Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Christian Bender

    • ehemalige/r wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
    • ehemalige/r Projektmitarbeiter/in

Website & Profile:


Publikationen  Lehrveranstaltungen  Vorträge  Links  Projekte 


Fields of Activity

  • Industrial organization
  • (De-)Regulation
  • Telecommunication markets
  • Smart Grids



  • Please click here for details of our Workshop on Effective Competition
  • Please click here for an overview about my presentations at conferences and workshops.



  • Exercises 'Industrial Organization' (WS2011/2012)
  • Exercises 'Economics of Regulation' (WS2008/2009, WS2009/2010, WS2010/2011)
  • Supervision 'Industrial Organization' (SS2011)
  • Interdisciplinary Seminar 'Current Topics in Regulation' in cooperation with the chair for public law and European Community law (WS2008/2009)
  • Colloquium 'International Economic Policy', in cooperation with the chairs VWL II, VWL IV, and VWL V (SS2009, SS2010)
  • Supervision of diploma and BA thesis

Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften

Beiträge in Sammelwerken


Sonstige Publikationen

  • Wettbewerb in Netzindustrien - Wissenschaftler und Praktiker diskutieren
    Christian Bender & Benjamin Pakula, WiWi-Info Nr. 1-2010, S. 12-13.
    Link zu WiWi-Info

Wissenschaftliche Gutachten

  • Auswirkungen der Änderungsrichtlinie "Better Regulation" und "Citizen's Rights" - Ausgewählte Umsetzungsaspekte samt Novellierungsvorschlag für das TKG 2003
    Forgó, Nikolaus, Georg Götz, Gerald Otto und Christian Bender (2010): Auswirkungen der Änderungsrichtlinie "Better Regulation" und "Citizen's Rights" - Ausgewählte Umsetzungsaspekte samt Novellierungsvorschlag für das TKG 2003, Studie in Auftrag der A1 Telekom Austria AG.
  • Der Aufbau eines Energieinformationsnetzes - Einsichten aus der Liberalisierung des Telekommunikationssektors
    Bender, Christian M. & Georg Götz (2010): "Der Aufbau eines Energieinformationsnetzes - Einsichten aus der Liberalisierung des Telekommunikationssektors", Studie im Rahmen des Projektes "Nachhaltiges Energieinformationsnetz - Wettbewerb, Information und Sicherung für die Energieversorgung" (NEWISE) der Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung, Januar 2010.
    [pdf Download]





  • Exercise course: Economics of Regulation
    This exercise course is designed to deepen and practice the concepts taught in "Economics of Regulation". The course is addressed to Master/Diploma students and will be held in English.
    Jahr: 2011
    Semester: WS 2010/2011
  • Exercise course: Industrial Organization
    This exercise course is designed to deepen and practice the concepts taught in "Industrial Organization". The course is addressed to Master/Diploma students and will be held in English.
    Jahr: 2011
    Semester: WS 2011/2012
  • Übung zur Regulierungsökonomie
    This exercise course is designed to deepen and practice the concepts taught in "Economics of Regulation". The course is addressed to Master/Diploma students.
    Jahr: 2009
    Semester: WS 2009/2010
  • Übung zur Regulierungsökonomie
    This exercise course is designed to deepen and practice the concepts taught in "Economics of Regulation". The course is addressed to Master/Diploma students.
    Jahr: 2008
    Semester: WS 2008/2009


  • Seminar zu aktuellen Fragen der Wettbewerbs- und Regulierungspolitik
    Das Seminar “Aktuelle Fragen der Regulierungspolitik” im Wintersemester 2008/2009 beschäftigte sich mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich der sektorspezifischen ex ante Regulierung in Netzwerkindustrien. Neben grundsätzlichen Fragestellungen zu regulativen Eingriffen und ihrer Rechtfertigungen wurde dabei vor allem die Entwicklung der europäischen Regulierungsvorgaben und ihre Vereinbarkeit mit nationalen Regulierungskonzepten betrachtet. Aufgrund der engen Verbindung zwischen den Rechts- und den Wirtschaftswissenschaften wurde das Seminar in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht und Europarecht (Prof. Dr. Britz) abgehalten.
    Jahr: 2008
    Semester: WS 2008/2009


  • Industrieökonomie

    Jahr: 2011
    Semester: SS


  • Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik

    Jahr: 2010
    Semester: SS2010
  • Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik

    Jahr: 2009
    Semester: SS2009




Full Length

  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 21.10.2010
    Anlass: Vienna Research Seminar on Regulated Network Industries, WU Wien, 21.10.2010.
    Research Seminar Website


  • Coexistence of service- and facility-based competition: The relevance of access prices for “make-or-buy”-decisions

    Datum: 27.05.2010
    Anlass: Workshop on Effective Competition in Network Industries, Giessen, 27.-28.05.2010.
    Workshop Website


  • How to provide access to next generation networks? The effect of risk allocation on investment and cooperation incentives

    Datum: 21.03.2012
    Anlass: 3rd Workshop on the Economics of ICTs, Porto, 21.-22.03.2011.
    Workshop Website
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 31.03.2011
    Anlass: 2nd Workshop on the Economics of ICTs, Evora, 31.03.-01.04.2011.
    Workshop Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Service-based Competition, Facility-based Competition, and the Ladder of Investment

    Datum: 25.09.2009
    Anlass: Lisboa Nova Summer School - Market Failures and Regulation in the Telecommunications Industry, Vale de Lobo, 24.-27.09.2009.
  • Regulierung im Telekommunikationssektor - Forschung an der JLU

    Datum: 28.08.2008
    Anlass: DTAG Kurzworkshop "Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft", Bonn
  • Infrastruktur- und Dienstleistungswettbewerb im Breitbandzugangsmarkt

    Datum: 22.04.2008
    Anlass: Workshop "Challenges in Telecommunications", Bonn


  • How to provide access to next generation networks? The effect of risk allocation on investment and cooperation incentives

    Datum: 07.07.2012
    Anlass: 7th CRESSE Conference: 'Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation', Chania, 06.-08.07.2012.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • How to provide access to next generation networks? Different regulatory regimes and their effects on investment

    Datum: 02.09.2011
    Anlass: 38th annual conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Stockholm, 01.-03.09.2010.
    Conference Website
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 25.08.2011
    Anlass: 26th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Oslo, 25.-29.08.2011.
    Conference website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 28.06.2011
    Anlass: 9th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies, Mannheim, 27.-28.06.2011.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 28.06.2011
    Anlass: 9th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies, Mannheim, 27.-28.06.2011.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 05.11.2010
    Anlass: Conference ICT & Economic Growth, München, 04.-06.11.2010.
    Conference Website
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 14.09.2010
    Anlass: European Regional ITS Conference: 'Telecommunications at new crossroads: Changing value configurations, user roles, and regulation', Kopenhagen, 13.-15.09.2010.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 04.09.2010
    Anlass: 37th annual conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Istanbul, 02.-04.09.2010.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
  • Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions

    Datum: 02.07.2010
    Anlass: 5th CRESSE Conference: 'Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation', Chania, 02.-04.07.2010.
    Conference Website
    Link to the Paper [pdf]
