Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


>> Welcome to .MEM
>> You have survived the network.wide unmaking so far
>> Enter your resistance server to find us – our belonging outside belonging.
>> Reprogram with us a for our story bag of flesh and wires

>> partX: Participate in role-playing game – sign-ups and more info in the Doodle
>> partY: Visit the audio.MEM exile in [installation location]

!! The performance might include references to abuse, violence, and sexualized violence. For the participants, we will negotiate personal boundaries before beginning, but for those listening to the live-stream, we can offer only the above mentioned warnings. !!
!! The performance itself will be on the second floor of a house with no elevator, so one must be able to ascend stairs (if this is possible through help – ie. carrying – we are more than willing). !!
With: Jil Dreyer, Josef Mehling, Ion Bloch Rand


von Jil Dreyer, Josef Mehling

Bisherige Aufführungen

  • 30.5.2019, GBS Foyer & Performer's homes
  • 31.5.2019, GBS Foyer & Performer's homes
  • 1.6.2019, GBS Foyer & Performer's homes
  • 2.6.2019, GBS & Performer's homes