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Koch, Julia M., Dr.

28053 | | Postdoc

Dr. Julia M. Koch


Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, D-35394 Gießen, Building D Room 14
Phone: 0049-641-99-28056


Curriculum Vitae

Research Output



  • North Anatolian Mountain Sanctuaries between Cult and Territorial Order
  • Funerary Landscapes at the Edges of the Roman Empire: Cross-Cultural Contact and Cultural Resilience from the Antonine Wall in Scotland to the Southern Black Sea Coast
  • Funeral Culture and Funerary Architecture at the Northern Wetteraulimes: The Southern Necropolis of the Arnsburg Limes Fort - Excavation project in cooperation with hessenARCHÄOLOGIE; funded by Archäologische Gesellschaft in Hessen e.V.
  • The Roman Forts of Inheiden at the Northern Wetteraulimes - Survey project in cooperation with hessenARCHÄOLOGIE; funded by Archäologische Gesellschaft in Hessen e.V., Förderfond Forschung of JLU Giessen


Research Interests

  • Archaeology of the Roman Black Sea Region
  • The Conception of Imperial Sepulchral Art in Northern Asia Minor
  • Rock-cut Tombs and Mountain Shrines in Paphlagonia and Pontos
  • Industry and Commerce; Settlement Systems
  • (Dis)urbanisation of Roman Paphlagonia: The Amnias River Valley
  • Burial Rites and Funerary Culture at the Northern Wetteraulimes