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Activity 2 – Goal 3

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The programs related to student administration are to be digitized and can be used from anywhere at any time (photo: Rolf Wegst).
The programs related to student administration are to be digitized and can be used from anywhere at any time (photo: Rolf Wegst).

HF2 – Goal 3: JLU digitally transforms its student administration.

A prerequisite for the aforementioned expansion goals of digital teaching is consistent digital transformation of services for students, so that all documents from application to deregistration are mapped in a digital student life cycle. This requirement is made partially binding through the Online Access Act (OZG), although it is primarily a strategic interest of JLU to provide integrated systems for all student processes. As part of the digital transformation of its administrative processes, JLU is implementing projects that enable data and documents to be stored and circulated on standardized platforms with uniform processes and access options (cf. Studium und Lehre an der JLU: Strategie 2030; pp. 37).

By establishing self-service options, students can manage their important documents (certificates, attestations, certificates of study, etc.) from any location and at any time. This helps them organize their day-to-day studies as they see fit. Social media resources are increasingly being integrated as a means of digital communication with students and are becoming more and more relevant as a supplement to existing communication formats.


Subgoals and Indicators


Subgoal HF2 – 3.1.
JLU digitally transforms the student life cycle to streamline processes that affect all students before, during, and after their studies.

Indicator HF2 – 3.1.1.
JLU will have digitized the application and enrollment process by 2026.

Indicator HF2 – 3.1.2.
By 2027, JLU will have introduced electronic student records, within which student administration and examination procedures are digitized in accordance with requirements.