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Leserunde "Reciprocity and Sustainability in Intercultural Projects"


Jan 18, 2017 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, Building F, R.007

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We would like to welcome you to the reading session focused on the concepts of “reciprocity” and “sustainability”, which is organised in preparation to the workshop “We exist! - Sustainability and Reciprocity in Intercultural Projects: Building Mutual and Cooperative Exchange”. Throughout the session we are going to focus particularly on the readings, which in one or another way discuss the formation of social relationships that engender expectations of reciprocity, mutual benefit and obligation before each other. With help of texts we shall discuss what the term “reciprocity” means on its own and when applied to the context of fieldwork or other intercultural project. We shall also examine whether “reciprocity” automatically entails “sustainability”, that is a long-lasting social bond necessary for the maintenance of social relationships, or only the temporal aspects of continuity.

Please mark your calendar for 18th of January, 2017 from 10 until 12, Room F 007. For further information and to request the readings contact: