Publikationen 2006
Al-Anati L, Petzinger E (2006)
Immunotoxic activity of ochratoxin A.
J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. 29: 79-90
Al-Anati L, Reinehr R, Van Rooijen N, Petzinger E (2006)
In vitro induction of TNF-a by ochratoxin A from rat liver: role of Kupffer cells.
Mycotoxin Res. 21: 172-175
Bauer N, Basset H, O’Neill E, Acke E (2006)
Cerebrospinal fluid from a six year old dog with severe neck pain.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 35: 123-125.
Bauer NB, Schneider MA, Neiger R, Moritz A (2006)
Liver disease in dogs with tracheal collaps.
J. Vet. Intern. Med. 20: 845-849
Bell R, Neiger R, McGrotty Y, Ramsey IK (2006)
Study of the effect of once daily doses of trilostane on cortisol concentrations and responsiveness to adrenocorticotrophic hormone in hyperadrenocortocid dogs.
Vet. Rec. 159: 277-281
Boryczko Z, Gizinski S, Seweryn T, Gajeski MW, Zalac S, Bostedt H (2006)
Leczenie rozrostu wlokniakogruczo-lakowego gruzolu stukowego u kotek za pomoca antygestagenu-aglepristonu (Alizin®, Virbac)
Zycie Weterynaryjne 81: 341-343
Bostedt H, Klein C, Boryczko Z (2006)
Nie ma jednej czyli syndrom Wczesnej Smiertelnosci Zarodkowej
Lecznica Duzych Zwierzat 2: 42-48
Bostedt H, Wehrend A, Boryczko Z (2006)
Podstawy i wskazania do stosowania aglerpristonu w rosrodzie malych zwierzat
Zycie Weterynaryjne 81: 485-487
Brown M, Carbone L, Conlee KM, Dawkins MS, Duncan IJ, Fraser D, Griffin G, Hampshire VA, Lambert LA, Mench JA, Morton D, Richmond J, Rollin BE, Rowan AN, Stephens ML, Würbel H (2006)
Executive summary: workshop on the definition, recognition, assessment, and alleviation of animal distress in the laboratory
Lab. Animal 35: 26-30
Curtui V, Seidler C, Schneider E, Usleber E (2006)
Untersuchungen zu DON-Gehalten in Getreideerzeugnissen aus dem deutschen Einzelhandel im Jahr 2006.
Mycotoxin Res. 22: 170-173
Damriyasa IM, Bauer C (2006)
Prevalence and age-dependent occurrence of intestinal protozoan infections in suckling piglets.
Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 119: 287-290
Doughty RW, Brockman D, Neiger R, McKinney L (2006)
Nasal oncocytoma in a domestic shorthair cat.
Vet. Pathol. 43: 751-754
Eich V, Kramer M (2006)
Traumatische Beckenstenose und deren Behandlung mit Hilfe partieller Hemipelvektomie oder Beckenboden-Osteotomie bei Hund und Katze
Kleintierpraxis 51 :5-10
El-Sayed A, Alber J, Lämmler C, Abdulmawjood A, Zschöck M, Castañeda-Vazquez H (2006)
Comparative sequence analysis of spa gene of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis: characterization of an unusual spa gene variant.
J. Dairy Res. 73: 322-327
El-Sayed A, Alber J, Lämmler C, Jäger S, Zschöck M, Wolter W, Castañeda-Vazquez H (2006)
Comparative study on genotypic properties of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical and subclinical mastitis in Mexico.
Vet. Mex. 37: 165-179
Estuningsih S, Kress C, Hassan AA, Akineden Ö, Schneider E, Usleber E (2006)
Enterobacteriaceae in Dehydrated Powdered Infant Formula Manufactured in Indonesia and Malaysia.
J. Food Protection 69: 3013-3017
Flöck A, Kramer M, Tellhelm B (2006)
Die sonographische Untersuchung des Hüftgelenks bei Hundewelpen als Screeningmethode für die Hüftgelenksdysplasie.
Prakt Tierarzt 87: 94-104.
Freeman K, Bauer N, Jensen AL, Thoresen S (2006)
Introduction to ISO 15186: A blueprint for quality systems for veterinary laboratories.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 35: 157-171
Gallei A, Widauer S, Thiel HJ, Becher P (2006)
Mutations in the palm region of a plus-strand RNA virus polymerase result in attenuated phenotype.
J Gen. Virol. 87: 3631-3636
Garner JP, Thogerson CM, Würbel H, Murray JD, Mench JA (2006)
Animal neuropsychology: Validation of the intra-dimensional extra-dimensional set shifting task in mice
Behav. Brain Res. 173: 53-61
Georgiev P, Wehrend A (2006)
Mid-gestation pregnancy termination by the progesterone antagonist aglepristone in queens
Theriogen. 65: 1401-1406
Geyer J, Wilke T, Petzinger E (2006)
The Solute Carrier Family SLC10: more than a family of bile acid transporters regarding function and phylogenic relationships.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. Pharmacol. 372: 413-431
Grevelding CG (2006)
Transgenic flatworms. In: Maule, A.G., Marks, N.J. (eds.): Parasitic Flatworms: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Physiology. CAB International Wallingford/UK, pp. 149-173
Haberberger R, Schultheiss G, Diener M (2006)
Epithelial muscarinic M1 receptors contribute to carbachol-induced ion secretion in mouse colon.
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 530: 229-233
Heimann M, Roman Sosa G, Martoglio B, Thiel HJ, Rümenapf T (2006)
Core protein of pestiviruses is processed at C-terminus by signal peptide peptidase.
J Virol. 1915-1921
Hennessy DR, Bauer C, Boray JC, Gonder GA, Daugschies A, Johansen MV, Maddox-Hyttel C, Roepstorff A & World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (2006)
World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP): Second edition of guidelines for evaluating the efficacy of anthelmintics in swine.
Vet. Parasit. 141: 138-149
Hermosilla C, Pantchev N, Bachmann R, Bauer C (2006)
Lipoptena cervi (deer ked) in two naturally infested dogs.
Vet. Rec. 159: 286-288
Hermosilla C, Pantchev N, Dyachenko V, Gutmann M, Bauer C (2006)
First autochthonous case of canine ocular Dirofilaria repens infection in Germany.
Vet. Rec. 158: 134-135
Hermosilla C, Zahner H, Taubert A (2006)
Eimeria bovis modulates adhesion molecule gene transcription in and PMN adhesion to infected bovine endothelial cells.
Int. J. Parasitol. 36: 423-431
Hofmann E, Failing K, Wehrend A (2006)
Veränderungen an Vulva und Vestibulum bei Mutterkühen und Färsen in den letzten sieben Tagen vor der Geburt
Tierärztl. Prax. 34 (G): 15-19
Hübschle T, Mütze J, Mühlradt PF, Korte S, Gerstberger R, Roth J (2006)
Pyrexia, anorexia, adipsia, and depressed motor activity in rats during systemic inflammation induced by the Toll-like receptors-2 and -6 agonists MALP-2 and FSL-1.
Am. J. Physiol. 290: R180-R187
Kaim U, Moritz A, Failing K, Baumgärtner W (2006)
The regression of a canine Langerhans cell tumour is associated with increased expression of IL-2, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and iNOS mRNA.
Immunology 118: 472-482
Kaiser GG, Kölle S, Boie G, Sinowatz F, Palma G, Alberio RH (2006)
In vivo effect of growth hormone on the expression of connexin 43 in bovine ovarian follicles.
Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73: 600-606
Kanbar T, Voytenko AV, Alber J, Lämmler C, Weiss R, Zschöck M, Shilov IA, Dmitrenko OA, Gintsburg AL (2006)
Prevalence of genes encoding exfoliative toxins among Staphylococcus hyicus isolated in Russia and Germany
J. Vet. Med. B 53: 429-433
Kasten P, Vogel J, Luginbühl R, Niemeyer P, Weiss S, Schneider S, Kramer M, Leo A, Richter W (2006)
Influence of platelet-rich plasma on osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and ectopic bone formation in calcium phosphate ceramics.
Cell Tissue Organs 183: 68-79
Kipar A, Baptiste K, Barth A, Reinacher M (2006)
Natural FCoV infection: cats with FIP exhibit significantly higher viral loads than healthy cats.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. 8: 69-72
Kipar A, Meli M, Failing K, Euler T, Gomez-Keller MA, Schwartz D, Lutz H, Reinacher M. (2006)
Natural feline coronavirus infection: Differences in cytokine patterns in association with the outcome of infection.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 112: 141-155
Klein C, Bauersachs S, Ulbrich S, Meyer H, Schmidt S, Reichenbach H, Vermehren M, Blum H, Sonowatz F, Wolf E (2006)
Analysis of gene expression in the bovine endometrium during the pre-implantation period
Reprod. Dom. Anim. 41, Suppl. 1: 19
Klein C, Bostedt H (2006)
Magenulzera beim neugeborenen und älteren Fohlen – Eine Übersicht
Tierärzt. Prax. 34 (G): 263-270
Klein C, Wehrend A (2006):
Lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Uterus von Kühen mit Torsio uteri um 360°
Tierärztl. Prax. 34 (G): 289-294
Knobloch J, Kunz W, Grevelding CG (2006)
Herbimycin A suppresses mitotic activity and egg production of female Schistosoma mansoni.
Int. J. Parasitol. 36: 1261-1272
Kowalewski MC, Schuler G, Taubert A, Engel E, Hoffmann B (2006)
Expression of cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 in the canine corpus luteum during diestrus.’
Theriogenology 66: 1423-1430
Krey T, Himmelreich A, Heimann M, Menge C, Thiel HJ, Maurer K, Rümenapf T (2006)
Function of Bovine CD 46 as a cellular receptor for bovine viral diarrhea virus is determined by complement control protein 1.
J. Virol. 3912-3922
Krey T, Moussay E, Thiel HJ, Rümenapf, T (2006)
Role of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in entry of bovine viral diarrhea virus.
J. Virol. 10862-10867
Lackner T, Thiel HJ, Tautz N (2006)
Dissection of a viral autoprotease elucidates a crucial function for a cellular chaperone in proteolysis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1510-1515
Lautz S, Kanbar T, Alber J, Lämmler C, Weiss R, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Zschöck M (2006)
Dissemination of the gene encoding exfoliative toxin of Staphylococcus intermedius among strains isolated from dogs during routine microbiological diagnostics.
J. Vet. Med. B 53: 434-438
Leuser C, Jansen N, Neiger R (2006)
Methiocarb-Vergiftung bei drei Hunden.
Kleintierpraxis 51: 149-154
Macrí S, Würbel H (2006)
Developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats: a critical review of the maternal mediation hypothesis
Horm. Behav. 50: 667-680
Martinez J, Ramis AJ, Reinacher M, Perpinan D (2006)
Detection of feline infectious peritonitis virus-like antigen in ferrets.
Vet. Rec. 158: 523
Miller M, Moritz A, Röcken M, Roth J, Litzke LF (2006)
Die Akute Phase Reaktion nach minimalinvasiven Eingriffen beim Pferd (The equine acute phase response after keyhole surgery).
Pferdeheilkunde 22: 354-360
Ming Z, Dong H, Zhong Q, Grevelding CG, Jiang M (2006)
The effect of a mutagen (N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitroguanidine) on cultured cells from adult Schistosoma japonicum.
Parasitol. Res. 98: 430-437
Moussay E, Stamm I, Taubert A, Baljer G, Menge C (2006)
Escherischia coli Shiga toxin 1 enhances il-4 transcripts in bovine ileal intraepithelial lymphocytes.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 113: 367-382
Mütze J, Roth J, Gerstberger R, Matsumura K, Hübschle T (2006)
Immunohistochemical evidence of functional leptin receptor expression in neuronal and endothelial cells of the rat brain.
Neurosci. Lett. 394: 105-110
Nashev D, Toshkova K, Salasia S, Hassan AA, Lämmler C, Zschöck M (2006)
Characterization of an epidemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain spread in Bulgarian hospitals.
Prob. Inf. Parasit. Dis. 34: 35-37
Peppler, C, Kramer M, Gerwing M, Thiel C, Marek N, Wigger A (2006)
Sonographie des Pankreas bei Hund und Katze.
Prakt. Tierarzt 11: 864 - 858
Pesch S, Bergmann M, Bostedt H (2006)
Determination of some enzymes and macro- and microelements in stallion seminal plasma and their correlations to semen quality
heriogenology 66: 307-313
Pesch S, Bostedt H, Failing K, Bergmann M (2006)
Advanced fertility diagnosis in stallion semen using transmission electron microscopy
Anim. Reprod. Sci. 91: 285-298
Petzinger E, Burckhardt G, Tampé R (2006)
A multi-faceted world of transporters: Editorial.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch. Pharmacol. 372: 183-184
Petzinger E, Geyer J (2006)
Drug transporters in pharmacokinetics.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. Pharmacol. 372: 465-475
Rehn M, Diener M (2006)
Effect of the stable thromboxane derivative, carbocyclic thromboxane A2, on membrane potential of rat myenteric neurons in culture.
Neurogastroenterol Motil 18: 1084-1092
Reiner G, Hepp S, Hertrampf B, Kliemt D, Mackenstedt U, Daugschies A, Zahner H (2006)
Genetic resistance to Sarcocystis miescheriana in pigs following experimental infection.
Vet. Parasitol. 145: 2-10
Risselada M, Bevegems V, Putcuyps I, Hoybergs Y, Kramer M (2006)
Complications after left-sided pneumonectomy in a cat. A case report.
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 75: 165-169
Risselada M, de Rooster H, Waelbers T, van Geffen C, Vermote, K, Kramer M (2006)
A prepubic urethrostomy in a bitch after resection of the vagina and the distal part of the urethra.
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 75(1):35-40.
Risselada M, Kramer M, van Bree H, Chiers K, Duchateau L, Verleyen P, Saunders JH (2006)
B-mode and power doppler ultrasonography to assess delayed and non-unions – a clinical study with histological and radiographical correlation.
Am. J. Vet. Res. 67: 1354-1361.
Risselada M, Kramer M, van Bree H, Taeymans O, Verleyen P (2006)
Power Doppler assessment of the neovascularization during uncomplicated fracturehealing of long bones in dogs and cats.
Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound 47: 301-306.
Roth J (2006)
Endogenous antipyretics.
Clin. Chim. Acta 371: 13-24
Roth J, Rummel C, Barth S, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T (2006)
Molecular aspects of fever and hyperthermia.
Neurol. Clin 24: 421-439
Rummel C, Sachot C, Poole S, Luheshi GN (2006)
Circulating interleukin-6 induces fever through STAT3–linked activation of Cox-2 in the brain.
Am. J. Physiol. 291: R1316-R1326
Schmitz S, Neiger R (2006)
Hyperkortisolismus bei der Katze – ein Überblick.
Tierärztl Prax 34(K): 459-465
Schönenbrücher H, Abdulmawjood A, Bülte M (2006)
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Real Time-PCR-Verfahrens zum Nachweis von Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis.
Fleischw. 86: 123-125
Schönenbrücher V, Eisgruber H, Schönenbrücher H, Abdulmawjood A, Zens W, Bülte M (2006)
Fleischerzeugnisse osteuropäischer und russischer Herkunft – Untersuchungen zur Qualität, Verkehrsfähigkeit und Verbrauchererwartung
Fleischw. 86: 140-142
Schoner W, Bauer N, Scheiner-Bobis G (2006)
„Endogenes Digitalis“ – der lange Weg vom herzwirksamen pflanzlichen Toxin zum Hormon der Säuger.
Tierärzt Prax, 34 (K): 389-397
Schramm G, Gronow A, Knobloch J, Wippersteg V, Grevelding CG, Galle J, Fuller H, Stanley RG, Chiodini PL, Haas H, Doenhoff MJ (2006)
IPSE/alpha-1: A major immunogenic component secreted from Schistosoma mansoni eggs.
Mol. Biochem Parasitol. 147: 9-19
Schultheiss G, Hennig B, Schunack W, Prinz G, Diener M (2006)
Histamine-induced ion secretion across rat distal colon: involvement of H1 and H2 receptors.
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 546: 161-170
Seeger T, Kümper H, Failing K, Doll K (2006)
Comparison of laparoscopic-guided abomasopexy versus omentopexy via right flank laparotomy for the treatment of left abomasal displacement in dairy cows.
Am. J. Vet. Res. 67:472-478
Seidel R, Köhler K, Hecht W, Textor K, Bostedt H (2006)
Bericht über das Auftreten einer hereditären Chondrodysplasie bei Jungenschafen (Spider Lamb Syndrome)
Tierärztl. Prax. 34 (G): 94-100
Sharif M, Reinacher M (2006)
Clear cell trichoblastoma.
J. Vet. Med. A 53: 352-354
Staub AK, Kramer M, Thiel C (2006)
Traumatische Phimose als Ursache für Harnabsatzbeschwerden bei einem Terrier-Mix Welpen: Diagnostik und Therapie.
Prakt Tierarzt 87: 526 – 529
Steinbach T, Bauer C, Sasse H, Baumgärtner W, Rey-Moreno C, Hermosilla C, Damriyasa IM, Zahner H (2006)
Cyathostomin infection in horses: consequences of larvicidal treatment with fenbendazol and moxidectin.
Vet. Parasitol. 139: 115-131
Steiner AA, Roth J, Romanovsky AA (2006)
Hot, cool, and vibrant: Second international meeting on physiology and pharmacology of temperature regulation, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 3-6, 2006 (Editorial).
J. Therm. Biol. 31: 1-3
Stratmann N, Failing K, Wehrend A (2006)
Untersuchung zur Lokalisation und Dignität von Mammatumoren bei Hündinnen mit multiplen Gesäugeneoplasien
Tierärztl. Prax. 34 (K): 23-28
Taubert A, Hermosilla C, Behrendt JH, Zahner H (2006)
Reaktion boviner Endothelzellen auf Kokzidieninfektionen (Eimeria bovis, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum) als Ausdruck einer nicht-adaptativen Immunantwort.
Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 119: 274-281
Taubert A, Krüll M, Zahner H, Hermosilla C (2006)
Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum
infections of bovine endothelial cells induce endothelial adhesion molecule gene transcription and subsequent PMN adhesion.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 112: 272-283
Taubert A, Zahner H, Hermosilla C (2006)
Dynamics of transcription of immunomodulatory genes in endothelial cells infected with different coccidian parasites.
Vet. Parasitol. 142: 214-222
Thiel C, Frese H, Tacke S, Herde K, Kramer M (2006)
Verletzungen durch hölzerne Fremdkörper beim Hund. Retrospektive Studie über ein häufig unterschätztes Krankheitsbild.
Tierärztl Prax. 34 (K): 157-167.
Trasch K, Wehrend A, Bostedt H (2006)
Follow-up Untersuchungen von Hündinnen nach konservativer Behandlung der Pyometra mit Anitgestagenen
Prakt. Tierarzt 87: 174-180
Vandevelde B, Van Ryssen B, Saunders JH, Kramer M, van Bree H (2006)
Comparison of the ultrasonographic appearance of osteochondrosis lesions in the canine shoulder with radiography, arthrography and arthroscopy.
Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound 47: 174-184.
Vogel J, Szalay K, Geiger F, Kramer M, Richter W, Kasten P (2006)
Platelet-rich plasma improves expansion of mesenchymal stem cells and retains differentiation capacity and in vivo bone formation in calcium phosphate ceramics.
Platelets 17: 462-469.
Voss T, Rummel C, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T, Roth J (2006)
Fever and circulating cytokines induced by double stranded RNA in guinea pigs: dependence on the route of administration and effects of repeated injections.
Acta Physiol. 187: 379-389
Voytenko AV, Kanbar T, Alber J, Lämmler C, Weiss R, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Zschöck M, Akineden Ö, Hassan AA, Dmitrenko OA (2006)
Identification of Staphylococcus hyicus by polymerase chain reaction mediated amplification of species specific sequences of superoxide dismutase A encoding gene sodA.
Vet. Microbiol.116: 211-216
Walter J, Wehrend A, König M, Bostedt H (2006)
Parapoxvirus am Euter eines Rindes
Tierärztl. Prax. 34 (G): 20-26
Wehrend A (2006)
Current limitations and open questions in connection with the use of pharmacologic agents to control reproduction in small animals
39. Jahrestagung Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung 16.-17.02.2006 in Hannover
Reprod. Dom. Anim. 41, Suppl. 1: 39-40
Wehrend A, Hofmann E, Failing K, Bostedt H (2006)
Behaviour during first stage of labour in cattle: Influence of parity and dystocia
Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 100: 164-170