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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is it possible to apply as a 'free mover' in Psychology?


Yes, but before you apply you need to consider the following:


Important information: We will only accept applications of freemovers with a major in Psychology and/or Neuroscience. We will not accept any applications from other disciplines and such application requests will not be processed!


If you study Psychology or Neuroscience, then, you first have to find a supervisor at the Department of Psychology, who is willing to supervise you during your stay; do NOT send any general applications to our departmental staff or the Erasmus+ coordination team. Any general applications/ requests sent to multiple professors/research groups will not be processed any further. Therefore, make sure that you only send applications based on your major research interests (including a proper motivation letter, CV, etc.).



Is it possible to do an 'internship' in Psychology? 


Yes, but before you apply you need to consider the following:

    • First of all, you have to find a research group/supervisor at the Department of Psychology, which/who is willing to supervise your internship; do NOT send any general applications to our departmental staff or the Erasmus+ coordination team (such applications will not be processed any further).
    • For several fields (e.g., Clinical Psychology), certain language skills (mostly German, sometimes English) are mandatory. Thus, your proficiency level in German needs to be above the recommended level by the JLU (B1) for an internship.
    • In case that you want to do an internship within the Erasmus+ program, please contact the JLU international office for further information/instructions.



Who is responsible for what?


We, the Erasmus Team Psychology, are only responsible regarding your courses. For general requests concerning exchange programs, application, funding, accommodation, etc. please contact the JLU international office



Which courses are available in English?


Most of the courses are only taught in German to date. The courses in English are italicized and highlighted yellow on our Courses sites. The descriptions for each module can be found in our module catalog (Anlage 2: Modulbeschreibungen). Please use a translation program to translate the module descriptions into your own language (e.g. Google translate, DeepL).



In which language do I have to take the exams?


Independent of the instruction language of a course there is the possibility to take the examination in English. This has to be organized with the particular lecturers directly.




What are the language requirements?


The Justus Liebig University has no special language requirements for exchange students. However, a level B1 in German is highly recommended.




How many credit points do I get for a course?


If you attend a course and pass it successfully, each course (lecture or seminar) is credited with 5 ECTS. In case that you find different information (e.g., 6 or 9 ECTS for one module), please ignore them, since these information are inappropriate for exchange students. In case that you need additional credit points for certain courses (as a requirement of your hometown university), these additional credit points and the corresponding work load can be discussed directly with the lecturers.




If a course is split into part A and B (A in the winter term and B in the summer term), am I allowed to sign in for only one part of the course?


Yes. You may either attend part A or B, whatever is available during your one semester exchange period.




How many courses should I attend during a one semester exchange?


The Department of Psychology does not have any requirements concerning a number of courses to be attended. Our recommendation is around 30 ECTS (ideally including a language course with 5 ECTS if desired), thus making a total of about six courses which represents the regular amount in the B.Sc. studies.




My questions have not fully been addressed on this FAQs site. What should I do now?


If you have any further questions concerning courses at the Department of Psychology not being addressed on this FAQs site, then please contact us.