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Event Reports

May 28-29, 2024 - Planetary Times "Bioreactors & Biospheres: An Audiovisual Exploration of Evolution as Planet-building" 

A commemorative group photo from day one of the workshop © Kunsthalle Giessen
The two-day workshop initiated by media artist & researcher Connor Cook, ‘Planetary Times’ summer fellow in the Planetary Scholars & Artists in Residence Program, took place in collaboration with Kunsthalle Giessen from 28-29 May 2024. Cook along with his collaborator Darren Zhu (synthetic biologist) conducted a transdisciplinary workshop on the theme “Bioreactors & Biospheres: An Audiovisual Exploration of Evolution as Planet-building”. The workshop took the participants through what they call “the informatic evolution of the planet”: Starting the discussion on the origins of life in the emergence of single-cell and multicellular organisms and delving into the emergence of complex species, Cook and Zhu argued that Artificial Life (A-Life) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue this evolutionary lineage.

The open public event craftily combined the theory and philosophy of computational and evolutionary biology with an artistic performance. The events included a roundtable discussion, a film screening, a hands-on experiment with the video game software Unreal Engine taking input from a Raspberry-Pi enabled bioreactor (Pioreactor), and an audiovisual performance by Cook on the “bios-technosphere.”

Day one of the workshop set the theoretical and scientific foundation for the transdisciplinary project of Cook and Zhu who invited three experts to the roundtable discussion on the topic “Informatic Evolution of the Planet”. The evolutionary lineage that weaves together biosphere and technosphere through informatic feedback loops was discussed at length by Dr. Cécile Malaspina (Collège International de Philosophie, Paris), Dr. Jochen Blom (JLU) & Christina Lu (Oxford University) representing the fields of philosophy of science, computational biology, and AI research, respectively.

A warm welcome by Nadia Ismail (Director, Kunsthalle Giessen) and Liza Bauer (Interim Scientific Manager, Panel on Planetary Thinking) and an introduction to the concept of Planetary Thinking by Claus Leggewie (Director, Panel on Planetary Thinking) kick-started the workshop. Cook commenced the discussion by explaining his work and specifically the project he carried out during the three-month fellowship where he used the game engine Unreal to create distinct environments that enabled the manipulation of information into different formats, thus creating a connection between biological and technological spheres. Stating that, today, information is used synonymously with digital information; Cook explained his interest in situating the emergence of computation and digital information along a much broader evolutionary trajectory that began with the origin of life on Earth.

Cook’s collaborator Zhu explained what piqued their research interest to chart the historical evolution of information. Taking inspiration from the seminal work of John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary, ‘The Major Transitions in Evolution’ (1995), which explains the informatic increase in complexity across different Phase Changes in evolution, Zhu pointed out their overarching questions; does Artificial Life too represent these kinds of evolutionary transitions? How can we think of A-Life in terms of individuality and information processing? 

Continuing the discussion on a philosophical trajectory, Dr. Malaspina talked about what information really means by drawing inspiration from the ‘Theory of Individuation’ put forward by philosopher Gilbert Simondon. As the theory states, information neither depends on the sender’s message and intention nor the receiver’s interpretation of it but it has to be explained in terms of ontogenesis. Attributing this essential biological concept that tracks the lineage of an individual and delves into the history of a species, Simondon states that the “information is whatever catalyzes the pre-individual system into a process of ontogenesis.”

Delving into the hard sciences, Dr. Blom discussed his work which is primarily on comparative genomics of bacteria and how the information flow in bacteria takes a similar evolutionary path as other biological species, constantly exchanging information about the natural world around them in recursive feedback loops that involve mutation and selection. The discussion shed light on the race that exists between the computer capacities (Moore’s Law) and sequencing capacities where the latter develops at a much faster rate than the former which brings challenges to bio-mathematicians as Dr. Blom who builds computational tools aligning biological sequences.   

The discussion on the temporal, evolutionary trajectory of information from the past to the present took a futuristic turn with inputs from Lu who discussed how her work on AI draws inspiration from biology such as the multiscalar architecture of biological organisms. Thinking of what wants to be in existence rather than what is in existence, her hypothesis stated that the existing machinery models are incapable of evolution and create an ontological stasis of the information they produce. Synthesizing the biological evolution of these existing models, she discussed how AI could lead the next Phase Change in informatic evolution.

The discussion wrapped up after a lively Q&A session where the interdisciplinary audience actively engaged to agree and debate with the panel. Day one closed successfully after the screening of Cook & Zhu’s movie Xenoplex (or the Xenobiology Multiplex). The computational simulation is a speculative experimental design that leverages the most recent transition (planetary computation) in order to elucidate the first transition (origins of life).


The roundtable discussion on the topic Informatic Evolution of the Planet © Kunsthalle Giessen

Screening of Xenoplex (The Xenobiology Multiplex) © Wiegand

Day two of the workshop started with Cook conducting an intensive practical session, giving 1:1 support to the participants on how to create audiovisual worlds using the Unreal Engine. The participants got to experience firsthand the challenges and mental acuity needed to create complex computational worlds. The workshop was focused on replicating planetary dynamics on a micro-scale using the Raspberry Pi-enabled bioreactor (Pioreactor) that cultivated, monitored, and controlled cultures of algae to create immersive audiovisual worlds. By algorithmically adjusting and monitoring the balance of light, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and algal growth, the Pioreactor acted as a simplified planetary model, illustrating the intricate interplay of biological matter, energy, and information within the Earth system. Connecting the Pioreactor to the Unreal Engine, the participants used the real-time data produced by algae as input to create their own vibrant, audiovisual worlds.  

Bios-technosphere - an audiovisual performance by Cook © Wiegand

Cook demonstrates how to create audiovisual worlds using the game engine Unreal © Wiegand

The workshop ended with an artist’s talk and a spectacular audiovisual performance by Cook that he had developed using the Unreal Engine which transported the audience to a bios-technosphere. Most of the audience who also participated in Cook’s super-intensive worldbuilding session earlier was especially in awe of the performance. The Planetary Times summer workshop wrapped up successfully with a cocktail and finger food reception. 

Our gratitude goes to our fellow Connor Cook and his collaborator Darren Zhu, our valuable collaborators at Kunsthalle Giessen, the panel of experts of the roundtable discussion, and Veganatural for making this a huge success!

The event covered by the local newspapers can be found here


November 2-4, 2023 - Planetary Spaces "Wet Workshop": Sensing bodies of water within and around us

The group posing in front of Lahnfenster Hessen

Dr. Schubert gives a guided tour of the aquarium Ocean2100 of Systematics & Biodiversity Lab at JLU © Wiegand

This year’s ‘Planetary Spaces’ fellow in the Planetary Scholars & Artists in Residence Program, Juan Pablo Pacheco Bejarano, took us on a journey to understand our relationship to the ocean floor, and what it can teach us about our chances for survival in the face of conditions such as microplastic pollution and ocean acidification. To address this from the coastless city of Giessen, Pacheco Bejarano’s three-day wet workshop created an open (in)disciplinary space to relate to the multiple bodies of water within and around us.  Following the workshop, a complementary audio-visual installation was showcased at Neuer Kunstverein Giessen on November 10, 2023.

The workshop kickstarted with a guided tour of Lahnfenster Hessen, the observation station at a fish pass in Giessen. Here, the participants were educated on the migratory patterns of the fish such as the eel that travels across the Atlantic, the aquatic birds such as the kingfisher that nests by the river bank as well as the changing water- and riverscape of the Lahn through the years where we learned about the infrastructures that allow river species to live alongside a dam. The tour offered a glimpse to the underwater world of River Lahn through the large windows installed to observe the fish in their natural environment. Pacheco Bejarano then conducted a somatic reading session from his wet reader that dealt with the issues of hydrocommons and colonialism. The day came to an end with the group taking a relaxing walk by the Lahn whilst deep listening to the river using a hydrophone.

The second day of the workshop took the group to the aquarium Ocean2100 at the Systematics & Biodiversity Lab of the JLU. Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilke gave an introduction to the aquarium; a global change simulator that exposes stony corals and other organisms living in coral reefs to global change scenarios. He emphasized the importance of artists creating a transdisciplinary discourse to carry the important scientific messages of the conservation of corals to the wider public. Dr. Patrick Schubert then gave the group a guided tour of the aquarium. The group engaged in a somatic reading session at the aquarium before going to the Bergwerkswald ponds, bodies of water that emerged out of bomb craters from World War II. Here, the participants got an opportunity to write a toxic love letter to their favorite body of water. The day wrapped up with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner (Senckenberg Society on Nature Research) on ‘Water as an Engineered Planetary Space’ at Kunsthalle Giessen.

On the final day of the workshop, Pacheco Bejarano conducted floating and underwater communication exercises at the indoor swimming pool at Giessener Bäder. The workshop came to a conclusion with the somatic dance exercise led by Colombian choreographer Catalina Insignares through which participants connected to their bodies as liquid tissues and to the watery origins of life. The sensorial experience was complemented by Pacheco Bejarano’s performance of the water phone (Ocean Harp) which emanated a vibrant, ethereal sound.

Our sincere gratitude goes to Juan Pablo Pacheco Bejarano, our group of participants, staff at Lahnfenster Hessen, Prof. Wilke, Dr. Schubert, the research team of aquarium Ocean2100, Catalina Insignares, and to MAGIE Makerspace Gießen for the support given to make the workshop a massive success!

Flaoting exercises at Giessener Bäder © Bauer

Somatic listening to the liquid tissues of the bodies © Wiegand


June 1-2, 2023 – Planetary Spaces Summer Workshop: ‘Shrinking Spaces & Toxic Zones’

The group posing for a commemorative photo.
As part of their two-day workshop series at castle Rauischholzhausen, this year's ‘Planetary Spaces’ fellows in the Planetary Scholars & Artists in Residence Program called for a planetary perspective of three different spaces: the severely endangered Lake Chad, the Fukushima exclusion zone following the nuclear disaster, and a Hessian forest area near Biebertal. Through lectures, discussion rounds, workshops, and a mini-exhibition, Adenike Oladosu and Jason Waite provided the participants with insights into the impacts of long-term environmental disasters on planetary spaces and their human and more-than-human inhabitants. A comprehensive art installation of fellows’ projects and the results of the workshop will be showcased at Kunsthalle Giessen from July 6-11, 2023.

Shrinking Spaces: From once Mega-Chad to today's rapidly shrinking Lake Chad

On the morning of 01.06.2023, a group of around 20 participants set off for Ebsdorfergrund to meet at Castle Rauischholzhausen. The group consisted of students from art and veterinary medicine, doctoral candidates from various disciplines, the core team of the Panel, and Prof. Dr. Bronislaw Szerszynski (Lancaster University, United Kingdom) who is a pioneer in the field of planetary thinking. The previous evening, he had kicked off the event series with his Planetary Lecture-Performance on "Drift as a Planetary Phenomenon". "It's something really special for me to be able to work so closely with a group of planetary thinkers," said a doctoral candidate from the Rachel Carson Center at LMU Munich, who is dealing with the concept of "planetary health" in her dissertation.

The morning at the castle was dedicated to the topic "Shrinking Spaces: From Mega-Chad to Lake Chad". Nigerian climate activist Adenike Oladosu (I Lead Climate Action) showed the participants satellite images of how rapidly Lake Chad has been shrinking since the 1960s. She then provided deeper insights into the complex social and ecological conflicts around the lake, which is the basis of life for countless people. To counteract the complete disappearance of Lake Chad, Oladosu calls for more responsibility in the Global North to address the climate crisis, as it contributes significantly to the drying up of Lake Chad. Also, a guest was Dr. Patrick Flamm from the Frankfurt Peace Institute, who enriched the program with research results from peace and conflict studies.


From left to right: Claudia J. Ford, Adenike Oladosu and Jason Waite discuss the impact of climate change and long-term catastrophes on mental health © Bauer
Liza Bauer and Frederic Hanusch experience the VR simulation of the Fukushima exclusion zone © Endres

A special highlight of the workshop series took place on the evening of the first day: Oladosu and Waite, together with Claudia J. Ford (SUNY Potsdam, USA), an alumna of the Fellowship Program from the last semester, discussed how the loss of cherished places in the form of climate grief can affect people's psyche. The discussion was followed by a mini-exhibition on the upper floor of the castle. The participants could once again engage with the topics of the workshop through a poster exhibition, a video installation, a VR simulation, and Ford's climate grief diary.

More-Than-Human Adaptation Strategies to Toxic Zones: From Fukushima to Hessen

The second day focused on the more-than-human inhabitants of planet Earth: The Oxford-based curator and cultural worker, Jason Waite (Don't Follow the Wind), showed the participants astounding wildlife camera footage from the exclusion zone around Fukushima, which has become a home to a variety of animals in the absence of humans. Together with his guest and wild boar expert, Dr. Kieran O’Mahony (Czech Academy of Sciences), he also drew interesting connections to a forest area in Hessen near Biebertal. A comparison of the wild boar footage from Fukushima and Biebertal showed incredibly similar images of the particularly resilient and adaptable animals, as European wild boars are closely related to their Japanese counterparts.

The program was rounded off with a joint drawing workshop on the topic of "Imagining More-Than-Human Infrastructure". Here, the participants' imagination was required as they collectively drafted sketches of how a farm in Fukushima could be redesigned to provide a shared home for humans and animals to thrive freely. Liza Bauer, the Interim Scientific Manager of the Panel, noted that from the feedback of the participants, it can be concluded that the Panel truly succeeded in creating a space for interdisciplinary exchange among researchers and artists at different career stages.

Our sincere gratitude goes to fellows Adenike and Jason, our diverse group of participants, and the staff at Castle Rauischholzhausen for the support given to make the workshop a huge success.   

Kieran O’Mahony (right) sharing his expertise on adaptation strategies of wild boars and other more-than-human species © Endres
The group imagining infrastructure for a harmonious human and more-than-human space © Bauer

October 18 - November 12, 2022 - Reflections: Planetary Materials Workshop Series 

James Lovelock memorial lecture
Writing workshop on climate grief

This year, our fellow Claudia J. Ford’s workshop series “What Earth is Made of” took place on Oct. 18, and Nov. 10 & 11, 2022. The series reflected on James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis from an indigenous perspective to deepen our understanding of planetary materials and their constellations through art and science. The series connected indigenous ideas about ecology with the climate crisis and engaged the participants in storytelling through all of the senses – hands-on farm labor, film, creative writing, lectures, listening, dialog, and an exhibition of climate change and planetary materials inspired visual art.

The workshop series commenced on Oct. 18 with an excursion to JLU’s Gladbacherhof farm. The focus was on one of the most fundamental relationships between humans and the environment – namely food production and nutrition.

On Nov. 10, Ford delivered a stimulating hybrid lecture on indigenous knowledge and the Gaia hypothesis as the second event of the workshop series took place. The lecture memorialized James Lovelock (1919 – 2022), who formulated the Gaia hypothesis in the 1970s along with Lynn Margulis (1938 – 2011). Ford reiterated that the earth is a living being in a delicate state of balance and harmony, to whose wellbeing we are all obliged. She also paid homage to the French philosopher and anthropologist Bruno Latour (1947 – 2022), whose ideas resonated with Lovelock’s Gaia theory. Ford raised the point that these esteemed thinkers failed to point out that their ideas of the Earth being an interdependent system were not all that new. Predating Lovelock’s considerations by millennia, indigenous thinkers and storytellers have been reflecting on how the earth as a living self-aware system may be capable of feedback and self-correction, especially in its self-regulation of the climate.

Ford emphasized that in the face of the current climate crisis, the stories we tell about ‘nature’ must shift from global to planetary imaginaries. To do so, she called for acknowledging and drawing on existing indigenous knowledge in Western science, as they offer alternative paradigms that are truly transdisciplinary. The extensive bibliography researched for her lecture can be found here.

The lecture was followed by the film screening of the documentary “Inuit Knowledge & Climate Change” (2010), the first-ever Inuktitut language film directed by Zacharias Kunuk and Ian Mauro. The film took the viewers on a journey with the Inuit elders and hunters whilst exploring the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic. The day wrapped up with an informal gathering at the Planetary Hub where the Panel and the guests closed the evening with vegan finger food and pleasant conversations.

On Nov. 11, Ford conducted a writing workshop to express climate grief through creative arts. Participants got an opportunity to practice creative nonfiction environmental writing using planetary materials, which they found in their immediate environment as prompts. Afterward, the participants voluntarily shared their pieces of writing with the audience.

In the evening, the workshop series came to a grand conclusion with a festive opening of the exhibition “Planetary Origin Stories”: a collage exhibit at MAGIE - Makerspace Gießen created by Ford during her fellowship. Mehr Impulse opened the reception serenading the event with their melodies, and Ford explained her inspiration behind the exhibit during an artist’s talk. The exhibit was intricately woven around the subject matter of ecological destruction and climate grief (one might consider unpleasant) yet the beauty and finesse of Ford’s pieces paid tribute to the color, shape, and form of the natural world and recounted our collective responsibility to safeguard the Earth’s beauty and resources. 

Our sincere gratitude goes to Claudia for conceptualizing this multifaceted program, to our keen participants, as well as to Johannes and the team at the Makerspace Gießen for their support in making this workshop series a huge success!

Artist talk by Claudia Ford during the opening of the exhibition Planetary Origin Stories
Collage exhibit

November 10, 2022 | Recognizing the 'Resource' as an Active Partner: Report on the Planetary Colloquium "Perspectives on the Rights of ›Nature‹" 

In the face of the ongoing loss of biodiversity on the planet, more and more voices are calling for an entrenchment of solid rights of 'nature' within Western legal systems. In our planetary colloquium, questions about whether, how, and why the planet's myriad animal, plant, microbial, and other inhabitants can shape human politics were debated.

In his opening keynote "What rights does nature need?" sociologist Frank Adloff (University of Hamburg) traced the development of different conceptions of rights for animals, plants, and ecosystems. It quickly became clear that Western debates on sustainability, environmental protection, or animal welfare are still far from acknowledging the intrinsic value of non-human life forms.  Adloff therefore proposes a "methodological animism": Based on the basic principle of many indigenous cultures, according to which all planetary components are understood as animate and animate, living beings such as worms, mushrooms, or rivers could be programmatically conceived as quasi-subjects. He thus combines indigenous cosmology with a Western understanding of the law so that non-human life forms can be grouped together as collective legal subjects. In response to Adloff, sociologist Doris Schweizer (Goethe University Frankfurt) raised concerns about the transferability of human conceptions of law to non-human 'legal persons'. Although she acknowledges the political potential behind the idea, legal systems can only relativize their anthropocentric orientation, and never overcome it. Ecosystem researcher Emily Alice Poppenborg Martin (JLU Giessen) followed by raising further doubts: Nowadays, human societies are so closely entangled in the functioning of ecosystems that the term 'nature' is not used at all in Poppenborg's research; moreover, it underpins misguided notions of a nature-culture divide. Nevertheless, lawyer Franziska Johanna Albrecht (Green Legal Impact, Berlin) was able to show that rights of 'nature' - however imperfect they may be - can serve as effective tools in terms of representing non-human interests.

As recently as October 3, 2022, the Spanish lagoon "Mar Menor" was declared the first natural legal entity in Europe. Whether this status will actually help the immensely threatened ecosystem out of its crisis remains to be seen and is already questioned by experts (cf. Soro Mateo and Álvarez 2022). In attempts to further refine the concept of nature as a legal entity so that it can be implemented effectively, indigenous models undoubtedly represent pioneers for orientation. Within these attempts, rights of 'nature' can and should by no means be understood as a cure-all against anthropocentrism, but must always be scrutinized as to their motivations. However, as instruments to be continuously further elaborated, they can contribute to the relativization of anthropocentric thinking - and thus perhaps counteract the extinction of species.

A recording of the hybrid event will be available for streaming on our YouTube channel shortly.


October 27, 2022 - Excursion to the museum Sinclair-Haus

Visiting the exhibition Eternal Ice © Bauer
On Oct. 27, the Panel visited the Sinclair-Haus, a museum funded by the Kunst und Natur Foundation, to see the international exhibition Eternal Ice.

The exhibition displayed selected works of contemporary artists who showcased the cultural, political, social, and other interrelationships in light of the global ice melt; and its effects on local indigenous communities and on the world climate as a whole.

The exhibition sent us on a sensorial experience through visual and auditory means that included embroidery, photography, and video installations. It showcased work which included (but not limited to) the embroidery work of the Swedish Sámi artist Britta Marakatt-Labba that recounted the (his)stories of Lappish reindeer herders in the far north, a short video collaboration, Rise: From One Island to Another between the Marshall Islander poet Kathy Jetn̄il-Kijiner and the author Aka Niviâna from Kalaalit Nunaat (Greenland).

Our special thanks go to Madelaine Heck for providing us with a thought-provoking guided tour of the exhibit!


October 18, 2022 - Excursion report: Community farm day at Gladbacherhof

Farm manager Johannes Eisert leads the group through the new research barn © Bauer
Philip Weckenbrock explains the experimental setup for analyzing the productivity of different agroforestry systems © Wiegand

On Oct. 18, the kickoff event for our Fellow Claudia Ford's workshop series "What Earth Is Made of" took place. The event series serves to rethink the human relationship to the earth and its materialities by combining diverse perspectives from applied fields, science, and the arts. In the first workshop, the focus was on one of the most fundamental relationships between humans and the environment - namely food production and nutrition. To this end, our excursion took us to the Gladbacherhof farm, which combines organic farming and research: on the productive organic farm, research is conducted in cooperation with the JLU to further develop sustainable concepts for organic farming.

The day started with a tour of the newly built dairy cattle research barn, where fully automated milking machines and a fully automated feeding and cleaning system are intended to enable both the study of climate gas emissions in organic farming as part of the Green Dairy project and, in terms of animal welfare, a greater degree of self-determination for the animals. 

After a lunch prepared by Veganatural with the farm's own products, the group heard scientific presentations on various topics. In addition to considerations on decision-making criteria for farmers in dealing with sustainable technologies, new approaches in agroforestry and a plea for more care in agriculture were discussed. There was also a tour of the on-site laboratory facilities.

Lastly, the agroforestry techniques discussed in the lecture could be seen in application as Philipp Weckenbrock showed the group around the agroforestry area of the farm. Agroforestry uses a specific planting strategy in an attempt to arrange multiple levels of food production into a single cohesive system. Specifically, the farm's experimental setups are designed to examine the productivity of mixed systems between trees and traditional agricultural crops such as cereals or potatoes. Although they have not been widely used in practice, agroforestry systems promise some advantages, such as greater resilience and resistance to climatic changes, erosion, and increased water storage capacity of the soil.

The field trip allowed us to gain in-depth insights into a fascinating combination of research and agricultural practice in organic farming.

Claudia Ford pleads for more care in agriculture © Wiegand.
The group harvests the kale for lunch directly in the field © Wiegand

June 23-25, 2022 - "Planetary Forest - Bring the Forest to the Garden": workshop, vernissage and accompanying exhibition

The performative action "Planetary Forest: Bring the Forest to the Garden" from June 23-25, 2022 was the highlight of the first cohort in the Planetary Scholars and Artists in Residence program. This first year of the program centers around the theme "Planetary Materials" and the first Fellows, Claudia Hartl, Clemens Finkelstein, and Mathias Kessler, approached the topic from very different perspectives. As an integral part of trees and thus the forest, wood became the planetary focus material of the semester as well as the central leitmotif for the Planetary Workshop: Led by the Fellows, on Thursday morning a small diverse group explored the planetary dimension of human-forest-climate interactions in the Rosbach City Forest. Clemens Finkelstein, employing a historical and socio-cultural perspective, offered interesting insights into the forest's history of use and the relationship of people to "their forest". Claudia Hartl was able to provide participants with a climatological and dendrochronological point of view: She demonstrated how to take a drill core and used the sample to explain the broad field of tree ring research and the complex relationships between forest health and climate.

In addition to sharing knowledge, experiencing the forest and exchanging ideas in and with the group formed a central part of the day. Thus, among others, a member of the local BUND group, an expert in hydrogeology, an employee of the JLU fleet, various colleagues of the department 09, and temporarily even the Rosbach mayor Steffen Maar added to the workshop with their expertise. The latter was available for questions and explained the background of the disturbed area as well as the planned reforestation measures for the site. Afterward, participants and Fellows alike collected forest material for the living sculpture planned by Mathias Kessler: litter, dead wood, topsoil, roots, and even the odd seedling found their way into the trailer. Mathias Kessler also accompanied the trip with his camera and will artistically process the recordings in a short film - soon available on our YouTube channel.

On the following day, the Fellows designed the living sculpture as an image of a forest habitat in the Botanical Garden. For now, the fenced-off piece of a disturbed forest site will remain untouched for three years, and its development will be watched expectantly: Will the forest make its way into the garden, will the garden reclaim the area, or perhaps nothing will happen for a while? The sculpture was opened in the festive setting of a vernissage with catering and live music, to which we were also pleased to welcome the President of the JLU, Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee. In a subsequent article (in German), the Gießener Allgemeine newspaper praised the action for its character as planetary food for thought. We cordially invite you all to visit the living work of art and send dated photos to . Experience the Rosbacher City Forest in the Botanical Garden Giessen!

For two weeks, the Neuer Kunstverein Gießen e.V. also hosted an accompanying exhibition at its premises, which documented the work of the three Fellows at the Panel on Planetary Thinking. On display were, among others, Line Drawings and "The Arctic Ocean - Failed Hope" by Mathias Kessler, Vibrascapes by Clemens Finkelstein, and Dendro Art by Claudia Hartl.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the city of Rosbach, the forester Eva-Maria Kirchler, the management of the Botanical Garden, the Neuer Kunstverein Gießen e.V. as well as the president of the JLU for their ongoing support in this extensive project!

Claudia Hartl takes a core sample from a beech (top left); Mathias Kessler films the group at the lookout of the quartzite plant while Clemens Finkelstein gives insights into current and historical forest use (top right); The group gathers in front of the disturbance area to listen to Claudia Hartl and Rosbach Mayor Steffen Maar explain its history, the site's climatic conditions and planned measures for its reforestation (bottom left); Participants collect organic material on the disturbance site (bottom right); The exchange in the group flourishes during lunch at the former Roman Limes fort Kapersburg (center). © Mörsdorf, Steib
Mathias Kessler and Clemens Finkelstein show full commitment while unloading the collected material in the Botanical Garden (top left); After designing the sculpture, it is fenced off to protect it from human and animal influence as much as possible (bottom left); Mathias Kessler and Claudia Hartl ceremoniously open the joint work of art (top right); the accompanying "growing exhibition" also brought a piece of forest into the premises of the Neuer Kunstverein (bottom right). © Bauer, Hanusch, Mörsdorf


May 10, 2022 - First Planetary Lecture on "Planetary Law" by Prof. Dr.  Dr. Louis Kotzé and Networking Event of the Panel

The Planetary Lecture Series opened with a talk on "Planetary Law for the Anthropocene." Earth System Law pioneer Prof. Dr. Dr. Louis Kotzé (North West University, South Africa) proposed a transformation of international environmental law in order to respond more appropriately to planetary phenomena than has been the case so far: Instead of humans, legal principles should focus on the Earth System, especially in the so-called Anthropocene. Accordingly, Prof. Kotzé centered his lecture around the question of how such Earth System Governance could be designed. A corresponding governance approach should emphasize the planetarily significant shaping power of humans, but always relate this power to planetary forces and consider humanity as part of the Earth System. The full recording of the lecture as well as the following discussion opened by Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn (Public Law and International Law, JLU) is available on YouTube.

The warm spring weather exceeded expectations and set the scene for the subsequent networking meeting of the panel members. The Panel was invited to the new premises to inaugurate the new 'Planetary Hub' and to introduce the current Fellows and their work to the Panel members. First, Geoscientist Claudia Hartl fascinated the assembled with drill core samples of beech trees from the Rosbach city forest and explanations of their history. Colorful, abstract-looking posters formed the centerpiece of Clemens Finkelstein's short lecture on vibrations. The illustrations show the vibration patterns of various ambient sounds of the panel office: Spectators could marvel at the vibratory signatures of church bells across the street, rail traffic behind the building, and a helicopter flying overhead. However, due to its content, the demonstration by Mathias Kessler attracted the most attention: the artist presented his work "The Arctic Ocean - Failed Hope", a refrigerator filled with beer. At first glance, an invitation to socialize, a 3D version of Caspar David Friedrich's "The Arctic Ocean" lies hidden in the icebox. By opening and closing it time and again, the slight recurring increases in temperature cause the ice to slowly melt. Hereby, Kessler points to the serious consequences that human actions can have on the planet.

With the opening of the beer fridge, the formal part of the meeting ended and at mild temperatures, the panel members gathered in the library and on the balcony for a leisurely chat. The panel team would like to thank all participants, especially JLU President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, for coming and hopes for further lively exchange among panel members.

Panel members closely followed the Fellow’s demonstrations (left). With the opening of the beer refrigerator (top right) the event transitioned to the casual part with vegan catering and cold beverages (bottom right). © Hanusch, Mörsdorf, Bauer
Fellow demonstrations: drill samples (top left), vibratory signatures of rail traffic, a helicopter and church bells (right), art refrigerator with Caspar David Friedrich’s The Arctic Ocean (bottom left). © Finkelstein, Mörsdorf


April 8, 2022 - Field Work in the Rosbach Forest with Claudia Hartl and Lea Schneider

Claudia Hartl inspecting a freshly drawn core from one of the beeches © Bauer
The Planetary Scholars & Artists in Residence Program kicks off with the panel team and a small group of students heading to the Rosbach city forest - the fieldwork results in core samples from forty beech trees. In the course of her fellowship project "Tree Ring Reports on Forest Dieback", dendrochronologist Dr. Claudia Hartl investigates the vitality as well as the reactions of healthy as well as dying beech trees to draught events or extreme weather events. Thanks to the active support of Prof. Dr. Lea Schneider (Institute of Geography, JLU), as well as her students, ~12,000 tree rings, now find their way into Dr. Hartl's long-term study.

Although the April weather did not show its friendliest side, the fieldwork turned out an especially instructive as well as memorable event. Beyond the techniques of sampling, the team learned a lot about the many applications of tree-ring research. These range from determining the origin of construction materials to dating and certifying works of art or musical instruments, to today's widespread research into tree species suitability or climatic change. The annual rings showcase how planetary phenomena, reaching from heat waves to world wars, materialize in locally specific and tangible manners. In addition, the core samples themselves offer a fascinating sight. The beech trees respond to the removal of their valuable cores by creating chemical barriers around the drilling sites and should tolerate the brief procedure well, allowing their vitality to be more accurately determined in the summer based on their by then fully sprouted crowns. News about the unique the unique tree-ring width pattern of the two beech populations in the Rosbach city forest may therefore be expected before long.


June 4, 2021 - Planetary Colloqium "Planetary Perspectives"

The Panel on Planetary Thinking from the JLU Giessen, in cooperation with the Planetary Thinking Working Group (Goethe University Frankfurt, Senckenberg, ISOE) and the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, organized the planetary colloquium “Planetary Perspectives”. In a pleasant digital atmosphere, around 30 participants from different academic backgrounds exchanged thoughts and ideas on the challenges facing our planet and the urgent need of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches in order to tackle them. Our keynote speaker, David Christian from the Macquarie University in Sydney, opened the floor with an inspiring talk about Big History, a multi-disciplinary approach that examines earth’s and humanity’s past, and by learning from it, it explains the present and contributes to imagining sustainable futures. The discussion was followed by two sessions of short impulse talks from our colleagues from JLU Giessen and the Goethe University Frankfurt. The first session provided input on the planetary perspectives from the social sciences and humanities, provoking a discussion on the ways in which we can learn from past societies, have to extend sociological thought to the earth’s core as well as to outer space, the need to change human behavior and the way we think economics by valuing more the future benefits compared to benefits in the present, and how poetry and human artistic expression can relate us with the planet. The second session offered planetary visions from natural sciences, with nevertheless creative contributions that cross the boundaries of separate disciplines. From conversations on the inherent rights of nature in the context of biodiversity, and what kind of agricultural practices are needed for a sustainable future, to envisioning the planetary by focusing on subatomic elementary particles, were some of the thought-provoking discussions our participants were keen to delve into. The participants agreed to deepen their inspirational discussions in future planetary colloquia to open up a new collaborative research endeavor of both, JLU and Goethe University Frankfurt.