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Faculty 08 - Biology and Chemistry

The faculty

Without any doubt, Giessen can be characterized as one of the birthplaces of modern chemistry and life sciences. Over nearly three decades of teaching and research - 1824 - 1852 - Justus Liebig presented fundamental studies in organic and analytical chemistry, physiology and agricultural chemistry. By means of food analysis and  the development of e.g. baby food and meat extract, Liebig paved the way for modern food chemistry as well as life sciences including research on mineral fertilizers and animal physiology.

Today the faculty 08 - Biology and Chemistry boasts 38 professorships and represents a central domain in teaching and research on natural and life sciences at Justus-Liebig University based on a strong network of third-party funded research projects.


Find out more about the new degree programme Sustainable Chemistry!


FOR MOST auf YouTube
Die Forschungsgruppe "FOR MOST" hat nun einen YouTube-Kanal (@YTFORMOST5499), auf welchem spannende Einblicke in die Forschung, aber auch in Themen rund um die Forschung an der Universität geboten werden soll.
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