Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Angel Franco

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Raum B017







Angel Franco, MSc
PhD student

Research interests

- Marine microbiology

- host-microbe interactions

- microbial communication

- bacterial quorum sensing

- global change

- biodiversity research of marine microorganisms.


PhD Project: The impact of ocean warming and ocean acidification on coral associated bacteria and their interaction with the coral host.

CEMarin - Center of Excellence in Marine Sciences.


Academic education  


2008 – 2015 Study at Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Graduation as Master in Microbiology.

2013 Bachelor in Biology. National University of Colombia. Thesis: Characterization of the bacterial community present in shells of the crab Pagurus longicarpus and determination of signaling molecules.   In the research group: Communications and bacterial communities. National University of Colombia.

2015 Master in Microbiology, National University of Colombia. Thesis: Migration and metamorphosis of a model cnidarian larvae are influenced by bacterial Quorum Sensing molecules. In the research group: Communications and bacterial communities. National University of Colombia.

Since 2015 Ph.D. student at the Department of Applied Microbiology, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany.


Scientific memberships

Since 2015 Member of ‘American Society for Microbiology’ (ASM).

Since 2015 Member of ‘Association for General and Applied Microbiology’ (VAAM).

Since 2015 Member of ‘Center of Excellence in Marine Sciences’ (CEMarin).


Awards, grants


2014 – 2015 Assistant Professor fellowship given by the Academic Vice-Presidency of the National University of Colombia.

2015 – 2018 PhD studies stipendium given by CEMarin.


Conference contributions

Franco, A. Cadavid, L Arévalo, C. Influence of Quorum Sensing molecules produced by symbiotic bacteria of shells of Pagurus longicarpus crab on Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus larvae. 114th American Society for Microbiology (ASM) General Meeting. 2014. Boston, USA (Poster).

Franco, A.; Ripe, L.; Díaz, E.; Cadavid, L.; Arévalo, C. Molecular characterization of bacterial communities of healthy and diseased corals with White Plague and Black Band diseases of the Colombian Caribbean. XXII Latin-American Microbiology Congress. 2015. Cartagena, Colombia (Talk).