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Jaqueline Krüger, M.A.


Jaqueline Krüger, M.A.

Coordinator Research Area 3R, ICAR3R 

Professorship for Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare & 3R Center
Clinical Center for Veterinary Medicine
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Frankfurter Straße 110, 35392 Giessen


Room: 117
Phone: +49 (0)641 9938746


Short CV

Jaqueline Krüger studied history and specialised journalism history at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. As a history and media scholar, her dissertation project focuses on the portrayal of Vlad Țepeș in various popular culture media and its impact on modern historical culture. 

Jaqueline Krüger has been working at the Chair of Laboratory Animal Science and Animal Welfare and the Giessen 3R Center ICAR3R since 2019 and was also responsible for coordinating animal caretaker training in the field of research and clinic from 2020 to 2023. Since 2022, she has been the scientific coordinator of ICAR3R's 3R work area and is responsible for the Animal Assisted Services certificate course. In addition to coordinating teaching, science and further training, she is scientifically concerned with the representation of animals and in particular torture breeding in various media formats. 



  • Ameli, Katharina, Eva Raimann, Jaqueline Krüger, Stephanie Krämer: Linking One Health to 3R. Culture of Care as a bridge towards Russell and Burch's highest goal: Replacement. In: LEOH - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (2024). S. 77–91.
  • Krämer, Stephanie; Jaqueline Winkel: Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten! Oder doch? Tierliebe – quo vadis?! In: Zeitschrift des Vereines der Freunde und Förderer der Veterinärmedizin an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen e.V. 28 (2022), S. 17–20.

  • Krämer, Stephanie; Jaqueline Winkel: Wenn Selektion zur Qual wird. Ein kritischer Blick auf die Mensch-Hund-Beziehung. In: Wuff Hundemagazin (2022) H. 2, S. 32–37.

  • Rezension: Marion Näser-Lather/Marguerite Rumpf (Hg.): Vampire. Zwischen Blutdurst und Triebverzicht. In: Bayerisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde (2021), S. 205/06.

  • Vampire zum Anfassen: Jure Grandos und Michal Gašpareks Metamorphosen von gefürchteten Wiedergängern zu touristischen Stadtlegenden. In: Thomas M. Bohn und Kirsten von Hagen (Hrsg.): Mythos Vampir – Bissige Lektüren, Bonn 2018, S. 57–70.