The good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin - Content
Title Page
To knowe the due seasons for the vse of al maner of meats throughout the yeare.
The good huswiues Handmaid...
To boyle Mutton with Mallowes or Turneps
To boyle Mutton with Spinage
To boyl mutton with Carrets
To boyle Mutton with Colworts
To boyle a legge of Mutton with a pudding
To boyle a leg of Mutton with Lemmons
To boyle Mutton with Endiue, Borage, or Lettice, or any kinde of hearbes that may serue thereunto
To boyle Mutton for a sicke bodie
To make balles of Mutton
To boyle a Capon with Oranges after Mistres Duffelds way
To boyle a Capon in white broth
Another way to boyle a Capon in white broth
To boyle a Capon in brewes
To boyle a Capon with Orenges or Lemmons
To make Sops for a Capon
To make Sops for Chickens
To boyle a Mallard with Cabage
To boyle a Mallard with Onions
To boyle a Ducke
To boyle Stockdoues
To boyle a Conie with a Pudding in his bellie
To boyle Chickens or Capons
To boyle Chickens with a Cawdel
To seeth Chickens in Lettice
How to boile chickens with hearbs
How to seeth Hennes and Capons in Winter in white broth
To boyle Calues feet or Lambs feet
How to boile a tripe
To boyle tripes, pigs petietots or Neates feet
How to boyle pigs petitoes another way
To boyle Chickens after the French fashion
To boile tripes after the French fashion
How to make long worts
Triped mutton
How to boyle a Lambs head and purtenance
How to boile Quailes
How to smere a Conie
How to make Hodgepot
How to a make Hodgepot in pots
The order to boyle a brawne
How to make a good white broth
How to make Farts of Portingale
How to make Fystes of Portingale
How to make a French pottage
How to make fine pappe
A broth for a weake bodie
A good way to powder or barréll beefe
How to keep Lard after my Lord Ferries way
How to keepe larde after my Lady Westone Brownes way
The keeping of Lard after my Lady Marquesse Dorsets way
To make Blaminger
How to make Blaminger without Creame or Egs
Stewed meates
To make stewed broth either for flesh or fish
To make stewed steakes
To stew a capon in white broth
To stew a Capon in Lemmons
To stew Chickens
To stew birdes
To stew Larks or Sparrowes
An other way to stew Larkes
How to stew a mallard
To stue a Cocke
To stue a Neates foote
To make stued pottage in Lent
To stue Beefe
Another way to stue Beefe
To make brine to keepe Larde
To make Maunger Blaunche
To sowce a Pigge
Of baked meates
To make Paste, and to raise Coffins
To make fine Paste a nother way
To make short paste in Lent
To bake Venison, or Mutton in stead of Venison
To make sweete pies of Veale
To make Chewites of Veale
To make Chewets, another way
To make Chewets in Lent
To make Oyster Chewets
To make special good pies ether of Mutton or Veale
To make paste, and to bake Chickens
To bake Chickens in Summer
To bake Chickens in Winter
To bake Chickens with Damsons
To bake a Turkie
To bake a Fesant
To bake a Capon in steed of Feasant
To bake Red Deare
To bake Venison
To bake a Crane or a Bustard
To bake a Mallard
To bake a wilde Boare
To bake wild Duckes
To bake Calues feet
To bake Calues feet after the French fashion
For to bake a Pigge
To bake a Pig like a Fawne
To bake a Neats toong
To bake an Hare
For to bake a Gammon of Bacon
To make a rare Conceit, with Veale baked
To make a florentine
To make a pie to keep long
To bake small meats
How to make a pie in Lent
How to make a Custard in Lent
To bake Oysters shels and all
To bake Peares, quinces, and wardens
To bake quince pies
To bake orenges
An other good way to bake Orenges
To bake Peaches
To bake pippins
To make a good Castard
How to make a Custard in Lent
Another way to make a Custard in Lent
To make a tarte of apples and Orange pilles
How to make a tart of Apples
To make a good tart of Cheries
To make a Tart of Cherries, when the stones be out, another waye
To make a Tart of Damsons
To make a Tart of Egges
To make a good Tart of Creame
To make a Tart of Prunes
To make a tart of Spinnage
To make a tarte of Veale
To make a tarte of Cheese
To make a tarte of Almonds
To make a tarte of Medlers
To make a tarte of Hippes
To make a Curde tarte
To make Lumbardy tartes
To make a tarte of bread
A Tarte to prouoke courage either in man or Woman
To make a tart of Gooseberries
Rosted Meates
To make Allowes of Mutton
To roste a Gygot of Mutton
To roste a Hare
To roste a Calues head
To roste a Capon, Phesant, or Partrige
To roste Venison
To roste a Quaile
To roste a Crane, Heron, Curlew, or Bitture
To roste a Plouer or a Snite
To roste woodcocks
For Fishe
To make fine Rice pottage
To make a good Lenton pottage
To seeth a Pike
To seeth a Carp
To seeth a Gurnard
To seeth fresh Salmon
To seeth a Breame
To seeth Roches, Flounders, or Eeles
To seeth Stocke fish
To seeth a Dorye or a Mullet
To stew Herringes
To roste a peece of stockfish
To bake Fish
To make Hering pies
To bake a Carpe
To bake a ioll of fresh Salmon
To bake a Breame
To bake a Gurnard with Eeles
To bake a Trout
To make a good Marchpane
To make good Restons
To make a Vaunt
To make Frians
To make frians in Lent
To make Snowe
To make a good Gellie
To make Gellie both white and redde
To make Gellie with flesh
To make Gellie with Fish
All necessaries appertaining to a Banquet
To make a Tyssan
To clarifie Whey
To make fillets Gallentine
To make Gallentine
To make tostes of Veale
To make an Apple Moye
To make Pescods
To make Pescods another
Pettie seruices
To make Spanish balles
To make balles of Italie
To make Almond butter after the best and newest manner
To make Ipocras
To make Ipocras another way
To make Egs vpon Sops
To make Egges in Lent
To make caste Creame
To make cast Creame another way
To make clowted Cream after Mistres Horsmans way
To make Creame of Almonds
To make a good posset curde
Mistresse Drakes way to make soft Cheese all the yeare through, that it shall be lyke rowen Cheese
To make Fritters
To make Curde Frittors
To make Fritters with marrow
To make stocke Frittors
To make Frittors with Apples
To make Frittors of Spinage
To make Pancakes
To make good white puddings
To make Puddings
To make Ising puddings
To make a Tansey
To make a Tansey another way
To make a Tansey in Lent
The making of fine Manchet
The making of manchets after my Ladie Graies vse
To make short Cakes
To make leauened bread
To make Buttered Beere
A Purgation
The order hovve all maner of meates should be serued to the Table...
For flesh dayes at dinner: The first course
The second course
The first course at Supper
The second course
The Seruice at Dinner
The second course
Seruice for fish dayes
The second course
Fine Sauce for a roasted Rabbet: vsed to king Henrie the eight
To make sauce for a Capon with Orenges
To make sauce for Capon another way
To make sauce for Capons or Turkie Foules
Sauce for Capons, Feasants, Partridges, or Woodcockes
Sauce for a rosted Stockdoue
Sauce for a shoulder of Venison
To make sauce for Mutton
A Chaldron for a Swan
The table of all the principall matters contained in this Booke