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The Center for Sustainable Food Systems at Justus Liebig University Giessen

The JLU Center for Sustainable Food Systems (in German Zentrum für Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme, ZNE) was founded in December 2022 to investigate and enhance the design and future transition to more sustainable food systems. Innovative solution concepts will be derived using systemar research approaches and advanced data analysis. ZNE aims to foster new multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary co-operations within JLU linking up basic and applied researchers to create concepts for food system improvement. Socio-economic and environmental impacts will be achieved through knowledge and technology transfer within the ZNE, and into practice through research-based teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students, targeted engagement in food value chains and in the public debate on novel technologies and approaches. The ZNE strives to connect technologies and approaches, develop strategies and inform food policy-making to ensure sustainably produced, affordable and nutritious food now and in the future.

Center for Sustainable Food Systems
Senckenbergstrasse 3
D-35390 Giessen
Phone: +49 641 99 37036


ARD "alles wissen" - training for the immune system

Film about the training and improvement of the immune system with the participation of JLU: Prof. Anika Wagner and Prof. Karsten Krüger


Prof. Ulrike Gisch in the ZEIT Online Podcast

Optimization podcast with expertise from ZNE: Prof. Ulrike Gisch


Overview of all news >>


useful information

Useful information on the topic of sustainable nutrition



Neatic (Natural eating with three ingredients checked) is a natural nutrition as an alternative to diets in which only three ingredients are checked: flavourings, sweeteners and sugar.



The blog does not deal with questions of nutritional values or production processes, but focusses on the role of communication and how it constitutes and constructs the world in which we live and feed ourselves.