Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Conference Paper Guidelines

We invite all presenters whose abstracts have been accepted, to submit their conference paper ahead of RWL11 (by 15 May 2019). Please consider seriously the comments provided by reviewers. The comments have been uploaded within conftool where you are registered as user when uploading your paper.

The full paper should have no more than 4,500 words (title, abstract and references included). You can find the author guidelines below. These short conference papers will be peer reviewed and if accepted, published in the RWL11 Conference Proceedings.

Authors have the free choice not to submit their papers for the Conference Proceedings. In such cases only the abstracts will be published.

Student Award: A committee comprising key stakeholders (local and international) from academia and practitioner will be formed to select the ‘Best Student Conference Paper’ award. The laureates will be honoured during the main conference dinner. The prize for the best student paper will have an equivalent of $AUD500 in the currency of the prizewinner and will be provided by Studies in Continuing Education.


Author Guidelines Short Conference Paper

Final Date: No submissions will be accepted after 15 May 2019.

Manuscripts. Papers should be no longer than 4 500 words, including abstract and references. Please do not include any author biographical or institutional details in the paper. Only soft copies to be submitted, as Microsoft Word or compatible documents. The text is single-spaced; using 11-point font Arial. Use italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). Avoid footnotes.

Title and abstract. The paper should have a short title (no longer than 15 words) and a short abstract of between 150 and 200 words. Your contact details and name(s) should not appear on the abstract page or any other place in the paper. You will enter them separately with your submission.

Headings. The use of informative sub-headings is recommended and, if used, should adhere to the following form: Main Heading (12-point font and bold); Section or Sub-Heading (11-point bold and italicised); and Sub-Section Heading (11-point, italics). Use Title Case for Headings.

Figures and tables. Tables, figures, illustrations and photographs should be appropriately placed in manuscript text, rather than at the end, appropriately labelled, and numbered consecutively. Figures and artwork will not be redrawn and should be suitable for digital reproduction and printing. Photographs need to be high resolution (black and white).

Referencing. Please provide references using the APA system.

Grammatical errors. Authors must ensure that grammar and spelling are correct and that all factual information is correct. The English language used should be either South African or United Kingdom.

Units of measurement. Use the SI metric system for units of measurement. Spell out numbers from one to ten; use numerals for larger numbers, groups of numbers, fractions or units, e.g., 4 to 27, 12kg/ha, 34 pupils. Words and abbreviations of Latin and Greek derivation, e.g., et al. should be in italics. Scientific names should be given in full when a genus or species is first mentioned, and they should be in italics.

Editing. The editors reserve the right to edit articles, but will endeavour to check all significant editorial changes with the authors.

Proofs. Will be sent to authors if there is sufficient time to do so and should be corrected and returned within three days.

Offprints. These will not be provided. Authors will, however, be granted permission to use copies of their papers for teaching purposes.

Copyright. It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright in their short conference papers, including abstracts, in the publishers. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication, providing prior permission is obtained from the publisher and the publishing details are included. Authors may also develop the paper into a longer version for publication elsewhere.


Submission Declaration

The current submission should not have been previously published.


→  download the Conference Paper Guidelines

Upload Instructions


Please submit your full paper in ConfTool until the 15th of May 2019. The submission of a full paper is obligatory if you want to present the paper personally at the conference. You can easily complete the submission of your full paper by following these Links in ConfTool:



The full papers will be accessible only to conference participants in form of digital conference proceedings, but not published. This allows you to publish the (revised) paper later in journals if you wish to do that.