Research Group Dr. Anja Bielefeld
Welcome to the website of the Bielefeld Group!
- Overview
We are a junior research group at the center for materials research at the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU), working at the interface of simulations and experiments. We engage in modeling and data analysis of electrochemical systems, in general, and microstructure effects in solid-state batteries in particular.
If you're interested in working with us – as student assistant, bachelor or master student, PhD candidate or post-doc – feel free to contact us!
And have a look at the job portal of the JLU.
- What we do
Addressing, isolating and understanding electrochemical phenomena by experiments can be quite challenging in many cases. The research group Bielefeld switches perspectives and translates these phenomena into mathematical and/or geometrical models of reduced complexity. Experimental motivation, input and support are essential ingredients for our work at the interface of simulation and experiment.
(All-)solid-state batteries are in the spotlight of our work and we are particularly interested in microstructure effects and their influence on the battery cell properties. The goal is to develop (electrode) design guidelines and identify preferred cycling conditions by electro-chemo-mechanical experiments and simulations that complement one another. Therefore, apart from grain boundary effects or electrode characteristics such as composition and particle distributions, the shapes, sizes and morphologies of particles and pores are of interest for us.
- Dr. Anja Bielefeld
Center for Materials Research
Justus-Liebig University Giessen
Heinrich Buff-Ring 17, Room B 72
D-35392 GießenPhone.: +49 641 - 99 34515
Fax: +49 641 - 99 34509 (Secretary)
ORCID: 0000-0003-2193-8375
- Who we are
- Funding
BattFutur Junior Group Funding SiMba
Simulation, Microstructure Analysis and Optimization of Solid-State Batteries
French-German Consortium Project HiPoBat
High Power Batteries
Junior Group Funding within the Research Campus of Central Hesse
Modelling and Data Analysis of Electrochemical Systems
Consortium Project DELFIN
Digital Electrode Design for All-Solid State Batteries