Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Participants' Presentations

Copies of some of the presentations given by participants in the International Summer School may be found below:

Jaroslav Dvorak: Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania

Evaluation of Public Policy in Lithuania: Introduction, Scope and Significance


Marcin Gońda: University of Lodz, Poland

Foreigners of Polish Origin Studying in Poland: 'Return to the Motherland' or a Pragmatic Choice?


Tereza Hronová: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Development of Glocalization: Case of Advertisements Published in Czech Magazines During 1990 -2010


Francis Ipgrave: Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

The EU, Regionalisation, and Poland’s East-West Divide


Adam Karpiński: University of Lodz, Poland

Regional or Global Literature?: On the Basis of the Novel Markiz de Tomsk by Siberian Writer Boris Klimychev


Alexandra Salatova: Kazan Federal University, Russia

Unemployment as a Social Problem in the Republic of Tatarstan as a Unit of the Globalized World

Ivan Savin: Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

Factor-Biased Technical Change and Specialization Patterns

Alfiya Zaripova: Kazan Federal University, Russia

Regionalisation and Globalization in European Security: Implications for Central Europe



If any other participants from the summer school would like to have their presentations uploaded onto this web page, please send them to: