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General informations

Assisted by scientific and technical staff, the faculty currently educates approx. 2,500 students (winter term 2020/21) in accredited bachelor and master courses, in teacher training courses in biology and chemistry and vocational education. A further approx. 1,400 students p.a. receive training in biology and chemistry as subsidiary subjects.

We offer 10 accredited bachelor and master study courses and the faculty is also responsible for the scientific education in the teacher training courses for biology and chemistry.

Bachelor and master courses:

The faculty offers courses towards the degree "Bachelor of Science" (B. Sc.) and "Master of Science" (M. Sc.) in biology, chemistry, food chemistry and material science. Since winter semester 2012/13 we additionally provide a master course in bioinfomatics and  systems biology and an international double degree master course in global change

Excellent bachelor students of chemistry are given the opportunity to apply for the "PreProChem" program comprising a shortened and research-intensive "master-phase" followed by the PhD-program after a qualifying examination.

Information about research and education in the disciplines can be obtained from the institutes' sites.

Bachelor Courses
The faculty offers four bachelor courses in biology, chemistry, food chemistry and material science leading to a first university degree
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Master Courses
The faculty offers six master courses in biology, chemistry, food chemistry and material science and the interdisciplinary master courses in bioinformatics and systems biology and in global change
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