by Falk Rößler, Ferdinand Klüsener, Hanke Wilsmann, Oliver Horton
Past Performances
- 2010-05-21, premiere , Waggonhalle Marburg - Bühne 2
- 2010-07-02, Waggonhalle Marburg - Bühne 2
by Miguel Melgares (DasArts) und Maika Knoblich (ATW)
Past Performances
- 2010-01-21, Bühne DasArts Amsterdam
Pierrot lumière
by IEMA-Stipendiatenjahrgang 2009/2010 Gesang: Gabriele Lesch, Mirella Hagen Performer: Matthias Klimkait Musikalische Leitung: Susanne Blumenthal Klangregie: Gerald Golka Konzept/Dramaturgie/Licht: Bernhard Greif Konzept/Regie: Recha la Dous
Past Performances
- 2010-09-22, premiere , Theater Rüsselsheim
- 2010-10-01, ZKM Karlsruhe
- 2010-10-05, Musikhochschule Stuttgart
by Monster Truck (D) / Charsoo (IR)
Past Performances
- 2010-10-28, premiere , Sophiensaele Berlin
- 2010-10-29, Sophiensaele Berlin
- 2010-10-30, Sophiensaele Berlin
- 2010-11-19, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main
- 2010-11-20, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main
- 2011-04-13, FFT Düsseldorf
- 2011-04-15, FFT Düsseldorf
- 2011-04-15, FFT Düsseldorf
Public Viewing
by Hendrik Quast & Alice Ferl
Past Performances
- 2010-06-13, Institutsgelände (Festival-Cafè)
by Matthias Lange & Julia Blawert
Past Performances
- 2010-09-13, Dulles-Siedlung, Gießen
- 2010-10-01, Dulles-Siedlung, Gießen
- 2010-10-02, Dulles-Siedlung, Gießen
- 2010-10-03, Dulles-Siedlung, Gießen
Resonanzen aus Gießen
by Studierenden der ATW
Past Performances
- 2010-04-15, Lindenauer Tapetenwerk / Leipzig
- 2010-04-16, Lindenauer Tapetenwerk / Leipzig
- 2010-04-17, Lindenauer Tapetenwerk / Leipzig
- 2010-04-18, Lindenauer Tapetenwerk / Leipzig
by Kristofer Gudmundsson, Gesine Hohmann, Johanna Weigmann, Jo Schleker, Juliane Hahn (Gastspiel aus Hildesheim)
Past Performances
- 2010-01-15, Instant #4 , Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Gießen - Gastspiel aus Hildesheim
by Alexander-Maximilian Giesche und Christoph Bovermann
Past Performances
- 2010-09-17, premiere , Festival Junger Talente, Tresorraum, MA* Ehemalige Diamantenbörse, Stephanstraße 1-3, Frankfurt a.M.
- 2010-09-18, Festival Junger Talente, Tresorraum, MA* Ehemalige Diamantenbörse, Stephanstraße 1-3, Frankfurt a.M.
- 2010-09-19, Festival Junger Talente, Tresorraum, MA* Ehemalige Diamantenbörse, Stephanstraße 1-3, Frankfurt a.M.
Secure Walls Initiative Certificate (SWIC)
by The Grand Defender / tobias rosenberger
Past Performances
- 2010-08-24, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
Sehnsucht hinter Masken
All the things that you see here on stage was actually a stage by a colleague of mine. A very fine film maker and set designer. And it looks just like a Hollywood style movie set. With the landscape as a beautiful backdrop, which is exploited for the scene. Commercials work that way. Postcards look like that. But I wanted an ecstatic detail of that landscape. And the whole piece is about somethings ecstatic, something wild. Something like in our wildest nightmares. It has something that is beyond our average experience.
(Werner Herzog über Werner Herzog)
by Arnita Jaunsubrena, Sylvia Lutz, Lea Schneidermann, Kim Willems
Past Performances
- 2010-09-11, premiere , Festival Junger Talente - EVO, Offenbach
- 2010-12-08, Probebühne, ATW
- 2011-02-12, Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- 2011-04-15, Festival "Wilsonstraße", Zeitraumexit, Mannheim
- 2011-10-01, Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (Paris); Festival d’Automne à Paris
Self Made EVO
by und mit Figen Aksoy, Meret Kiderlen und Isabelle Zinsmaier
Past Performances
- 2010-09-10, Offenbach, Andréstraße 71 (EVO-Gelände, oberstes Turmzimmer)
- 2010-09-11, Offenbach, Andréstraße 71 (EVO-Gelände, oberstes Turmzimmer)
- 2010-09-12, Offenbach, Andréstraße 71 (EVO-Gelände, oberstes Turmzimmer)
Sevastopol in August
„Sevastopol in August“
Videoinstallation by Tobias Rosenberger
Sound: Wolfram Sander
The sun was shining high and brilliant above the bay, which glittered warmly and cheerfully, studded with motionless ships and moving sailboats and skiffs. A light breeze was barely rustling the withered leaves of the scrub oaks near the Telegraph, filling the sails of the small boats and raising a gentle swell.
Leo Tolstoy, The Sevastopol Sketches
"Sevastopol in August" is a multi-channel videoinstallation, that depicts the port of Sevastopol, located on the Black sea coast of the Crimea peninsula.
The city, formerly the home of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, is now home to a Ukrainian naval base and facilities leased by the Russian Navy and used as the headquarters of both the Ukrainian Naval Forces and Russia's Black Sea Fleet. In 1993, the city was a major territorial dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Even after signing a friendship treaty, the debate over the status of the city still continues almost 20 years later. (Source: Wikipedia)
All images are captured with pre-programmed computer-controlled moving cameras and extra-developed software in August 2010.
by Tobias Rosenberger; Sound: Wolfram Sander
Past Performances
- 2010-08-13, Balaklava Odyssey 2010 Media Art & Performance Festival. Michailow-Festung in Sewastopol (Krim, Ukraine)
- 2010-11-06, Kunstfilmtag Un...schärfen des Dokumentarischen, Malkasten Düsseldorf
splitten (gemeinsam)
Dance Project
by Lina Lindheimer und Sabine Akiko Ahrendt
Past Performances
- 2010-04-09, Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt
The Ability To Listen
The Ability to listen
A Mashup-Based Strategy lays the foundation for a sucessful defence
Within the past centuries there have been very significant developments in the approach to
security. While this is a matter that was attended for in the past, recently it has been
recognized that much more needs to be done. This is why we at „The Grand Defender“
take on a wholistic approach, instead of adopting a single angle. Complex problems have
many different causes. To meet the 21st century challenges, we need a new use of old
methods and tools, the use of what we call the unique 21st century defencecraft. Therefore
we introduced in 2009 new internal policy guidelines, that provide our operational team of
military experts with a coherent framework, in which it can identify and determine
appropriate regulatory responses to the challenges of a globalized world.
What does that mean?
Instead of having everything depend on our own initiative, we recognize that environment,
situation, context, history, competitors and enemies theirselves carry a certain potential
that we should identify and then let ourselves be carried along with it. So when we say that
something possesses a potential, we mean that by its very nature it is destined for some
kind of development on which we can rely.
Embarking on this notion of „There's no point in reinventing the wheel, but its full
penetrating power can only be actualized in new contextes and combinations“, we
developed a mashup-based strategy that lays the foundation for a sucessfull defence.
What we call to have a „Mashup-minded-disposition“ means, that we are working in a
fashion where multiple avenues are organized to refine the apparent one at hand. This necessarily
includes a true understanding of flexibility in relation to our sourroundings and can be best
circumscribed with the ability to listen to what is already there.
As a result, The Grand Defender is working on the border line between accounting, legislation,
initial preparations and emergency campaigns. We are specialists for innovative, surprising and
efficient solutions, and we distinguish ourselves by an unlimited willingness to pull together ideas
from a wide range of disciplines and influences into a cohesive form that creates something new
and different from the sources that led to its creation.
by Malte Scholz (CCO THE GRAND DEFENDER) / Tobias Rosenberger
Past Performances
- 2010-04-22, Haus der Jugend, osnabrück, EMAF 2010
- 2010-04-22, Haus der Jugend, osnabrück, EMAF 2010
The Grand Defender
by Tobias Rosenberger mit Malte Scholz (Darsteller, CCO) und Philip Plescher (3d-Modelling-Artist)
Past Performances
- 2010-04-21, Kunsthalle Dominikanerhalle, 23. European Media Art Festival Osnabrück: Mash Up
Past Performances
- 2010-02-07, Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar
- 2010-03-07, Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar
Theatermaschinen - Theatermodelle
by Tobias Rosenberger
Past Performances
- 2010-04-14, Theater Roxy, Basel-Birsfelden
- 2010-06-20, Theater Roxy, Basel-Birsfelden
today i am willing to understand.
Why does 1+1=2? Because we were told to accept it. What if we reconsider the agreements we made once. Does everything disappear when we close our eyes? How does a 'two' taste like? Or coming back to the very fundamental things, let's take for example an apple, one apple....
"...my mother once yelled at me: one plus one is two, just accept it!"
A humorous philosophical Monologue Performance, ca. 45 min.
by Maria Isabel Hagen
Past Performances
- 2010-07-16, Monsuntheater Hamburg, Friedensalle 20; Werkstatt
- 2010-07-16, Monsuntheater Hamburg, Friedensalle 20; Werkstatt
- 2011-06-02, JUNGLE Bochum, megaFon festival
by Lea Letzel und Christian Grammel
Past Performances
- 2010-02-18, premiere , Alter Wartesaal, Köln
Über Büchners Lenz
by den Teilnehmern des Szenischen Projektes bei Gastprofessor Matthias Langhoff
Past Performances
- 2010-02-11, Probebühne des Institut für ATW, Gießen