Gallery of pictures from 2009
Every year at the end of the christmas time all workgroups of the Institute of Physical Chemistry meets at the Christmas party. The picture shows the three Professors of the Institute of Physical Chemistry united at the Christmas party. From left to right: Prof. Janek, Prof. Over und Prof. Smarsly.
The picture shows the Beamline ESCA Microscopy at the Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy). At the beginning of december A. Rein, B. Luerssen and A.-K. Huber worked there to make in-situ XPS measurements at LSM/YSZ electrodes. The possibility to analyze the surface of the sample under electrochemical polarization allows to get a better understanding of the principle processes at the LSM/YSZ interface. Picture submitted by A. Huber
On Wednesday the 11th of February Dr. Carsten Korte gave his 'Habilitation lecture' on the topic "Nanostructuring by kinetic instabilities - patterns without masks". Our picture of the month shows him (2nd from the right) and the working group during the sparkling wine reception that followed.
The picture shows the new glove box of the Institute of Physical Chemistry. The glove box features four workplaces. On April 1st a new project called “glove box royal” started. The project members (from left to right) R. Dippel, K. Sann, S. Diegelmann und H. Buschmann are investigating the influences of noble gas atmospheres to the probability distributions of gamble card games. First results are soon expected after extensive test gaming. Picture submitted for April Fool's joke
The picture shows a scanning electron microscope image of a multilayer system composed of 11 layers Y2O3 and 10 layers YSZ, where the bright layers are Y2O3 and the dark and thin layers are YSZ. The cut through this multilayer system was made with an ion-beam. Picture submitted by H. Aydin
The pictures shows N. Schichtel in front of her posterpresentation at the "Bunsentagung 2009 in Cologne (20th - 23rd May). Her presentation over ionic transport in nano scaled multilayer systems was elected for the "Hot Topics Poster Award". Further informations can be found in the News of 25.05.2009: "Hot Topics Poster Award" für Beitrag auf Bunsentagung 2009 in Köln. (Only available in the German Version of the side.)
The picture shows a scanning electron microscope image of a thin platinum layer on yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The aim of the experiment is to get control over the dewetting of the platinum layer to understand the dewetting process better. On the black spots the platinum is already missing. Picture submitted by N. Baumann
The picture provides an insight into a vacuum chamber equipped with a photoelectron emission microscope (on the left hand side). The sample is situated on a heater (red) and is illuminated by UV light (from bottom left). Electrochemical experiments can be carried out at different temperatures. Picture submitted by E. Mutoro
The SEM picture shows the surface of a graphite electrode after several cycles. The small graphite particles are covered with an incomplete surface layer. This surface layer may be a so called SEI (solid Electrolyte Interphase). The SEI is conductive for lithium ions and non-conductive for electrons. Thus, the degradation of the electrolyte inside a lithium ion battery is prevented. Picture submitted by J. Dölle
The participants of the excursion of the Institut of Physical Chemistry are shown on the green of the golf club Dillenburg. The excursion included the visiting of castle Greifenstein and the bird-park Herborn. In the afternoon all institute members practiced at the golf club the golf-beats putt, chip and drive.
Das Bild zeigt einen Silbertriflat-Niederschlag in einer ionischen Flüssigkeit (1-Octyl-3-Methylimidazoliumtrfilat). Es wurde versucht, das Salz bei 60°C in dieser zu lösen. Die rote Farbe könnte durch gebildetes kolloidales Silber zustande kommen. Ziel eines solchen Löseversuches ist es, Silber-Ionen in der ionischen Flüssigkeit zu erhalten, um diese anschließend Plasma-Elektrochemisch als Nanopartikel abzuscheiden. Bild eingereicht von M. Göttlicher
In a project promoted by the DFG (German Research Foundation) the possible interface film formation between a cathode and the electrolyte of a lithium ion battery is investigated. The graph shows a TOF-SIMS depth profile of the near-surface region of a LiNi0,5Mn1,5O4 layer. The layer was deposited by PLD (pulsed laser deposition) on a silicon substrate and immersed in the electrolyte for two days at 50 °C. Fluorine is a typical ingredient of decomposition products that is enriched at the surface. Lithium is also enriched in the near surface region. Manganese in contrast can only be found in the electrode bulk. The measurements that were performed during a bachelor thesis are the first clues for a surface layer. Picture submitted by B. Michalak