and so
serve hym.
¶. For to stewe mutton.
Take a necke of mutton and a breste
to make the brothe stronge, and then scome
it clene, and when it hath boyled a whyle
take part of the brathe and putte it into
another pot and put therto a pounde of
reysons, and let them boyle till they be
tender, then strayne a little bread wyth the
reysons and the broth all together, then
chop tyme, sauery and perseley with other
small herbes, and put into the mutton then putte
in the streyned raisins wyth whole prunes,
cloues and mace, peper, saffron and a lytle
salte, and yf ye lyste ye may stew a chikin
withal or els sparowes or such other lytle
To stewe stekes of mutton.
Take a legge of mutton and cot it in
small slices, and put it in a chafer, and put
therto a pottell of ale, and scome it cleane
then putte therto seven or eyghte onions thyn
slyced, and after they have boyled one houre,
putte thereto a dyshe of swete butter, and so
lette them boyle tyll they be tender, and then
put therto a lyttel peper and salte.
¶. For to make wardens in Conserue.
Fyrste make the syrope in this wyse,
take a quarte of good romney and putte a
pynte of claryfyed honey, and a pounde or a
halfe of suger, and myngle all those
together over the fyre, till tyme they
seeth, and then set it to cole. And thys
is a good sirope for manye thinges, and
wyll be kepte a yere or two. Then take
thy warden and scrape cleane awaye the
barke, but pare them not, and seeth
them in good redde wyne so that they
be wel soked and tender, that the wyne be
nere hande soked into them, then take and
strayne them throughe a cloth or through
a strayner into a vessell, then put to them
of this syrope aforesayde tyll it be almost
fylled, and then caste in the pouders, as
fyne canel, synamon, pouder of gynger
and such other, and put it in a boxes and
kepe it yf thou wylt and make thy
syrope as thou wylt worke in
quantyte, as if thou wylt
worke twenty wardens
or more or lesse as
by experience.
(?) ) = ( (?)
¶. Imprynted at London in
Crede Lane by John
Kynge and Thomas