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Charlotte Häuser

As a PhD student I am part of the International Research Training Group  IRTG 2843 "Accelerating Crop Genetic Gain, a joint project between JLU and the University of Queensland in Australia. In my PhD I am working on yield stability and abiotic stress tolerance of faba bean (Vicia faba). The 
main part of my research will be to phenotype drought and heat stress in faba bean and to analyze gene expression patterns under stress as well as to identify related QTLs and candidate genes.


  • Since May 2024: PhD student with Prof. Dr. Sarah Schießl-Weidenweber, with the topic: Linking Plasticity of Abiotic Stress Responses to Yield Stability in Faba Bean (Vicia faba).
  • 2021-2024: Master of Science Crop Science (completed with 1.2, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, thesis topic: Identification of Crossing Parents in Open-Pollinated Populations of Faba Bean (Vicia faba) to Maximize Heterosis Based on SNP Data, with Prof. Dr. Sarah Schießl-Weidenweber).
  • 2023: Research assistant at the Department of Plant Breeding (three months).
  • 2022: Internship at Limagrain France (four months) at the Centre de Recherche in Chappes and at Limagrain Germany (two months) at the breeding station in Rosenthal.
  • 2021: Erasmus semester (four months) at ISARA (Institut supérieur d'agriculture Rhône-Alpes) in Lyon, with Prof. Dr. Alexander Wezel, Research Unit: Agroecology and Environment.
  • 2018-2021: Bachelor of Science Agricultural Sciences ( completed with 1.6, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, thesis topic: Flower Regulation in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) Depending on the Ambient Temperature, with Prof. Dr. Rod Snowdon).


Droughtspotter XS in the iFZ greenhouse (substitute)


Contact Info:

Office: iFZ B327 - Tel: (0641) 99 37 498

Preferred language(s): German and English