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Grundkurs Promotion, fachspezifisches Modul FB 04 (Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften) / Core Course Subject-Related Module Faculty 04 (History and Cultural Studies)


Nov 16, 2015 from 09:00 to 05:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, Haus B, R. 25

Contact Name

Contact Phone

(+49) 0641 99 30046

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Participants are requested to send to Paul Vickers ( by the end of Tuesday 10 November, the following in either English or German:

  • Your latest abstract/exposé
  • Your Gliederung/chapter outline
  • Your Arbeitsplan/ project plan (how you plan to allocate your time over three years)
  • One single powerpoint slide with the latest version of your title

In addition participants are asked to prepare a presentation lasting no longer than five minutes. This is in the style of an “Impulsreferat”, thus no slides are expected.

Participants will be sent a colleague’s exposé/abstract to review. They will then provide their colleague with feedback during the session.