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Career Options

Programmes of further study at JLU

Having finished the Master's programme students can embark on doctoral studies.


Career options / Job market

The job prospects for Bachelor graduates are still difficult to assess, as the vast majority of graduates go on to study for a Master's degree in food chemistry or a related course. However, experience shows that there are job opportunities in commercial laboratories and in the area of quality assurance in the food industry. In addition, the Bachelor's degree is particularly familiar to large companies with an international workforce. It is to be expected that Bachelor graduates will have an advantage where a solid basic education, a low age and practical knowledge that can only be acquired on the job are required. 
The Bachelor's degree is recognised as a state intermediate examination (first examination section of the state examination for food chemists) and thus offers the possibility to continue the training to become a state-certified food chemist.


More on this: Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker (GdCH)