Models for human T-cell development
Mice with a human immune system constitute excellent models to further our understanding of the development and function of the human immune system, especially with regard to human pathology. However, current models need to be improved to overcome cross-species barriers. To this end, we have generated a BAC-transgenic mouse expressing human IL-7 under control of endogenous gene regulatory elements. Crossed onto the NSGW41 background, this model permits more efficient T-cell development with physiological ratios of B and T cells in the periphery and a diverse TCR repertoire. Strikingly, this model, termed NSGW41hIL7, permitted regeneration of mucosal immunity. This mouse model is well suited for studying human immune regeneration as well as infectious diseases of human specific pathogens and therefore provides an excellent platform for a broad range of potential collaborations.
Key publication:
Coppin E, Sundarasetty BS, Rahmig S, Blume, Verheyden NA, Bahlmann F, Ravens S, Schubert U, Schmid J, Ludwig S, Geissler K, Guntinas-Lichius O, von Kaisenberg C, Groten T, Platz A, Naumann R, Ludwig B, Prinz I, Waskow C*, Krueger A* (2021). Enhanced differentiation of functional human T cells in NSGW41 mice with tissue-specific expression of human interleukin-7. Leukemia, 35(12):356. * Equal contribution