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Work group

On the following pages we would like to introduce ourselves.

We are an interdisciplinary working group. Coming from different fields of research we unite our knowledge and skills for research and teaching. So you can find chemists, biologists and physicists in our group, as well as coworkers from mineralogy, geology and engineering sciences. Our working group does not only consist of scientists, but also of technical employees, who contribute to the success of the daily business of the institute.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Spengler
University Professor (Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem.)
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Ivonne Bergen
Technical coworker
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Dr. Bernd Commerscheidt
Akademischer Oberrat (Dipl.-Chem.)
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David Luh
PhD candidate
Christoph Müller
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Dr. Max Müller
Scientific Coworker
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Cathleen Poetzsch
Technical coworker
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Ralf Sack
Deputy head of machine shop
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Annika Schardt
Scientific Coworker