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Richter Group

Lithium Ion Batteries with solid Electrolytes

Welcome to the Website of the Richter Group

The Richter research group develops and investigates cutting-edge technologies for the optimisation of solid lithium ion batteries. The use of solid ion conductors instead of the liquid electrolytes used today promises not only a further increase in energy density, but also improved safety, as solid electrolytes are less flammable.

However, because the performance of current prototypes of such solid-state batteries is rapidly degenerating due to the high reactivity of the materials used, the Richter group is experimenting with polymer protective layers to stabilise the contact surfaces between the solid electrolyte and the electrodes.

Dr. Felix Richter

Dr. Felix H. Richter

Center for Materials Research

Justus Liebig University Giessen
Heinrich Buff-Ring 17
D-35392 Gießen, Germany


Tel.: +49 641 - 99 34522

Fax: +49 641 - 99 34509 (Secretary)

Room: 13a

Third-Party Funding

NanoMatFutur Junior Research Group
of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF):

FLiPS – Solid-State Batteries with Lithium Metal and Polymer-based protective Layers

Grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG):

Minabatt – Micro- to Nanoscale Investigation of Interfacial Processes in Solid-State Batteries with Hybrid Electrolytes to Elucidate the Lithium Transport