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Postdocs@Faculty Club

Foto: JLU / Silke Rapp

Do you already know the Faculty Club at JLU? This weekly format in the restaurant Heyligenstaedt is a meeting place for everyone at JLU to get in touch with each other and exchange ideas in an informal and interdisciplinary way.

The PCMO would like to use this setting to enable postdocs to network with each other over snacks and drinks and to chat with the PCMO referees in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Faculty Club is open exclusively to members of the Giessen University Society, so a membership is a precondition (information on this can be found here). However, the membership is not required for your first visit: we will be happy to take you along as a guest of the PCMO for a small fee of €10. 

Please register by e-mail to . We will then register all postdocs together at Restaurant Heyligenstaedt.