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Professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW)

A professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW or FH) offers a broad and exciting spectrum of tasks ranging from practice-oriented teaching and application-oriented research to university management.

The job description differs significantly in some respects from a university professorship. Since the focus of studies and research is on application, the direct interface with practice is important. In addition to academic qualifications, several years of experience in professional practice are necessary for appointability (cf. the hiring requirements in the Hessian Higher Education Act under § 62).

As an association of HAW professors, the Association of University Teachers provides tips on how to apply for an HAW professorship. You can also find everything you need to know about applying for a professorship in our information brochure "Application for a Professorship".

On the website of the German Rectors' Conference you can search specifically for HAW.

As an example, you can visit the site of the association of the five state HAW in Hesse as well as the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt: