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Research Groups

GCSC Research Areas

In close collaboration with the GGK Working Groups and Sections as well as with the GCSC Emerging Topic Research Groups, the Research Areas form the central forums for the concept-based research at the GCSC. Together with our senior researchers such as Dr. Doris Bachmann-Medick and in exchange with fellow doctoral researchers, postdocs, and professors, GCSC members organise projects and events related to their work on concepts in the study of culture and thereby gain further valuable qualifications.


GCSC Emerging Topics Research Groups

The Emerging Topics Research Groups work on current topics, encourage the development of new approaches and methods in the study of culture, and enable through their work a transfer of concepts between different disciplines and scholarly cultures. The most distinguishing feature of the Emerging Topic Research Groups, however, is their attempt to build a bridge between emerging topics in contemporary public discourse and the academic study of culture. Current challenges and discourses are identified and discussed in intellectual exchange with colleagues on campus and guest scholars as well as with citizens, regional institutions, artists and activists. These research groups offer members of the GGK and the GCSC a dynamic think tank structure that facilitates taking up new developments rapidly.

GGK Working Groups (AGs)

Working Groups are hybrid structures that collaborate with both the RAs and the sections. An AG can either serve as a forum or as a fixed time period for handling a topic. In contrast to the sections, which represent a longer-term organizational unit, AGs are dissolved after the completion of a project. An AG can, however, be the preliminary step toward a section. Should AG members work collaboratively over a longer time period and develop a productive discourse, there’s the potential to continue the exploration of the topic area within the framework of a section.

According to the interests of the members, the projects can evolve with an emphasis on either research or practice. The boundaries are fluid; museum excursions that introduce exhibition practices can just as easily take place as workshops organized on career relevant topics. When there’s a focus on topics salient to research, the GGK and GCSC support the collaboration with sections and/or RAs.



GGK Sections

The GGK's sections serve as forums where young scholars – doctoral researchers, post-docs, and other students at an advanced level of study – can present their research projects and collaborate on fundamental, interdisciplinary questions.

Members can, for example, make use of the administrative and financial support of the GGK to arrange for guest speakers and conferences on salient topics, or to prepare research done in sections for publication. New members are of course welcome to join at any time, or to visit a meeting as a guest – simply get in touch with the section's contact person via email.

More about the GGK Sections