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SIMS, Plasmas & Materials

Welcome on the webpage of the SIMS, Plasmas and Materials group. On these webpages, you can find information about the direction, the area of research, the publications and the teaching. As a subgroup, we are part of the WG Janek. At first glance, “SIMS, Plasmas and Materials” appears to be a very diverse combination of topics. At second glance, an analytical technique like secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) requires materials for analysis. Only specialist knowledge in the field of analytics and materials science enables maximum outcomes. The main interest lies in the investigation of diffusion processes in applied materials systems. This ranges from drug release from biomaterials and transport into bone, via diffusion in environmental polymers through materials degradation in low-temperature plasmas. A particular challenge lies in SIMS in-situ investigations of electrochemical systems, like solid oxide fuel cell electrodes and batteries.

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1. Janek, J., Rohnke, M., Pölleth, M., Meiss, S. in: Plasma electrochemistry with ionic liquids in electrodeposition from ionic liquids. Wiley-VCH Verlag, (2008) DOI: 10.1002/9783527622917.ch10


1. J. Janek, F. Endres, M. Rohnke, S.A. Meiss, “Deposition of Nanoscale Metals, Semimetals and Compounds of Said Metals and/or Semimetals on the Boundary surface between a Low Temperature discharge and an Ionic Liquid“. International Patent, PCTR/DE2007/000524, WO 2007/107152 A2 // German Patent, 21.3.2007, DE2007/000524 (2007)


116 S. Ray, U. Thormann, I. Kramer, U. Sommer, M. Budak, M. Schumacher, A. Bernhardt, A. Lode, C. Kern, M. Rohnke, C. Heiss, K. S Lips, M. Gelinsky, V. Alt, Mesoporous Bioactive Glass-Incorporated Injectable Strontium-Containing Calcium Phosphate Cement Enhanced Osteoconductivity in a Critical-Sized Metaphyseal Defect in a Crtitical-Sized Metaphyseal Defect in Osteoporotic Rats , Bioengineering 2023, 10, 1203 DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10101203

T. Lombardo, F. Walther, C. Kern, Y. Moryson, T. Weintraut, A. Henss, M. Rohnke, ToF-SIMS in battery research: Advantages, limitations, and best practices , Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 2023 , 41, 053207, DOI: 10.1116/6.0002850

114 E. Zorn, J Iven H Knaack, N. Burmeister, N. Scharnagl, M. Rohnke, S. G Wicha, W. Maison, Contact-Biocide TiO 2 Surfaces by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization with Chemically Stable Phosphonate Initiators , Langmuir 2023 , 39, 11063, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01366
113 C. Kern, S. Kern, A. Henss, M. Rohnke, Secondary ion mass spectrometry for bone research , Biointerphases 2023 , 18, 041203, DOI:
112 Y. Moryson, H. Hartmann, S.-K. Otto, X. Fang, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, Protective Coating for the Lithium Metal Anode Prepared by Plasma Polymerization , ACS Applied Energy Materials 2023 , 6, 6656, DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.3c00681

N. Burmeister, C. Vollstedt, C. Kröger, T. Friedrich, N. Scharnagl, M. Rohnke, E. Zorn, S. G Wicha, W. R Streit, W. Maison, Zwitterionic surface modification of polyethylene via atmospheric plasma-induced polymerization of (vinylbenzyl-) sulfobetaine and evaluation of antifouling properties , Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2023 , 224, 113195, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2023.113195

110 M. Einert, A. Waheed, S. Lauterbach, M. Mellin, M. Rohnke, L. Q Wagner, J. Gallenberger, C. Tian, B. M Smarsly, W. Jaegermann, F. Hess, H. Schlaad, J. P Hofmann, Sol‐Gel‐Derived Ordered Mesoporous High Entropy Spinel Ferrites and Assessment of Their Photoelectrochemical and Electrocatalytic Water Splitting Performance , Small 2023, 19, 2205412, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202205412

T.‐T. Zuo, F. Walther, J. Hao Teo, R. Rueß, Y. Wang, M. Rohnke, D. Schröder, L. F Nazar, J. Janek, Impact of the Chlorination of Lithium Argyrodites on the Electrolyte/Cathode Interface in Solid‐State Batteries , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023 , 62, e202213228, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202213228

108 T. Ortmann, S. Burkhardt, J. K. Eckhardt, T. Fuchs, Z. Ding, J. Sann, M. Rohnke, Q. Ma, F. Tietz, D. Fattakhova‐Rohlfing, C. Kübel, O. Guillon, C. Heiliger, J. Janek, Kinetics and Pore Formation of the Sodium Metal Anode on NASICON‐Type Na 3.4 Zr 2 Si 2.4 P 0.6 O 12 for Sodium Solid‐State Batteries , Adv. Energy Mater. 2023 , 13, 2202712, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202202712
107 K. Palanisamy, S. Daboss, D. Schäfer, M. Rohnke, L. Derr, M. Lang, R. Schuster, C. Kranz, Spray‐coated Hard Carbon Composite Anodes for Sodium‐Ion Insertion , Batteries & Supercaps 2023 , e202300402, DOI: 10.1002/batt.202300402
106 C. Glaser, Z. Wei, S. Indris, P. Klement, S. Chatterjee, H. Ehrenberg, Z. Zhao-Karger, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, To be or not to be – Is MgSc 2 Se 4 a Mg-Ion Solid Electrolyte? , Adv. Energy Mater 2023 , 2301980, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202302525
105 Z. Wei, D. K. Singh, K. Helmbrecht, J. Sann, Y. Yusim, J. A Kieser, C. Glaser, M. Rohnke, A. Groß, J. Janek, In Situ Observation of Room‐Temperature Magnesium Metal Deposition on a NASICON/IL Hybrid Solid Electrolyte , Adv. Energy Mater 2023 , 2302525, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202302525

T. Lombardo, C. Kern, J. Sann, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, Bridging the Gap: Electrode Microstructure and Interphase Characterization by Combining ToF‐SIMS and Machine Learning , Adv. Materials Interfaces 2023 , 2300640, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300640

103 N. Burmeister, E. Zorn, A. Farooq, L. Preuss, C. Vollstedt, T. Friedrich, T. Mantel, N. Scharnagl, M. Rohnke, M. Ernst, S. G Wicha, W. R Streit, W. Maison, Surface Grafted N‐Oxides have Low‐Fouling and Antibacterial Properties , Adv. Materials Interfaces 2023 , 2300505, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300505
102 Z. Wei, R. Maile, L. M Riegger, M. Rohnke, K. Müller‐Buschbaum, J. Janek, Ionic Liquid‐Incorporated Metal‐Organic Framework with High Magnesium Ion Conductivity for Quasi‐Solid‐State Magnesium Batteries , Batteries & Supercaps 2022 , 5, e202200318, DOI: 10.1002/batt.202200318
101 A. Karg, M. Kracht, P. Vogt, A Messow, N. Braud, J. Schörmann, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, J. Falta, M. Eickhoff, Enhanced epitaxial growth of Ga 2 O 3 using an ultrathin SnO 2 layer , J. Appl. Phys. 2022 , 132, 195304, DOI: 10.1063/5.0127232

Q.Ma, T. Ortmann, A. Yang, D. Sebold, S. Burkhardt, M. Rohnke, F. Tietz, D. Fattakhova‐Rohlfing, J. Janek, O. Guillon, Enhancing the dendrite tolerance of NaSICON electrolytes by suppressing edge growth of Na electrode along ceramic surface , Advanced Energy Materials 2022 , 12, 2201680, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202201680


Q. Ki Muhammad, M. Scherer, A. K. Opitz, S. Taibl, C. Boehme, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, S. Gao, J. Fleig, T. Frömling, Dislocation-Mediated Oxygen–Ionic Conductivity in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia , ACS Nano 2022 , 16, 16655, DOI: h10.1021/acsnano.2c06121


K. W Bossers, L. DB Mandemaker, N. Nikolopoulos, Y. Liu, M. Rohnke, P. de Peinder, B. JP Terlingen, F. Walther, J. M Dorresteijn, T. Hartman, B. M Weckhuysen, A Ziegler-type spherical cap model reveals early stage ethylene polymerization growth versus catalyst fragmentation relationships , Nature Communications 2022 , 13, 4954, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32635-z


C. Kern, R. Jamous, T. El Khassawna, M. Rohnke, Characterisation of Sr 2+ mobility in osteoporotic rat bone marrow by cryo-ToF-SIMS and cryo-OrbiSIMS , Analyst 2022 , 147, 4141, DOI: 10.1039/D2AN00913G


C. Kern, A. Pauli, M. Rohnke, Determination of Sr 2+ mobility in viscous bovine bone marrow by cryo-time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry , Rapid Communications Mass Spectrom. 2022 , 36, e9300, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.9300

95 K. Bomhardt, P. Schneider, M. Rohnke, C.R. Gebhardt, M. Dürr, Cluster-induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of highlighter ink: unambiguous identification of dyes and degradation processes based on fragmentation-free desorption , Analyst 2022 , 147, 333, DOI: 10.1039/D1AN01588E
94 T.T. Zuo, R. Rueß, R. Pan, F. Walther, M. Rohnke, S. Hori, R. Kanno, D. Schröder, J. Janek, A mechanistic investigation of the Li 10 GeP 2 S 12 |LiNi 1-x-y Co x Mn y O 2 interface stability in all-solid-state lithium batteries , Nature Communications 2021 , 12, 6669, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-268910.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105944
93 Y. Moryson, F. Walther, J. Sann, B. Mogwitz, S. Ahmed, S. Burkhardt, L. Chen, P.J. Klar, K. Volz, S. Fearn, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, Analyzing nanometer-thin cathode particle coatings for lithium ion batteries , ACS Appl. Energ. Mat. 2021 , 4, 7168 DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.1c01255

Q.K. Muhammad, L. Porz, A. Nakamura, K. Matsunaga, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, J. Rödel, T. Frömling,

Donor and acceptor-like self-doping by mechanically induced dislocations in bulk TiO 2 , Nano Energy 2021 , 85, 105944, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105944

91 F. Walther, F. Strauss, X. Wu, B. Mogwitz, J. Hertle, J. Sann, M. Rohnke, T. Brezesinski, J. Janek, A Working Principle of a Li 2 CO 3 /LiNbO 3 Coating on NCM for Thiophosphate-Based All-Solid-State Batteries , Chem. Mater. 2021 , 22, 2110, DOI:10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c04660

P. Schneider, F. Verloh, A. Portz, S. Aoyagi, M. Rohnke, M. Dürr, Direct analysis of ion-induced peptide fragmentation in secondary ion mass spectrometry , Anal. Chem. 2020 , 92 , 23 , 15604 , DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c03765

89 L. Portz, T. Frömling, A. Nakamura, N. Li, M. Ryohei, K. Matsunaga, P. Gao, H. Simons, C. Dietz, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, J. Rödel, Conceptual framework for dislocation-modified conductivity in oxide ceramics deconvoluting mesoscopic structure, core, and space charge exemplified for SrTiO 3 , ACS Nano 2020 , 15, 9355, DOI:10.1021/acsnano.0c04491
88 B. Kruppke, S. Ray, V. Alt, M. Rohnke, C. Kern, M. Kampschulte, C. Heinemann, M. Budak, J. Adam, N. Döhner, L. Franz-Forsthoer, T. El Khassawna, C. Heiss, T. Hanke, U. Thormann, Gelatin-modified calcium/strontium hydrogen phosphates stimulate bone regeneration in osteoblast/osteoclast co-culture and in osteoporotic rat femur defects - in vitro to in vivo translation , Molecules 2020 , 25, 5103 DOI:10.3390/molecules25215103
87 K. Glenske, K. Schäpe, A. Wieck, K. Failing, J. Werner, M. Rohnke, S. Wenisch, S. Mazurek, Effect of long term palmitate treatment on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells - impact of albumin , Bone Reports 2020 , 13, 100707 DOI: 10.1016/j.bonr.2020.100707

B. Kruppke, C. Heinemann, A. Gebert, M. Rohnke, M. Weiß, A. Henß, H.‐P. Wiesmann, T. Hanke, Strontium substitution of gelantin modified calcium hydrogen phosphates as porous hard tissue substitutes , J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2021 , 109, 722 DOI:10.1002/jbm.a.37057


S. Kern, C. Kern, M.M. Pradja, R.A. Düring, M. Rohnke , Spatially resolved indiffusion behavior of Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ in polypropylene, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2021 , 138, e49655 DOI:10.1002/app.49655

84 F. Walther, S. Randau, Y. Schneider, J. Sann, M. Rohnke, F.H. Richter, W.G. Zeier, J. Janek , Influence of Carbon Additives on the Decomposition Pathways in Cathodes of Lithium Thiophosphate-Based All-Solid-State Batteries , Chem. Mater. 2020 , 32 , 6123–6136 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01825
83 C. Kern, S. Ray, M. Gelinsky, A.T. Bellew, A. Pirkl, M. Rohnke, New insights into ToF-SIMS imaging in osteoporotic bone research, Biointerphases 2020 , 15, 031005 DOI: 10.1116/6.0000051

A. Portz, K. Bomhardt, M. Rohnke, P. Schneider, A. Asperger, C.R. Gebhardt, M. Dürr, Soft cluster-induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: How soft is soft?, Biointerphases 2020 , 15, 021001 DOI: 10.1116/6.0000046

81 T. Weber, T. Ortmann, D. Escalera‐López, M.J.S. Abb, B. Mogwitz, S. Cherevko, M. Rohnke, H.Over , Visualizing Potential‐Induced Pitting Corrosion of Ultrathin Single‐Crystalline IrO 2 (110) Films on RuO 2 (110)/Ru(0001) under Electrochemical Water Splitting Conditions , ChemCatChem., 2020 , 12, 855-866 DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201901674
80 S. Kliewer, S.G. Wicha, A. Bröker, T. Naundorf, T.Catmadim, E.K. Oellingrath, M. Rohnke, W.R. Streit, C. Vollstedt, H. Kipphardt, W. Maison , Contact-active antibacterial polyethylene foils via atmospheric air plasma induced polymerisation of quaternary ammonium salts , Colloids Surf. B, 2020 , 186, 110679 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.110679
79 S. Kern, C. Kern, M. Rohnke, Mass spectra database of polymers for bismuth-cluster ToF-SIMS, Surface Science Spectra, 2019 , 12, 025003 DOI: 10.1116/1.5096485
78 L. Ostheim, P.J. Klar, Y. Moryson, M. Rohnke, A. Beyer, M. Volk, M. Munde, W. Stolz, K. Volz , Effect of the interface morphology on the lateral electron transport in (001) GaP/Si heterostructures, J. Appl. Phys., 2019 , 126, 215704 DOI: 10.1063/1.5124049
77 P. Hofmann, F. Walther, M. Rohnke, J. Sann, W.G. Zeier, J. Janek , LATP and LiCoPO 4 thin film preparation – Illustrating interfacial issues on the way to all-phosphate SSBs, Solid State Ionics, 2019 , 342, 115054 DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2019.115054
76 B. Kruppke, A.S. Wagner, M. Rohnke, C. Heinemann, C. Kreschel, A. Gebert, H.P. Wiesmann, S. Mazurek, S. Wenisch, T. Hanke , Biomaterial based treatment of osteoclastic/osteoblastic cell imbalance – Gelatin-modified calcium/strontium phosphates , Biomat. Sci. Eng. C, 2019 , 104, 109933 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.109933
75 T. Weber, J. Pfrommer, M.J.S. Abb, B. Herd, O. Khalid, M. Rohnke, P.H. Lakner, J. Evertsson, S. Volkov, F. Bertram, R. Znaiguia, F. Carla, V. Vonk, E. Lundgren, A. Stierle, H. Over, Potential-Induced Pitting Corrosion of an IrO 2 (110)-RuO 2 (110)/ Ru(0001) Model Electrode under Oxygen Evolution Reaction Conditions, ACS Catal., 2019 , 9, 6530-6539 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b01402
74 F. Walther, R. Koerver, T. Fuchs, S. Ohno, J. Sann, M. Rohnke, W.G. Zeier, J. Janek , Visualization of the Interfacial Decomposition of Composite Cathodes in Argyrodite-Based All-Solid-State Batteries Using Time-of-Flight Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry, Chem. Mater., 2019 , 31, 3745-3755 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b00770
73 R. Mueller, A. Henss, M. Kampschulte, M. Rohnke, A. C. Langheinrich, C. Heiss, J. Janek, A. Voigt, H.J. Wilke, A. Ignatius, J.Herfurth, T. El Khassawna, A. Deutsch , Analysis of microscopic bone properties in an osteoporotic sheep model: a combined biomechanics, FE and ToF-SIMS study , J.R. Soc. Interface, 2019 , 16, 20180793 DOI:10.1098/rsif.2018.0793
72 C. Kern, M. Quade, S. Ray, J. Thomas, M. Schumacher, T. Gemming, M. Gelinsky, V. Alt, M. Rohnke, Investigation of strontium transport and strontium quantification in cortical rat bone by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, J.R. Soc. Interface, 2019 , 16, 20180638 DOI:10.1098/rsif.2018.0638
71 A.S. Wagner, M. Schumacher, M. Rohnke, K. Glenske, M. Gelinsky, S.n Arnhold, S. Mazurek, S. Wenisch, Incorporation of silicon into strontium modified calcium phosphate bone cements promotes osteoclastogenesis of human peripheral mononuclear blood cells , Biomed. Mater., 2019 , 14, 025004 DOI: 10.1088/1748-605X/aaf701
70 V. Kauschke, M. Schneider, A. Jauch, M. Schumacher, M.n Kampschulte, M. Rohnke, A. Henss, C. Bamberg, K. Trinkaus, M.Gelinsky, C. Heiss, K.S. Lips , Effects of a Pasty Bone Cement Containing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-Functionalized Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Particles on Metaphyseal Healing in a New Murine Osteoporotic Fracture Model , Int. J. Mol. Sci . , 2018 , 19, 3531 DOI: 10.3390/ijms19113531
69 S. Pilz, A. Gebert, A. Voss, S. Oswald, M. Göttlicher, U. Hempel, J. Eckert, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, M. Calin , Metal release and cell biological compatibility of beta-type Ti-40Nb containing indium, J. Biomed. Mat. Res. B, 2018 , 106 , 1686-1697 DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33976

K. Schaepe, D.R. Bhandari, J. Werner, A. Henss, A. Pirkl, M. Kleine-Boymann, M. Rohnke, S. Wenisch, E. Neumann, J. Janek, B. Spengler, Imaging of Lipids in Native Human Bone Sections Using TOF–Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Atmospheric Pressure Scanning Microprobe Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry, and Orbitrap–Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem., 2018 , 90, 8856-8864 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00892


S. Neudeck, F. Walther, T. Bergfeldt, C. Suchomski, M. Rohnke, P. Hartmann, J. Janek, T. Brezesinski, Molecular Surface Modification of NCM622 Cathode Material Using Organophosphates for Improved Li-Ion Battery Full-Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018 , 10, 20487–20498 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b04405


A. Henß, Svenja-K. Otto, K. Schaepe, L. Pauksch, K. S. Lips, M. Rohnke, High resolution imaging and 3D analysis of Ag nanoparticles in cells with ToF-SIMS and delayed extraction, Biointerphases, 2018, 13, 03B410 DOI: 10.1116/1.5015957

65 C. Fiedler, B. Luerßen, M. Rohnke, J. Sann, J. Janek, XPS and SIMS Analysis of Solid Electrolyte Interphases on Lithium Formed by Ether-Based Electrolytes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164(14), A3742-A3749 DOI: 10.1149/2.0851714jes

S. Ray, U. Thormann, M. Eichelroth, M. Budak, C. Biehl, M. Rupp, U. Sommer, T. El Khassawna, F. I. Alagboso, M. Kampschulte, M. Rohnke, A. Henß, K. Peppler, V. Linke, P. Quadbeck, A. Voigt, F. Stenger, D. Karl, R. Schnettler, C. Heiss, K. S. Lips, V. Alt, Strontium and bisphosphonate coated iron foam scaffolds for osteoporotic fracture defect healing , Biomaterials, 2018 , 157, 1-16 DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.11.049


C. Schneider, H. Weigand, M. Rohnke, Improving SIMS imaging of FIB bevel cuts with an elaborate sample holder,  J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 2018 , 36, 03F101 DOI: 10.1116/1.4989554


M. Göttlicher, M. Rohnke, Y. Moryson, J. Thomas, J. Sann, A. Lode, M. Schumacher, R. Schmidt, S. Pilz, A. Gebert, T. Gemming, J. Janek,

Functionalization of Ti-40Nb implant material with strontium by reactive sputtering, Biomaterials Research, 2017 , 21, 18 DOI:


61 R. Schmidt, S. Pilz, I. Lindemann, C. Damm, J. Hufenbach, A. Helth, D. Geissler, A. Henss, M. Rohnke, M. Calin, M. Zimmermann, J. Eckert, M. H. Lee, A. Gebert, High strength β-type Ti-45Nb processed by hot pressing and spark plasma sintering . J. Powder Techn., 2017 , 322, 393  DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2017.09.015
60 M. Kracht, A. Karg, J. Schörmann, M. Weinhold, D. Zink, F. Michel, M. Rohnke, M. Schowalter, B. Gerken, A. Rosenauer, P. J. Klar, J. Janek, and M. Eickhoff, Tin-assisted synthesis of ε-Ga 2 O 3 molecular beam epitaxy, Physical Review Applied, 2017 , 8, 054002, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.8.054002
59 S. Pilz, A. Gebert, A. Voss , S. Oswald , M. Göttlicher , U Hempel , J. Eckert, M. Rohnke, J. Janek , M. Calin, Metal release and cell biological compatibility of beta-type Ti-40Nb containing indium , J Biomed Mater Res Part B, 2017 , xx, xxx, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33976
M. Rohnke, S. Pfitzenreuter, B. Mogwitz , A. Henß , J. Thomas , D. Bieberstein , T. Gemming, S. K. Otto, S. Ray , M. Schumacher, M. Gelinsky, V. Alt, Strontium release from Sr 2+ -loaded bone cements and dispersion in healthy and osteoporotic rat bone , J. Control. Rel., 2017 , 262, 159-169, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.07.036
57 M. Rohnke, K. Schaepe, A.K. Bachmann, M. Länger, J. Janek, In situ ToF-SIMS monitoring of SOFC cathodes – A case study of La 0.74 Sr 0.17 Mn 1.01 O 2.9 model electrodes, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017 , 422, 817
56 K. Schaepe, J. Werner, K. Glenske, T. Bartges, A. Henss, M. Rohnke, S. Wenisch, J. Janek, ToF-SIMS study of differentiation of human bone-derived stromal cells: new insights into osteoporosis, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2017 , 409, 4425 doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0386-7

A. Wagner, K. Glenske, A. Henß, B. Kruppke, S. Rößler, T. Hanke, A. Moritz, M. Rohnke, M. Kressin, S. Arnhold, R. Schnettler, S. Wenisch, Cell behavior of human mesenchymal stromal cells in response to silica/collagen based xerogels and calcium deficient culture conditions, Biomed. Mater., 2017 , 12, 045003

54 C. Schneider, P. Schichtel, B. Mogwitz, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, Chemical diffusion of copper in lead telluride, Solid State Ionics, 2017 , 303, 119-125 doi: org/10.1016/j.ssi.2017.02.012
53 T. Khassawna, D. Daghma, S. Stoetzel, S. Ray, S. Kern, D. Malhan, V. Alt, U. Thormann, A.Henß, M. Rohnke, A. Stengel, F. Hassan, S. Maenz, K. Jandt, M. Diefenbeck, M. Schumacher, M. Gelinsky, K. Lips, C. Heiss, Postembedding Decalcification of Mineralized Tissue Sections Preserves the Integrity of Implanted Biomaterials and Minimizes Number of Experimental Animals,

BioMed Research International, 2017 , 2023853

52 J. Yue, C. Suchomski, P. Voepel, R. Ellinghaus, M. Rohnke, T. Leichtweiss, M.T. Elm, B.M. Smarsly, "Mesoporous niobium-doped titanium dioxide films from the assembly of crystalline nanoparticles: study on the relationship between the band structure, conductivity and charge storage mechanism" J. Mater. Chem. A , 2017 , 5, 1978-1988. doi: 10.1039/C6TA06840E
51 A. Ajay, J. Schörmann, M. Jiménez-Rodriguez, CB. Lim, F. Walther, M. Rohnke, I. Mouton, L. Amichi, C. Bougerol, MI. Den Hertog, M. Eickhoff, E. Monroy, "Ge doping of GaN beyond the Mott transition" 2016 , 49, 445301.
50 A. Gebert, D. Eigel, P.F. Gostin, V. Hoffmann, M. Uhlemann, A. Helth, S. Pilz, R. Schmidt, M. Calin, M. Göttlicher, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, "Oxidation treatments of beta-type Ti-40Nb for biomedical use" Surf. Coat. Tech. 2016 , 302, 88-99. doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.05.036
49 M. Göttlicher, M. Rohnke, A. Kunz, J. Thomas, R.A. Henning, T. Leichtweiß, T. Gemming, J. Janek, "Anodization of titanium in radio frequency oxygen discharge—Microstructure, kinetics & transport mechanism" Solid State Ionics 2016 , 290, 130-139. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2016.04.013

M. Schumacher, A.S. Wagner, J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, A. Bernhardt, M. Rohnke, S. Wenisch, M. Gelinsky, "Strontium substitution in apatitic CaP cements effectively attenuates osteoclastic resorption but does not inhibit osteoclastogenesis" Acta biomaterialia 2016 , 37, 184-194. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.04.016

47 M. Rohnke, A. Henss "Biomaterials—Potential nucleation agents in blood and possible implications" Biointerphases 2016 , 11, 029901. doi: 10.1116/1.4954191
46 K. Schaepe, J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, M. Rohnke, A.-S. Wagner, T. Schaaf, A. Henss, S. Wenisch, J. Janek, "Storage of cell samples for ToF-SIMS experiments—How to maintain sample integrity" Biointerphases 2016 , 11, 02A313. doi: 10.1116/1.4940704
45 A. Henss, A. Hild, M. Rohnke, S. Wenisch, J. Janek, "Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry of bone—Impact of sample preparation and measurement conditions" Biointerphases 2016 , 11, 02A302. dio: 10.1116/1.4928211
44 S. Ray, U. Thormann, U. Sommer, T. E. Khassawna, M. Hundgeburth, A. Henß, M. Rohnke, Ka. S. Lips, C. Heiss, S. Heinemann, T. Hanke, L. Dürselen, R. Schnettler, V. Alt, "Effects of macroporous, strontium loaded xerogel-scaffolds on new bone formation in critical-size metaphyseal fracture defects in ovariectomized rats" Injury 2016 , 47, S52-S61. doi: 10.1016/S0020-1383(16)30013-4
43 C. Schneider, P. Schichtel, B. Mogwitz, R. Straubinger, A. Beyer, M. Rohnke, K. Volz, J. Janek, "Thermomigration and Soret effect in Na x CoO 2 as thermoelectric material: Preparation and characterization of sodium cobaltate thin films" physica status solidi (a) 2015 , 213, 1284-1295.
doi: 10.1002/pssa.201532725
42 T. E. Khassawna, W. Böcker, K. Brodsky, D. Weisweiler, P. Govindarajan, M. Kampschulte, U. Thormann, A. Henss, M. Rohnke, N. Bauer, R. Müller, A. Deutsch, A. Ignatius, L. Dürselen, A. Langheinrich, K.S. Lips, R. Schnettler, C. Heiss, "Impaired extracellular matrix structure resulting from malnutrition in ovariectomized mature rats" Histochem. Cell Bio. 2015 , 144, 491-507. doi: 10.1007/s00418-015-1356-9
41 J. Hennemann, C.-D. Kohl, B. M. Smarsly, H. Metelmann, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, D. Reppin, B. K. Meyer, S. Russ, T. Wagner, "Copper oxide based H 2 S dosimeters–Modeling of percolation and diffusion processes" Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2015 , 217, 41-50. doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.02.001

J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, B. Woltmann, B. Torger, M. Rohnke, S. Arnhold, U. Hempel, M. Müller, J. Janek, "Detection of organic nanoparticles in human bone marrow-derived stromal cells using ToF–SIMS and PCA" Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2015 , 407, 4555-4565. doi: 10.1007/s00216-015-8647-9

Detection of organic nanoparticles in human bone

39 A. Gebert, S. Oswald, A. Helth, A. Voss, P. F. Gostin, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, M. Calin, J. Eckert, "Effect of indium (In) on corrosion and passivity of a beta-type Ti–Nb alloy in Ringer's solution" Applied Surface Science 2015 , 335, 213-222. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.02.058

Z. Ristanović, J.P. Hofmann, G. De Cremer, A. V. Kubarev, M. Rohnke, F. Meirer, J. Hofkens, M. B.J. Roeffaers, B. M. Weckhuysen, "Quantitative 3D Fluorescence Imaging of Single Catalytic Turnovers Reveals Spatiotemporal Gradients in Reactivity of Zeolite H-ZSM-5 Crystals upon Steaming" J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2015 , 137 (20),  6559–6568. doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b01698

37 K. Schaepe, J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, M. Rohnke, A.-S. Wagner, T. Schaaf, S. Wenisch, J. Janek, "Assessment of different sample preparation routes for mass spectrometric monitoring and imaging of lipids in bone cells via ToF-SIMS" Biointerphases 2015 , 10, 019016. doi: 10.1116/1.4915263
36 K. S. Lips, Ö. Yanko, M. Kneffel, I. Panzer, V. Kauschke, M. Madzharova, A. Henss, P. Schmitz, M. Rohnke, T. Bäuerle, Y. Liu, M. Kampschulte, A. C. Langheinrich, L. Dürselen, A. Ignatius, C. Heiss, R. Schnettler, O. Kilian, "Small changes in bone structure of female α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice" BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2015 , 16, 5. doi: 10.1186/s12891-015-0459-8

L. Pauksch, M. Rohnke, R. Schnettler, K. S. Lips, "Silver nanoparticles do not alter human osteoclastogenesis but induce cellular uptake" Toxicology Reports 2014 , 1, 900-908. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2014.10.012


M. Kleine-Boymann, M. Rohnke, A. Henss, K. Peppler, J. Sann, J. Janek, "Discrimination between biologically relevant calcium phosphate phases by surface-analytical techniques" Applied Surface Science 2014 , 309, 27-32. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.04.129

33 L. Pauksch, S. Hartmann, M. Rohnke, G. Szalay, V. Alt, R. Schnettler, K. S. Lips, "Biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles and silver ions in primary human mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts" Acta biomaterialia 2014 , 10, 439-449. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.09.037

J.P. Hofmann, M. Rohnke, B.M. Weckhuysen, "Recent advances in secondary ion mass spectrometry of solid acid catalysts: large zeolite crystals under bombardment" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014 , 16, 5465-5474. doi: 10.1039/C3CP54337D

large zeolite crystals under bombardment


Z. Ristanović, J. P. Hofmann, U. Deka, T. U. Schülli, M. Rohnke, A. M. Beale, B. M. Weckhuysen, "Intergrowth Structure and Aluminium Zoning of a Zeolite ZSM‐5 Crystal as Resolved by Synchrotron‐Based Micro X‐Ray Diffraction Imaging" Ang. Chem. Int. Edt . 2013 , 52, 13382-13386. doi: 10.1002/anie.201306370


A. Henss, M. Rohnke, S. Knaack, M. Kleine-Boymann, T. Leichtweiss, P. Schmitz, T. E. Khassawna, M. Gelinsky, C. Heiss, J. Janek, "Quantification of calcium content in bone by using ToF-SIMS–a first approach" Biointerphases 2013 , 8, 31. doi: 10.1186/1559-4106-8-31

29 U. Thormann, S. Ray, U. Sommer, T. ElKhassawna, T. Rehling, M. Hundgeburth, A. Henß, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, K. S. Lips, C. Heiss, G. Schlewitz, G. Szalay, M. Schumacher, M. Gelinsky, R. Schnettler, V. Alt, "Bone formation induced by strontium modified calcium phosphate cement in critical-size metaphyseal fracture defects in ovariectomized rats" Biomaterials 2013 , 34, 8589-8598. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.07.036

M. Göttlicher, M. Rohnke, A. Helth, T. Leichtweiß, T. Gemming, A. Gebert, J. Eckert, J. Janek, "Controlled surface modification of Ti–40Nb implant alloy by electrochemically assisted inductively coupled RF plasma oxidation" Acta biomaterialia 2013 , 9, 9201-9210. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.07.015


M. Rohnke, A. Henss, J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, M. Schumacher, S. Ray, V. Alt, M. Gelinsky, J. Janek, "Mass spectrometric monitoring of Sr-enriched bone cements—from in vitro to in vivo" Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2013 , 405, 8769-8780. doi: 10.1007/s00216-013-7329-8

Schematic illustration of the performed measurements

26 J. Schörmann, P. Hille, M. Schäfer, J. Müßener, P. Becker, P. J. Klar, M. Kleine-Boymann, M. Rohnke, M. de la Mata, J. Arbiol, D. M. Hofmann, J. Teubert, M. Eickhoff, "Germanium doping of self-assembled GaN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy" J. App. Phys. 2013 , 114, 103505. doi: 10.1063/1.4820264

A. Henss, M. Rohnke, T. E. Khassawna, P. Govindarajan, G. Schlewitz, C. Heiss, J. Janek, "Applicability of ToF-SIMS for monitoring compositional changes in bone in a long-term animal model" J. Roy. Soc. Interf. 2013 , 10, 20130332. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2013.0332

24 S.O. Steinmüller, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, "Low pressure oxygen direct current discharges with ion conducting yttria stabilized zirconia electrodes" Solid State Ionics 2013 , 245, 24-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2013.05.007

M. Schumacher, A. Henß, M. Rohnke, M. Gelinsky, "A novel and easy-to-prepare strontium (II) modified calcium phosphate bone cement with enhanced mechanical properties" Acta biomaterialia 2013 , 9, 7536-7544. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.03.014

22 J. Kokesch-Himmelreich, M. Schumacher, M. Rohnke, M. Gelinsky, J. Janek, "ToF-SIMS analysis of osteoblast-like cells and their mineralized extracellular matrix on strontium enriched bone cements" Biointerphases 2013 , 8, 17. doi: 10.1186/1559-4106-8-17
21 J. P. Hofmann, D. Mores, L. R. Aramburo, S. Teketel, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, U. Olsbye, B. M. Weckhuysen, "Large Zeolite H‐ZSM‐5 Crystals as Models for the Methanol‐to‐Hydrocarbons Process: Bridging the Gap between Single‐Particle Examination and Bulk Catalyst Analysis" Chem.–A Europ. J. 2013 , 13, 8533-8542. doi: 10.1002/chem.201203351
20 M. Rohnke, M. Falk, A.-K. Huber, J. Janek, "Combining high temperature electrochemistry and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry: Quasi in situ study of lanthanum strontium chromate manganate electrodes" J. Power Sources 2013 , 221, 97-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.07.139

H. Aydin, C. Korte, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, "Oxygen tracer diffusion along interfaces of strained Y 2 O 3 /YSZ multilayers" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013 , 15, 1944-1955. doi: 10.1039/C2CP43231E


A.-K. Huber, M. Falk, M. Rohnke, B. Luerssen, M. Amati, L. Gregoratti, D. Hesse, J. Janek, "In situ study of activation and de-activation of LSM fuel cell cathodes–Electrochemistry and surface analysis of thin-film electrodes" Journal of catalysis 2012 , 294, 79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2012.07.010

17 B. Laumer, F. Schuster, T. A. Wassner, M. Stutzmann, M. Rohnke, J. Schörmann, M. Eickhoff, "ZnO/(ZnMg) O single quantum wells with high Mg content graded barriers" JJAP 2012 , 111, 113504. doi: 10.1063/1.4723642

A.-K. Huber, M. Falk, M. Rohnke, B. Luerßen, L. Gregoratti, M. Amati, J. Janek, "In situ study of electrochemical activation and surface segregation of the SOFC electrode material La 0.75 Sr 0.25 Cr 0.5 Mn 0.5 O 3±δ " Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2012 , 14, 751-758. doi: 10.1039/C1CP21743G

15 J. Janek, J. Sann, B. Mogwitz, M. Rohnke, M. Kleine-Boymann, "Degradation of Functional Materials in Temperature Gradients-Thermodiffusion and the Soret Effect" J. Koreean Cermaic S. 2012 , 49, 56-65. doi: 10.4191/kcers.2012.49.1.056

C. Suchomski, C. Reitz, K. Brezesinski, C. Tavares de Sousa, M. Rohnke, K.-i. Iimura, J. P. Esteves de Araujo, T. Brezesinski, "Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Highly Ordered Mesoporous MCr 2 O 4 and MCr 2–x Fe x O 4 (M= Co, Zn) Spinel Thin Films with Uniform 15 nm Diameter Pores and Tunable Nanocrystalline Domain Sizes" Chem. Mater. 2012 , 24, 155-165. doi: 10.4191/10.1021/cm2026043

13 B. Laumer, T. A. Wassner, F. Schuster, M. Stutzmann, J. Schörmann, M. Rohnke, A. Chernikov, V. Bornwasser, M. Koch, S. Chatterjee, M. Eickhoff, "Exciton confinement in homo-and heteroepitaxial ZnO/Zn 1 x Mg x O quantum wells with x< 0.1" J. of Applied Physics 2011 , 110, 093513. doi: 10.1063/1.3658020
12 E. Mutoro, E. Crumlin, M. Biegalski, H. Christen, D. Leonard, A. Borisevich, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, Y. Shao-Horn, "Enhancing electrode kinetics of SOFC cathode materials by structural or compositional surface modification" ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY , 2011 , 242.
11 E. Franzmann, F. Khalil, C. Weidmann, M. Schröder, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, B.M. Smarsly, W. Maison, "A biomimetic principle for the chemical modification of metal surfaces: synthesis of tripodal catecholates as analogues of siderophores and mussel adhesion proteins" Chem. Eur. J. 2011 , 17, 8596-8603. doi: 10.1002/chem.201100715
10 M. Rohnke, J. Janek, M. Pölleth, S.A. Meiss, "Plasma electrochemistry with ionic liquids" electrodeposition from ionic liquids 2008 . doi: 10.1002/9783527622917.ch10
9 S.A. Meiss, M. Rohnke, F. Rettig, R. Moos, J. Janek, "Ion‐Conducting Probes for Low Temperature Plasmas" Cont. to Plasma Physics 2008 , 48, 473-479. doi: 10.1002/ctpp.200810076
8 M. Poelleth, A. Meiss, M. Rohnke, L. Kienle, S. Zein El Abedin, F. Endres, J. Janek, "Deposition of metal nanoparticles at ionic-liquid| plasma interfaces" Proc. of the 28th ICPIG, Prague 2007 , 15-20.

S. A. Meiss, M. Rohnke, L. Kienle, S. Zein El Abedin, F. Endres, J. Janek, "Employing plasmas as gaseous electrodes at the free surface of ionic liquids: deposition of nanocrystalline silver particles" ChemPhysChem 2007 , 8, 50-53. doi: 10.1002/cphc.200600582

6 M. Rohnke, C. Rosenkranz, J. Janek, "The influence of non-equilibrium defects on the anodic dissolution of a metal into a solid electrolyte" Solid State Ionics 2006 , 117, 447-456. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2005.12.002
5 K. Peppler, M. Pölleth, S. Meiss, M. Rohnke, J. Janek, "Electrodeposition of metals for micro-and nanostructuring at interfaces between solid, liquid and gaseous conductors: Dendrites, whiskers and nanoparticles" Zeits. Phys. Chem. 2006 , 220, 1507-1527. doi: 10.1524/zpch.2006.220.10.1507
4 M. Rohnke, T. Best, J. Janek, "Controlled electrochemical growth of silver microwires" J. Solid State Electrochem. 2005 , 9, 239-243. doi: 10.1007/s10008-004-0619-5
3 M. Rohnke, J. Janek, J. A. Kilner, R. J. Chater, "Surface oxygen exchange between yttria-stabilised zirconia and a low-temperature oxygen rf-plasma" Solid State Ionics 2004 , 166, 89-102. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2003.10.005
2 M. Rohnke, "Kinetische Untersuchungen an der Phasengrenze zwischen Sauerstoffionenleitern und Niedertemperatur-Sauerstoffplasmen" JLU Gießen 2003 .
1 J. Janek, M. Rohnke, B. Luerßen, R.d Imbihl "Promotion of catalytic reactions by electrochemical polarization" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000 , 2, 1935-1941. doi: 10.1039/B000002G